However, Yun Chang never thought that in the early morning of the next day, Uncle Liu came and spread a word, saying that Liu Yinfeng invited her to the main hall for dinner today. Yun Chang didn't know what Liu Yinfeng had made, so he followed.

The main hall was next to the house where Liu Yinfeng lived. When Yun Chang passed by with a shallow tone, Liu Yinfeng was already waiting at the table. The meals on the table were not rich, but just six simple dishes. Yun Chang went to Liu Yinfeng and sat down without a word. Liu Yinfeng took the lead in picking up chopsticks and began to eat.

Yun Chang didn't know what he planned, so he didn't bother to guess, and finished his breakfast very calmly.

Waiting for Yun Chang to put down the chopsticks, Liu Yinfeng said, "I heard Uncle Liu said that you have finished reading the book you sent the day before yesterday?"

Yun Sang nodded. "After reading it, the poems and songs are just ordinary books. I have already read them before, but I haven't read them. The travel notes and miscellaneous notes are somewhat different from what I read before. The scenery of Xia Guo has been a bit interesting. The annotations next to it are all from Xiongtai? The reading of Xiongtai is really very detailed, and those annotations are also very detailed. However, I am not quite able to calm down and study The book's man, so he looked at it with a gulp. "

Liu Yinfeng groaned for a while before he said, "Since that is the case, I will let Uncle Liu send some books with you. Presumably you also like piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, but there is a piano table in your house but no piano, later I also asked Uncle Liu to buy you a set. "

"Ah?" Yun Chang opened her mouth in surprise, and looked a little embarrassed. "No need, how long is Xiutai going to stay with me? Really old sick mother at home ..."

Yun Chang looked at Liu Yinfeng, with a little pleading in his eyes, but Liu Yinfeng pretended not to see him, and stood up, "It's time to let you leave when you leave, so you can stay here with peace of mind. "Your mother, I will send someone to take care of myself." Talking, then went out, but paused, "Yes, you will come here to eat with me." After speaking, I stepped out The main hall door.

Yun Chang sighed and stood up. Liu Yin Fengshang was so polite, she should never have discovered her true identity, but he had detained herself here. What's the intention?

Yun Sang returned to her house, and her head turned quickly. Liu Yinfeng was a military division of the Xia Kingdom Army. If Xia Jun launched an attack, Liu Yinfeng would accompany him, and Liu Yinfeng was still here, indicating that Xia Jun was still here. Nothing happened.

After a while, Uncle Liu sent pen, ink, paper and chess, and the piano and chess came. The piano looked extraordinary. It was a good guqin. Yun Chang got a little interested, walked to the piano table and fiddled twice. The clearer the sound, the better.

I was bored when I was left and right, so I played a tune at random, but it was "Phoenix Phoenix". When it was halfway through, Yun Chang suddenly remembered that this tune seemed to have been played with King Jing that night, and there was a smile in his mouth. I don't know when the next time I will see King Jing. I do n’t know what the situation is over there.

King Jing obeyed the order of his father and went to besiege Li Jingyan and Xia Houjing. Both of them were fox-like figures, but I was afraid it would be difficult.

I was thinking about it, but suddenly felt a little darker in the room, raised his head, and saw Liu Yinfeng standing at the door of the house, and the sound of the piano under his hands was disturbed. Yun Chang hurriedly held the strings, only to hear a few hums before she was quiet.

"Where's Xiongtai?" Yun Chang raised his eyes and asked with some doubt.

Liu Yinfeng seemed to be a little bit fascinated, and only a while later he replied, "I heard the song you just played. Is it" Feng Qiu Huang "?"

Yun Chang's face slightly reddish, Nana said, "I don't know, it's just a random bomb. Is it actually" Feng Qiu Huang "?"

"Did Xiao Xiao miss his sweetheart?" Liu Yinfeng said lightly, but with inexplicable coldness in his eyes.

As soon as Yun Chang's expression moved, a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. "Xiaotai joked, how can there be a sweetheart ... I'm afraid that I don't deserve a loved one ..." Bowed his head and fiddled with the strings.

