Yun Chang was startled, her mind was blank, and she almost fell off immediately.

King Jing saw a sudden jump in his heart and roared at Yun Sang, "Ning Yun Sang! What are you doing?" What was she doing on a horse, she did not know, if she fell down immediately, Even if she was not killed, there are still thousands of horses behind her. If the soldiers behind were too late to step on the horse, her horse's hoof would trample her to death.

Yun Chang suddenly heard the anger of King Jing, and then returned to God, only feeling that his heart was uncomfortable on the fire, biting his teeth and grasping the reins, "Jing Wenxi, if the mother or consort Brother is in trouble, I will let your family be buried. "

She hated only that when she heard that Jing Wenxi had gone to Fengxing Palace, such an important episode never occurred to her.

King Jing heard her with a hateful voice, and hesitated slightly. What happened to Feifei Jin?

As I was thinking about it, I saw Yun Changhong turning her eyes. "Mother-in-law is in danger, I'll take a step forward." Then, she slammed down a whip, and the horse under him rushed like an arrow off the string. Out.

King Jing frowned. If Xiahou Jingguo and Li Jingyan together led troops to stop Ning Emperor, her death would be tantamount to death, and she hurriedly yelled, "Come back."

It ’s just that the people in front do n’t know. All that is in the center of the brain is the mother-in-law and her newly born brother, Wang Jing, who hated his teeth. “Ning Yunhang, are you really tired? If you were caught by the king, Live, my king must want you to look good. "After speaking, he suddenly yelled," Dark guard is still waiting to do what? Don't hurry to chase the princess, if anything happened to the princess, you can raise your head and see . "

Winds of wind swept overhead, and Jing Jing's heart lifted, but there were soldiers behind him. He didn't know if anything would happen along the way, so he had to move along with the large troops.

Yun Chang galloped all the way, and the horse under him was also exhausted and exhausted. Yun Chang gritted his teeth and said secretly in his heart that he would definitely learn lightly in the future.

Since Ning Emperor had said he would return to the palace, it was naturally a fanatical return. He must have followed the official path all the way. Yun Chang calculated that at this time, if he set off early in the morning, he should now have gone only one-fifth of the way. They only have a carriage, and they naturally move more slowly. I just hope everything is too late.

After galloping for about three hours, Yun Shang's whole body has been wet with sweat. At noon, the sun is poisonous, but Yun Shang can't care much. Seeing a forest not far away, my heart is slightly loose. In a breath, he rushed into the forest with a horse, but only walked less than a kilometer in the middle of the forest, Yun Chang slammed the stables and was shocked.

The road ahead was full of corpses, which stretched far and wide, and the official road was stained with blood. Yun Sang's heart was tight, she turned over and dismounted, and went over a dead body lying on the ground. The corpse was still hot, and it should have been shortly after death. The soldier's armor was worn, but it was not the armor of Ning Guo soldiers.

Xia Houjing? Yun Chang was secretly guessing in her heart, but her heart was even more flustered. After taking two steps, she saw that the body of other costumes fell to the ground, wearing an ordinary cyan costume, just a touch, but felt a hard one on her chest. Something, lifted the coat, and exposed the soft armor worn inside. As soon as Yun Chang's heart moved, ordinary soldiers must not be able to wear such soft armor. When he touched his waist, he felt a token. The word on it was "Dark".

Yun Chang's face suddenly turned white and dark.

King Jing said that the father emperor had a guard army of about 20,000, which existed to protect Ning Emperor. Could it be a dark guard who defended the father emperor?

In this way, the Dark Guard and Xia Houjing's soldiers had already had a fierce battle here. Yun Chang raised his eyes and looked at the corpses all over the ground, only to feel that his body was a little soft, and even the courage to lift his feet seemed to have been lost. .

After a long while, Yun Chang swallowed the saliva, took it easy, and took the horse all the way to the front. There seemed to be a faint cry of a woman crying from the front. The string at the bottom of Yun Chang's heart was suddenly tense. I hurried towards the front, but saw the end of the corpse, there were several carriages parked, and the decoration of the carriage seemed to be quite expensive. The cry came from the carriage.

