Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 306 2 hundred0st1 grains! Suppress the remnants of the mountains!

Among the mountains in the east of Nanjun, there are many ancient trees, densely covered with thorns, and sparsely populated.

However, there is a small village in the middle of a mountain. Although the village is small, it has all the internal organs, stone mills, and wells.

There is only one very secret path in and out of the village.

The sky in Nanjun was gloomy and cloudy.

At this moment, there are some big raindrops, which are falling continuously.


A figure appeared in the forest in the distance of the village, causing the water droplets on the grass to fall to the ground.

From a distance, it seemed to be a middle-aged man in his forties.

The "Nine Forty Zero" man was tall, but not bloated, but rather thin.

At this moment, he was wearing a mink robe and a bamboo hat, bending over and walking through the forest.

After half an hour, the man finally saw the village, and it seemed that someone in the village also saw the old man.

Afterwards, someone brought a long sword to meet them, and they chopped down a lot of vegetation along the way, and the last two people reached the village.

After arriving in the village, someone walked out immediately.

"Duan Que, why are you here on a rainy day... Come in, there is a fire inside."

Someone took the bamboo hat from the man's hand, took off the hood for him and hung it aside, and at the same time, he hurriedly invited him into the room.

Although the middle-aged man was soaked in the rain, his face was full of joy, and he sat directly by the fire.

"Good news!

The rain in late spring was still cold, and the middle-aged man laughed while leaning close to the stove to bake clothes.

The other person who was pouring wine heard the words and turned his head.

"What good news? It's worth your joy? Could it be that Da Qin is dead?"

Duan Que couldn't help staring at the words.

"Daqin is dead, I'm still here to find you, and I've long since returned to the old capital.

The three people in the room laughed when they heard this.

"Here, only warm wine.

The man took the bamboo cup and then talked about the recent situation in Nanjun.

"Recently, there have been heavy rains and rivers are flooding. A few days ago, Nan County has been affected..."

"Now the county governor and the captain of Nanjun are busy with disaster relief. No one has jurisdiction anywhere, and the chaos has turned into a pot of porridge. I think it is a good opportunity to come out of the mountains."

"I met a group of people in Chengxian, and among them there was a pavilion chief, who was loyal and righteous, and was dissatisfied with Daqin for a long time. I think we can let him respond internally, and we will take advantage of the situation to win this small county.

"In this way, we will have a foundation. After that, we will take advantage of the chaos in Nanjun to capture various places, and finally capture Nanjun with lightning speed. 35

When the three of them heard this, they immediately looked overjoyed.

However, one of them was cautious and asked one more question.

"Duan Que, are you sure that the capital of Nanjun County has also suffered disasters? Don't come out of the mountains and encounter Da Qin's army.

The middle-aged man smiled when he heard the words.

"Don't worry, I personally went to the capital of Nanjun to take a look. The military camps and granaries in the capital were all damaged.

The three people no longer doubted when they heard this, and immediately stood up.

"Good! This is a godsend opportunity!"

"Second brother, you immediately go and gather everyone, I will take two of them to the cave in the back mountain to get weapons."

This peaceful little village quickly broke the tranquility, and more than 100 people appeared in the open space in the middle of the village.

Although it was still raining, everyone didn't care at all.

"The plan has been said, everyone will act according to the instructions, remember that you must quickly win the county."

After that, more than 100 people dressed in mino clothes and hats, left the village directly, and went down the mountain along the trail.

Not far from the mountains, there are several villages, and there is a small town in the east of the village. The two small seals of Chengxian County of Daqin are engraved on the city tower of the small town.

Because of the rain, most of the people in villages and small towns hid at home and did not go out.

There are only a few people in the fields bending over to work while taking advantage of the rain.

"Who are you!!!"

One of the laborers had a sore back. When he raised his head, he found a dozen people standing in the rain looking at him. He couldn't help being shocked.

Then, the scarlet blood water spread out.

"Shouldn't we kill these people..."

One of them couldn't bear it, but the others looked at the dead old man with cold eyes.

"Maybe these people are sergeants who have been retired from Daqin, and our whereabouts cannot be leaked..."

The person who spoke at the beginning was silent and stopped talking.

Afterwards, the group entered the village directly, and almost none of the villagers they saw along the way escaped the poison.

The group changed into the clothes of the common people, and then went towards Chengxian.

The soldiers in Chengxian looked at these muddy people, and they let go 1.0 without asking any questions.

There are also many fields near Chengxian County. These fields are cultivated by people. Naturally, many people fled back when it rained.

Half a day later, the county magistrate, the county magistrate, and the county magistrate were all killed, and the Daqin sergeants were directly besieged.

As for Chengxian, some troops stationed in the county did not know that Chengxian had fallen into the hands of others.

At the same time, the food and forage delivered by a thousand Daqin soldiers had arrived not far from Nanjun.

"This unicycle invented by Your Majesty is so easy to use. If you use a horse-drawn carriage, you must have fallen into the mud..."

A sergeant said with a smile.

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