Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 362 General Han Xin of Nanzhen! Receive Baiyue to pass Qinsai!

"Chen Han Xin, see Your Majesty!"

In the main hall of Xianyang Palace, Han Xin, dressed in white feathers and black armor, knelt down respectfully.

After Han Xin was stationed abroad for more than half a year, he returned to Xianyang a few days ago. This time, Han Xin divided his troops from Kuaiji, Zhang County, and Lujiang County along the land of Nanyue, entered Minzhong County, and finally returned by boat.

Along the way, he deterred the remnants of Baiyue, the tribes, and prevented them from causing chaos. It was precisely because Han Xin suppressed the Baiyue land in the southeast that Zhao Tuo entered Huanling and wiped out the remnants of the Six Kingdoms. It would be much easier.

Otherwise, if the remnants of the Six Kingdoms unite with the remnants and tribes of the Baiyue land in the southeast, Zhao Tuo's southern expedition will definitely not be so easy. It must be known that the remnants of the Six Kingdoms have gathered nearly ten thousand people in just a few months.

"Get up."

Zhao Tuo's voice followed.

"Thank you, Your Majesty.

After Han Xin thanked him, he stood up. The trip to Baiyue for more than half a year and 19 did not let Han Xin wear down his will.

Zhao Tuo was very satisfied when he saw this scene. If another general had led Baiyue for so long, he might not be able to endure the miasma and insect pests in Baiyue.

"Tell me about the current situation of Baiyue Land.

Zhao Tuo looked at Han Xin and asked, since the first emperor conquered Baiyue, Daqin has rarely set foot in this huge land. Only a few established counties still have Daqin soldiers in them, but they are only maintaining the basic rule of Daqin. .

"Your Majesty, I have seen a lot of things during this trip to Baiyue, and I have even come into contact with some Baiyue tribes..."

Han Xin talked about the current situation of Baiyue. According to Han Xin, even though the land of Baiyue belongs to Daqin, he still believes in the patriarch or priest or even god of his own tribe.

There are even tribes that are not even aware of Da Qin because they are located in a remote part of Baiyue. Generally speaking, Da Qin's rule in Baiyue is very weak.

"This minister thinks that we should promote my great Qin majesty in Nanyue. Although there are many mountains, rivers and dense forests in this Baiyue land, there are also many mulberry fields. Many places often only need to be reclaimed at will and can be used as a world for farming..."

After listening to Han Xin's suggestion, Zhao Tuo pondered. The reason why Ying Zheng, the first emperor of the Baiyue Land, was abandoned was actually due to the blockage of traffic and rivers, and the problem facing Daqin today is still the same.

Han Xin's words were actually correct. Daqin really needed to strengthen its control over Nanyue and even Baiyue. Baiyue, with Ba, Shu, Nanjun and Jiangling Kuaiji as the guideline, was a large piece of unexplored land.

After thinking for a while, Zhao Tuo looked at Han Xin, who was in front of him. He thought about it, and probably only Han Xin was suitable for Baiyue in Nanzhen.

Ren Xiao could have gone on expedition, but currently Ren Xiao was stationed in Hexi County, if he were to be mobilized, he would definitely affect the Protectorate of the Western Regions.

"Han Xin, are you willing to replace Baiyue in Zhennan Town and subdue the tribal remnants from all over!?

Han Xin had always been fighting for his career. Hearing Zhao Tuo's words, he immediately knelt down to give the order without any hesitation.

"May it be for Your Majesty first!"

Half a month later, Han Xin led the 100,000 Daqin army to leave Xianyang again. This time Daqin sent troops not just to frighten the tribes in the Baiyue Land, but to formally subdue the many remnants and tribes in the Baiyue Land.

And with the help of these people from Baiyue, they are ready to open up the mountain. Although the land of Baiyue is not so difficult and dangerous compared to the land of Shu, it is also a huge project. There are nearly one million slaves in Daqin, of which hundreds of thousands of them joined the army and 300,000 entered the army. In Shu, the rest is only 200,000 to 300,000.

Zhao Tuo directly ordered 200,000 of them to go to Kuaiji, Jiangling and other places. This time, it is bound to get through Baiyue. In fact, this was absolutely impossible before, because the strength of the bronze farm tools was not enough to open mountains.

Fortunately, Daqin now has iron tools and patterned steel. Using these two materials to make tools as mountain-breaking tools, whether it is digging soil or crushing stones, is not so difficult.

The 200,000 slaves plus the remnant tribes of the Baiyue Land should be able to make their way in the Baiyue Land within a few years. As long as there is a road, Daqin's control over the Baiyue Land will definitely be stronger than ever. .

In this way, the land of Baiyue will no longer be the weak spot of Daqin. Not only that, but with the rich rainwater and unique geographical environment of Baiyue, it will definitely become another grain storage place for Daqin.

Moreover, Baiyue has many miscellaneous fruits, including citrus, lychee, orange, pomelo, bayberry, etc. It is also rich in cinnabar, copper and iron ore, which is more suitable for workshop business than the north.

At that time, there will be passages in the inland, and there will be ships at sea. Daqin can even transport goods in various counties and counties in a short time, which greatly strengthens Daqin's trade.

In addition, after the Baiyue Land is accessible, Daqin can enter the Yelang Land without borrowing water, and it may not be impossible to continue to expand southward at that time.

Han Xin first arrived in Hanzhong with an army of 100,000 troops, then entered Hanshui to Hengshan County, and then to Penglize, and then transferred to Lujiang County. Since then, he started his journey to the south.

With the help of the map obtained from the previous trip to Baiyue, Han Xin took 100,000 people through the major waterways and mountains. At the same time, Changsha County and Minzhong County also began to send troops to help.

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