"Ahem, cough ..." The shallow tone on the side was choked by saliva, and she coughed for a long time. Yun Chang turned her eyes and looked at Qian Yin lightly, and shallow tone waved her hands quickly, and then she calmed down and said quickly "My son is hurting again and again in the sad spring and autumn. Saying something indiscriminately. The son is so good, he will definitely find someone he cherishes."

The threat in Yun Chang's eyes dispersed a bit, which was good enough. If she broke her plan, she would have no amnesty.

Liu Yinfeng stared at Yun Sang for a while, and then said, "The appearance of the son is not exaggerated even if it is all over the country. Why do you say that?"

Yun Shang was startled by his country-wide admiration and quickly waved his hand. "Xiaotai is a great prize. In Ningguo, the appearance of King Jing is first-class, yes, and it is said that it is King Jing blue The prince of the family of Yan Zhiji is also very charming. Compared with these two people, I am less than eleven ... "

"Oh? Really?" Liu Yinfeng glanced at Yun Chang and turned away.

Qian Yin stroked his chest and said, "This man is just like a wandering soul. As soon as I looked up, I saw him standing at the door, but I was frightened." I looked at Yun Chang a few times and opened my mouth , But did not speak again, just sighed.

Yun Chang ignored her, and Qian Yin was silent for a long while, and then whispered almost to himself, "Poor Prince ..."

Yun Chang's eyes could not help but jump a few times, and it took a lot of effort to suppress the urge to shoot her, thinking in her heart that if she came out next time, she would never let her follow again, next time To learn a lesson, it is best to bring Qin Yi.

Both lunch and dinner were eaten with Liu Yinfeng in the main hall, but it seemed that the military affairs were a bit busy, and he became a little hurry to eat. Often, Yun Chang had not eaten a small bowl, and he had already stepped off the table and rushed study.

Yun Sang looked with a bit of care, and was a little annoyed in his heart. Even if he was in the same yard as Liu Yinfeng, he didn't know anything about Xia's team.

It was only at night that the dark guard brought news. It turned out that King Jing had won the house in the house five days ago. According to the dark guard, Xia Jun occupied the house and Jing Jing took 30,000 elite soldiers to bypass the gate. Entering from the back of the house, the Minjiang River rushed into the water, and the deputy general made a siege. Xia Jun went to the city gate to resist, but never thought that there were so many soldiers with good water in the hands of King Jing.

After King Jing entered the city, he gathered all the people together, guarded him, and pinched on both sides, forcing Xia Jun to go. Only the lieutenant's hands had only 20,000 people. Xia Jun went all out, but there were still thousands of soldiers guarding Xia Houjing and Li Jingyan to highlight the encirclement and flee north.

Yun Chang was shocked, but her heart was unbelievable, but after more than a month, she was so successful. Although Xia Houjing and Li Jingyan haven't been caught yet, soldiers with less than 10,000 alone can't make much of a storm.

After coming to this city of Kangyang, Yun Chang knew that marching and fighting was not as simple as she thought. Although she looked like a well-organized figure, she had spent a lot of effort in private and almost researched it.

Xia Houjing and Li Jingyan are not easy to deal with, but King Jing won so quickly, the most important thing is to regain the housing enterprise. If the housing company was occupied by Xia Jun, Ning Guo would be in danger for several minutes.

No wonder Liu Yinfeng looks so rushed today that something really happened. I am afraid that Liu Yinfeng is also the news just received today, and it seems to be caught off guard.

Yun Chang took the book, but couldn't stand it anymore. King Jing won, and then he would chase Xia Houjing and Li Jingyan with victory, or would he go to the border to support him?

When the house is lost, Liu Yinfeng of Kangyang City will surely win. If Kangyang City cannot be won, I am afraid that there will be nothing to fight in this battle. In addition, Liu Yinfeng had to win it as soon as possible. Liu Yinfeng was afraid that King Jing would come to Kangyang for support. If King Jing came, the odds would be a little smaller.

Yun Chang's heart was so tight. At the latest two days later, Xia Jun was bound to launch an attack.