Yun Chang felt a little guilty, ran to the carriage, the carriage was covered with blood, Yun Shang's hand was shaking so badly, he gritted his teeth, and went over one by one, but he saw that the front of the more ornately decorated carriages were empty. . The cry came from a cyan horse carriage in the distance. Yun Chang walked to the carriage and took a long time before tearing the curtain down. An exclamation came from the carriage, "Ah ... help ... ah ... help Ah, don't kill me, don't kill me. "

Yun Chang looked intently, but saw a strange woman's face in the carriage. The woman's face was full of panic, her eyes closed, her body trembling, and she held a little boy about five or six years old in her arms.

Yun Chang frowned, afraid that it was the people crossing the official road, to see such a terrible sight, was it scared.

Yun Chang sighed, Rao was very anxious in her heart, but after all, sighed lightly, "Mrs. Fear, I just passed by."

The woman opened his eyes slowly with a little hesitation, and when she saw Yun Chang's appearance, she burst into tears.

Yun Shang frowned, and saw a pink carved face from the woman's arms, staring at her blankly, Yun Chang was silent for a moment, and said, "Sorry, I want to ask What happened here, did you see it? I was in a hurry. My family will pass through here on the way home. I was here to pick them up, but I did n’t see people all the way ... "

The lady was speechless, but the little boy looked up at Yun Sang and blinked, "We didn't see it, the carriage came here suddenly ... it stopped, and the carriage driver screamed. It seemed as if she ran away, and her mother poked her head to see what was going on, and she saw ... "

Yun Sang nodded, turned around, turned over, and remained silent for a while, after all, "I'm afraid this road is not safe today, you still take your mother to take a detour." He paused, knowing that he must be around Followed by the dark guard, he called out a dark guard and told him to send the mother and son out before waving his whip and continuing to walk forward.

There were about a thousand people in the corpse in the forest, and she only noticed it. The Dark Guard seemed to be a minority, and it seemed that the father and the emperor had not suffered. However, she looked at the carriages in front. The royal logo was on it. I do n’t know. The carriages were originally empty, or they were ambushed on the road by their father and mother-in-law. They had to abandon the carriage and did not see the father-in-law. She should have been relieved. Now, it is the best news to not see the corpse. With such a conceited woman beside her mother-in-law, she felt anxious and anxious. Where was the mother-in-law?

Yun Sang was silent for a long while, and gritted her teeth, summoned all the dark guards and instructed, "I know that the Lord asked you to come to protect me, but I'm fine now, and I worry about Queen Father and Mother, you used light work Go ahead and check if the father and mother are in the vicinity. "

Standing in the forefront of the dark guard was a middle-aged man who heard the words and was silent for a long while before saying, "The Lord said, we need to swear to protect the princess."

After a few hours of rushing, Yun Chang was so scared that her face was very pale. Listening to her, she was a little bit whiter. After a while, Yun Chang laughed and pulled a dagger from her leg. , Cross her own neck, "If something happened to my father and mother-in-law today, this princess will die here, this princess will be alive and see, how do you explain to the princess. This princess is not weak and can protect Be yourself, you should go to the emperor and the concubine. "

The dark guards raised their eyes and looked at Yun Chang. For a long while, the middle-aged man nodded and waved his hands behind him, and all the dark guards disappeared in front of Yun Chang.

Yun Chang sighed, if not Ning Qian was posing as a queen in the palace, and she was vengeful, and she buried her people in the palace of Jin Mao, and she would not have threatened King Jing like this.

Anwei looked around and found no trace of Ning Emperor and Jin Fei.

Yun Sang walked towards the front again. After two more trees, she arrived in Fengcheng. What happened to the father and mother? The heart slowly calmed down, Yun Chang frowned, logically speaking, if it was at normal speed, their team was afraid that they had already passed the forest, but there were traces of battle in the forest, but the father and mother were not found. Concubine, are they back in Fengcheng again?

Yun Chang thought about it, so he asked the two dark guards to come to Fengcheng first to see, and the rest followed her.

After walking about an hour or so, they went out to a forest again, but this time, before entering the forest, the dark guard was on guard. "Prince, there is a voice in the forest in front of you, there are many people. "

Yun Chang was shocked, and she was heading towards the forest, but was stopped by the dark guard. "The princess is careful."

