Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 302 The envoy of Wei's North Korea, praying for Daqin's help

After Li Xin returned to Daqin, he began to train 300,000 soldiers.

Today, Daqin has an army of more than one million, but Zhao Tuo believes that the number of troops is still not enough.

In order to rule the vast land, Da Qin must have the same amount of troops.

The six kingdoms in the world and even the Tongque Dynasty, Donghu, and Fuyu all belonged to Daqin. The land of Daqin was unprecedentedly vast, and at the same time it brought pressure.

These countries that have just been conquered must be suppressed by Daqin officials and troops. At least within a few years, there will definitely be many remaining parties trying to regain power from Daqin's hands again.

In order to ensure Daqin's rule, Daqin must eradicate the remaining party.

Now the Huns have left behind 100,000 troops led by Meng Yi, Wang Yi and 300,000 troops are stationed in the Maurya Dynasty, Donghu, Fuyu have 50,000 troops from Daqin, and Kyushu Island has 30,000 troops, and Daqin has nearly 500,000 troops. The army cannot be in combat all the time.

In addition, there are occasional rebellions of the Six Kingdoms and 19 in various places, and the army of Daqin must be stationed in every county.

As a result, there are only 400,000 troops in Xianyang City. Although Da Qin's weapons are excellent, they can often defeat enemies several times stronger than themselves.

But Zhao Tuo was still dissatisfied with the number of 400,000 troops, because Zhao Tuo's eyes were not limited to the neighboring countries of Daqin.

That's why Li Xin trained 300,000 troops

As for the usefulness of the 300,000, Zhao Tuo has an idea.

At present, Daqin has reached the Xiongnu in the north, and further north will enter the extremely cold land. Daqin's army will not fight in ice and snow, so Zhao Tuo has no plan to continue to the north.

Taking the Xiongnu as the boundary, to the west are the Hexi Corridor occupied by the Wusun clan and the Yue clan respectively, and to the west is the so-called Western Regions. Although there is not much rainfall in Qiuci and many other countries, there are several large mountain ranges, many snow-capped mountains, and some places near rivers are rich in water and grass.

In particular, the ancient country of Loulan in the east of the Western Regions occupies the eastern gateway of this huge basin.

In addition, together with the more western continents, there are even many western countries communicating with the countries in the Western Regions. In Zhao Tuo's view, such a place must be won.

The limited oasis also determines that the country here cannot have too many people, and the number of troops is often very small. Once the Daqin army enters the Western Regions, I am afraid it will definitely be overwhelming.

Of course, the natural environment there was a huge test for Daqin's army, just like the extreme cold in the north.

Daqin is located in an area with good weather and seldom has a territory in harsh environments, which also causes Daqin's army to lack experience in fighting in harsh environments.

Looking at the map, Zhao Tuo is ambitious, and his goal is never just a small place like Kyushu Island.

"Your Majesty, Weiman has sent someone to envoy.

Just when Zhao Tuo looked at the map and imagined that all the countries in the Western Regions had returned to Daqin.

A eunuch walked in and respectfully reported to Zhao Tuo.

Zhao Tuo turned his head and revealed surprise in his expression.


A historian beside Zhao Tuo spoke quickly at this time.

"Your Majesty, Goguryeo is the country established by Weiman, and Weiman is an old man of Yan."

"After the Great Qin destroyed the state of Yan, I did not make further progress outside Liaodong, so this Weiman occupied the area outside Liaodong and called it Goguryeo.

After listening to the introduction of the historian, Zhao Tuo realized that Weiman was the current ruler of Goguryeo.

But why did Goguryeo send envoys to Daqin outside Liaodong?

Then Zhao Tuo looked at the eunuch.

"Let him wait in the main hall. 99

The eunuch withdrew after hearing the words, and then came outside the palace of Daqin.

The envoy from Goguryeo was looking at the Xianyang Palace of the Great Qin at this time.

The envoy's heart was full of shock, he couldn't imagine how much money and manpower it would take to build these huge palaces.

This is absolutely impossible in Goguryeo.

Along the way, the envoys were also shocked by the national strength and land of Da Qin.

From Liaodong to Daqin in 940, to Xianyang, I passed through many counties all the way, and almost every county was similar to their capital.

And this Xianyang Pass is even more terrifying. Along the way, the streets are prosperous, there is an endless stream of people, and merchants and sergeants can be seen everywhere.

Some things that the envoy had never seen before appeared frequently.

There are even some pearls, corals, sea fish... these things can only be seen in the sea.

The Daqin sergeant who came with the envoy couldn't help laughing when he saw the envoy's appearance.

The power of Daqin is something that these small countries can understand, and this envoy may not know that the powerful Peacock Dynasty has also been defeated by the army of Daqin.

"It is said that the Goguryeo envoys have an audience.

As the eunuch's sharp voice sounded, the envoy walked up the steps in fear and respect, and walked towards the largest Xianyang Palace in Daqin.

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