However, her current situation ... Yun Chang frowned, and thought in her heart, and then she made a decision. She tried to get back the jade flute. If she couldn't get it back, she would wait for Liu Yinfeng to attack and leave. She ran away by herself. Although there was no dark guard to help, I was afraid it would be more difficult, but she and Qian Yin should still have a chance to win. But the ancient formation outside the house was a difficult problem.

As the army marches, the foot journey cannot be too fast. As long as she leaves the house, she can go round with the dark guard, let the dark guard pass the news back to the camp, and let the soldiers and horses outside the city of Kangyang react quickly.

Having made up her mind, Yun Chang called Qian Yin and drew her decision in the palm of her hand. Qian Yin nodded and nodded, her eyes a little excited. In the past two days, I was afraid that she would be sullen in this room, Yun Chang thought.

In the early morning of the next day, when Yun Chang got up, she heard a voice outside the house. Yun Chang put on the outer clothes and pushed open the door. Liu Yinfeng stood under the eaves of the south study and said something to a man. The man touched about twenty-six or sixty-five. His face was more resolute, but with a bit of domineering, Yun Chang's eyes swept over the man and fell On his hem, the pattern embroidered on the hem is a five-claw dragon, and Yun Chang's gaze was narrowed.

Prince Xia Houyan.

Liu Yinfeng first noticed the appearance of Yun Chang, and saw that Yun Chang frowned and looked at Xia Houyan. He looked slightly, and his steps shifted slightly, just blocking Yun Chang's sight. Xia Houyan had already seen Yun Chang, and a flash of astonishment flashed in his eyes, interrupting the talking Liu Yinfeng, "Well, why is there such a beautiful woman in your yard suddenly?"

Yun Chang and Liu Yinfeng frowned at the same time, Liu Yinfeng said, "This is a friend who lives here temporarily."

Xia Houyan had obvious ** in his eyes, Yun Chang was a little displeased, frowned, closed the door and returned to the room. Outside, Liu Yinfeng saw the situation, a smile flashed in his eyes, turned back and opened the study door, whispered softly, "Prince, please inside."

After a while, Uncle Liu sent breakfast to Yun Sang's house again, and smiled, "There are a lot of inconveniences to the son, today Xiao Xiaozi will use it in the house by himself."

Yun Sang nodded, ate some, and went to the soft bed to read a book.

Qian Yin was a bit unclear. So she frowned and looked at Yun Sang for a while before she stood up and said, "Yesterday a son praised Uncle Liu's bear tofu for doing a good job. Opened the door and went out. "

Yun Sang looked at the book, and forgot the time, and heard the door squeak open, thinking that it was shallow tone, and then said freely, "How? Have you learned it? If you have learned it, I will have oral administration. That bear paw tofu is really good. "

After a while, I did n’t hear Qian Yin ’s answer. Yun Shang turned the book slightly, raised his head, and saw Liu Yinfeng standing in the room looking at her, with a bit of indecision in his eyes. mood.

"Where's Xiongtai?" Yun Chang was a little confused on his face.

Liu Yinfeng said nothing, walked to Yun Sang and sat down for a long while. "In the future, if you hear the voice of a stranger, you don't have to come out."

Yun Chang frowned, but raised her eyes directly to Liu Yinfeng, and put a smile on her face, "Brother Taiwan ... who is it?"

Liu Yinfeng raised an eyebrow slightly. "Oh? What do you see?"

"Hehe, I met in Qingfeng Valley that day, Xiongtai insisted on binding the Xixia here, and didn't delve deep into it, thinking about what has happened, Xiongtai may have something to hide. But only the one I saw The man talking in Xiongtai ... he wore a four-claw dragon in his clothes. Is there a prince daring to embroider a five-claw dragon in this world? "Yun Chang said, staring at Liu Yin with a gaze. The wind seemed to see him through.

Liu Yinfeng smiled slightly and nodded, "It seems that your observation is also very good, that is indeed a prince ..."

Yun Chang looked at him with a little disbelief on his face, "We Ningguo did not have a prince, nor did the emperor have such a big son. You must not be a Ningguo. You appeared outside the city of Kangyang. Xia Guoren. "

Not a question.

However, Liu Yinfeng laughed. His face was clear-headed, but Dan Feng had a three-pointed charm in his eyes. "Yes, what you just saw was Prince Xia Guo."