Yun Chang was anxious in her heart, but she did not lose her mind. She naturally knew that if she rushed in like this, if Xia Houjing and Li Jingyan were really inside, they would certainly not let themselves go.

She could no longer give them the chance to let them seize themselves to condemn their mother-in-law or King Jing.

Yun Chang groaned for a moment before saying, "I abandoned the horse, and we quietly entered the forest together. There were many obstructions in the forest, and the scene was chaotic. It was not difficult to hide the trail."

As he spoke, he leaped forward, and rushed straight into the forest, and Anwei quickly followed.

Yun Chang quietly dived into the forest through the grass, the voice in the forest became clearer and clearer, there was the sound of shouting and killing, the sound of weapons colliding, and the sound of someone falling down.

Yun Sang was hidden behind a tree by the dark guard, jumping from this crown to that crown, and the scene in the forest was unobstructed.

It was impossible to engage in the following. Before Yun Chang saw a piece of armor, he seemed to stand several people, and frowned slightly. One of them was a little familiar, and Yun Chang thought for a while before he thought that it should be Li Xiangxiang. .

Li Yanxiang is there, then the people around him should be Xia Houjing, can the father and the emperor be there?

Yun Sang asked An Wei to spare them and headed forward. In front of Li Jingyan and Xia Houjing, there were dark figures. Yun Sang took a closer look. Those black figures were dressed in the same clothes as the Dark Guard's body previously found in front. The Dark Guard is here, behind them, but the father and mother-in-law?

Yun Chang leaped toward the front and waited for the black figure to pass before landing on the ground.

"Who?" Yun Chang Fang landed, and two swords were already across his neck.

"Stop, you are Princess Yunshang in front of you, and now Princess Jing is distressed." There was a resentment from the Dark Guard behind him, and Yunshang turned her head and looked at her with a sword on her neck. His face was anxious, "Are you the Father's Dark Guard? Where are the Father and Mother now?"

The dark guard looked at Yunshang and the dark guard behind her with a little suspicion in his eyes. Yunshang touched his waist, but he did not know when his token had disappeared, but the sword was A little closer to Yun Chang's neck.

The dark guard behind Yun Chang hurriedly took out his token, "We are the dark guard of the royal palace, and we are ordered to protect the concubine Jing."

The Dark Guard just came to believe it, took the sword down, and made a salute towards Yun Sang, "I do n’t know if it is Her Royal Highness Princess, and it is offensive. Brothers guard. "

Yun Chang froze, turning to look at the Dark Guard who answered her own question, "The father and mother-in-law said that they left for the palace today and did not leave?"

The dark guard nodded, "Yes. The emperor's suspicious palace has the fine works of Li Xunxiang, so he suspected him, and wrote to Wang Ye that the departure today is to lead the snake out of the hole."

Yun Chang stayed a while, and then her heart came back to reality. She said that the father emperor had been seated on the throne for so many years, how could he be so careless, he had to return to the palace in order to make perfect preparations.

However, thinking of Jing Wenxi, Yun Chang was anxious again. As long as Jing Wenxi was in Lai Fengxing Palace for one day, she couldn't rest assured.

"The prince has brought reinforcements, but Li Xiangxiang is suspicious. I'm afraid he will doubt later. You should try to delay for some time." Yun Chang commanded and pulled a horse from one side and rode towards him. Come to Fengxing Palace.

It took me another hour to reach Fengcheng before coming to Fengcheng and the gate was closed. Yun Sang knocked on the gate and saw an archer appeared on the wall. The dark guard quickly identified his identity. Two people came out of the door and checked them before putting Yun Chang in.

Laifengxing Palace is on the mountainside of a mountain behind Laifeng City. Yunshang climbed up the mountain and it took a lot of effort to enter the palace. As soon as he entered the palace, he saw that the people in the palace were all in a hurry.

When Yun Shang pulled a palace man to ask, he realized that the young prince was sick.

Yun Chang was startled and bit her lip. Couldn't Jing Wenxi already start? Or against her brother?

Yun Chang hurried to the palace where Jin Fei lived, and saw that the gate of the palace was closed. There were still several guards standing at the door. Yun Chang stepped forward and was stopped.

"I'm Princess Yunshang, let me in." Yunshang frowned, looking a little displeased.

The guard shook his head. "The little prince has acne. In order to prevent infection, no one can go in."

Acne? Yun Chang's face turned white, how could this be the case? She naturally knows what it means to have acne in such a small child, and she is very anxious in her heart, but she is also confused with some doubts. The acne is usually in the spring and winter. Why is it that my brother has acne in the hot summer? .

"What about the emperor and the concubine?" Yun Chang asked in a hurry.

The guard answered blankly, "The emperor and the concubine are both inside."

"Mother-in-law! Mother-in-law! I'm Sang Er, I've studied medicine, you asked me to go and see my brother." Yun Sang shouted standing outside the hall door.

Yun Chang shouted for a long time, and was about to break through, but the door of the palace was slammed open. Yun Chang was about to rush in, but heard a "stop her," and the guard stopped Yun Chang outside the door.

Yun Chang froze, raised her eyes, and saw the mother-in-law standing in the door, looking at her from a distance, "You have never had acne, so you must come in."

Yun Chang quickly said, "Mother-in-law, let me in. I have studied medicine. I know how to take care of my brother."

Jin Fei was unmoved. "Zheng Ye also studied medicine, and she will take care of Chen Xi."

Yun Chang frowned, knowing that the mother-in-law would not let her in, sighed, and was about to step back two steps, and heard a delicate and delicate voice came, "Jin Consort, Xier has given Xiao The prince cleaned up his medicine. "

When Yun Chang froze, he saw Jing Wenxi stepping out of the temple. Jing Wenxi saw that she seemed to be stunned, and then greeted Yun Chang with a smile and said, "Why is Princess Yun Chang here? Princess Yun Chang has not had acne, or do not come in. If this chickenpox is infected, That's incredible. "

The expression seemed to be concerned about Yun Chang. Yun Chang's brows frowned tightly. For her arrival in Fengcheng, Chen Xi had acne. How could there be such a coincidence in this world, Yun Chang naturally did not believe it. It doesn't matter that Chen Xi has a acne. She believes in Zheng Ye's medical technique, but Jing Wenxi takes care of Chen Xi in it. If she really does what Chen Xi wants, it is dangerous for Chen Xi.

Thinking of this, Yun Chang put her hand in her sleeve, raised it up, and raised her hand to shoot at the two guards who were standing in front of her. Jing Wenxi was there, and it was inconvenient for her to expose her martial arts. But, it's easy to get in.

The two guards instantly softened, taking advantage of this opportunity, Yun Sang rushed forward, hugged Jin Fei's body, raised her eyes, smiled slightly at Jin Fei with a little solitude, Yang Picking up the silver needle in my hand and smiling, "These two guards are really stupid. I fell down with a silver needle. Fortunately, I followed Zheng Zheng to learn the technique of silver needle puncture. Now I have come in, Mother-in-law will not drive her away again. "

Jin Fei's face was a little pale, and she stared at Yun Chang for a long time before she said, "If you go out, if you get infected, what should I do?"

Yun Chang's raised mouth dropped, and he remained silent for a moment, then stood upright, facing Jing Wenxi, and silently opened his mouth toward Jin Fei. "Jing Wenxi has a problem, I can't let her approach Dawn. "

Jin Fei gave a slight look, and took a glance at Yun Sang before she yelled, "Come, cook the potion so that the princess and Miss Jing soak their bodies, put on clean clothes, and leave here."

Yun Chang shook her head, "Mother-in-law, since I have already entered, I will not go out again." Then, she turned to look at Jing Wenxi and said, "Miss Jing please take care of Chen Xi, it must have been out For those who have had acne, you will no longer be infected, so leave first. I'm here and everything is fine. "

Jing Wenxi opened his eyes wide and looked at Yun Chang with a little hesitation on his face, "But ..."

Yun Shang did not give her a chance to talk anymore. "Prince Jing took the soldiers behind and was about to go to the palace. I can't go out. Ms. Lao Jing Jing said to Prince Jing. After Chen Xi ’s acne was cured, I Then go out. "<

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