Yun Chang held the book slightly tightly, and the pages were pinched and wrinkled. After a long silence, Yun Chang asked again, "Who are you then?"

Liu Yinfeng raised his hand, trying to touch the crown on Yun Shang's head, but was avoided by Yun Chang. Yun Chang stood up from the couch and looked down at Liu Yin Feng, "Who are you? "

Liu Yinfeng retracted his hand, touched his hair, and groaned with a smile, "My name is Liu Yinfeng."

"Liu Yinfeng ..." Yun Chang thought for a moment, then stared at Liu Yinfeng fiercely, "Xia ** teacher Liu Yinfeng?"

Liu Yinfeng nodded.

Yun Sang took a few steps back in a hurry, with a bit of coldness in her eyes, slightly twirled her lips, and sneered, "Oh ~ It's Liu Junshi ..." Then he turned around the screen and walked to Standing in front of the bed, a little excited in his voice, "Master Liu Jun, please go out, I can't hold your big Buddha in this room."

There was only a slight breathing sound outside the screen, and for a long while, a chuckle was heard, "Gong Xiao is afraid that he forgot. This is clear, is it my yard?"

Yun Chang snorted resentfully, and said nothing.

It took me a while to hear Liu Yinfeng's voice come again, but with a little bit of shivering, "I'm leaving this yard tonight, I'm afraid I'll be back for a while."

"The troublesome Liu Junshi put it back, and it has been almost four or five days since he was brought in by Liu Junshi. The old mother at home was afraid that she was already very anxious." Yun Sang said coldly, but her heart jumped suddenly. Is it tonight? Are they ready to launch today?

"Let you go back? I'm afraid it's impossible. I thought about it when you didn't know our identity. Now that you already know, I can't let you go back. If you put you back, you missed it. According to our news, aren't we gaining more than we can afford? You will be born here to stay. "Liu Yinfeng said lightly," After a few days, I won Kangyang City and returned, and let you go. "

"You are despicable," Yun Chang reprimanded.

But after a while, no one responded. Yun Chang frowned. Could she have gone out, but she never heard footsteps. Thinking about it, he poked his head out of the screen and looked at it, but seeing that Liu Yinfeng was sitting on the soft collapsed side and was asleep, Yun Sang hid again.

After a short while, the sound of soft footsteps sounded, and Yun Sang heard the door squeak, and then went out from behind the screen and returned to the soft couch.

Something came to her, Yun Chang reached out her hand, and couldn't help but feel a joy, it turned out to be her jade flute.

Yun Shang raised her eyebrows, only because Liu Yinfeng had just left it, presumably she felt that this thing was useless to him, so she simply left it behind. I didn't want to, it was a big mistake.

Yun Chang raised her eyebrows, took the jade flute, put it on her mouth and blew, and passed the news on.

Liu Yinfeng, Yun Chang smiled coldly, I'm afraid this time, it must make you go back.

When Qian Yin came back, she saw Yun Sang playing with the jade flute, and her face was also a joy, and he quickly said, "The son is willing to return this jade flute to the son?"

Yun Chang raised an eyebrow and said nothing. Qian Yin already knew what, and sat down beside Yun Chang with a smile, and attached to Yun Chang's ear, he said, "Master, that Uncle Liu's martial arts are not weak, we have to be careful."

Yun Sang nodded, she guessed that Liu Yinfeng would not be martial arts, there must be no masters to protect her, but that Uncle Liu's kung fu prevented her from finding out how high she was Qian Yin waited for the opportunity to approach and searched, as expected, as Yun Chang expected.

Fortunately, she has a jade flute in her hand.

At night, Yun Chang heard footsteps sounding outside, but Yun Chang didn't open the door, but heard Liu Yinfeng's voice in the courtyard telling Uncle Liu, "In these days I am away, I am very good at taking care of Xiao Gongzi."

Uncle Liu answered, and Yun Chang heard the sound of the door being opened, and Liu Yinfeng went out.

The night was getting darker, and Yun Chang turned off the light and lay on the bed. He heard no movement in the yard, and then picked up the flute and played ...

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