Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn

Chapter 263: Capture one by one

Those small details were cascaded together, and Yun Chang opened his eyes suddenly, "Go, catch the younger brother of the housekeeper in Jingkui House."

Qian Yin responded quickly and ordered Dark Guard to start.

Yun Chang stood up, "Let's go home."

Back in the house, Yun Chang only received the news from the steward, saying that Lord Wang had an urgent need to go out and let her not worry.

Yun Sang nodded, returned to the yard, and saw the letter left by King Jing and her again. She couldn't help but chuckled. It seemed that she had an attack like that yesterday, but it made Jing Wang learn a little bit. Qian Yin glanced over and looked at the letter, then laughed, "Is this the wife and slave in the playbook?"

Yun Chang glanced at her and said quietly, "If you have the ability, just wait for the Lord to return, how about saying it again in the presence of the Lord?"

Qian Yin heard the words and waved hands again and again, "No, no, no slaves have no ability."

"There seems to be no news from Yelang Kingdom recently? Do you know that the three princes of Yelang Kingdom can be in their imperial city?" Yun Chang muttered to himself.

Qian Yin tilted his head and thought for a while, "It should be, not a few days ago, it was not a letter saying that the prince of Yelang Kingdom had been stunned. Has the Emperor of Yelang Kingdom already set off to the Imperial City? Slaves remember the letter mentioned One sentence said that the emperor was leaving, and the three princes were in charge of the country. The three princes would be here if they wanted to come. "

Yun Chang thought about it for a moment, but didn't have any impression. It just reminded that the news that the Emperor Yelang was going to Ning Guo was told by the emperor. Later, the spies from Yelang Guo wrote a letter saying that it was the case. She I already knew that I didn't need to think about it, and I missed it when I wanted to.

"Since Cangjue Qingsu is in Yelang Kingdom, it should not be him coming, I'm afraid that he was instructed to follow here, and he wants to come too. Hua Jing is a line in his hand that controls Cangjue Kangning, and Li Jingyan It is Hua Jing's grandfather, and he certainly will not rest assured that Hua Jing is alone. "Yun Chang whispered softly.

"The princess, the princess, the emperor of the Xia Kingdom came again." A girl-in-law hurried over to report, Yun Chang once looked at her beside the housekeeper, smiled when she heard the words, "Where?"

The girl-in-law hurriedly said, "It was originally in the front room, but what he said was the sunshine today, so the housekeeper led him to the gazebo by the lake."

"I see." Yun Chang waved his hand casually to let the girl return to her life, but frowned slightly, "I'm afraid it's for his son again."

Qian Yin chuckled, "The princess must forget, and the prince is also his son."

Yun Chang sighed and stood up and said, "I've been a little bit angry recently, so please give me a cup of tea to send to the gazebo."

Qian Yin nodded, and said, "There were still some honeysuckle dried last year, and slaves went to get some to soak the princess."

Yun Chang took two girls to walk to the gazebo. From a distance, he saw two figures in the gazebo. Yun Chang frowned, didn't he come alone? Who else is there?

When I approached, I saw an old man with a white beard. It seemed that he was a little older, and was talking to Xia Huanyu, with a very respectful attitude. Seeing the old white-bearded old man a little familiar, Yun Chang didn't figure out who it was for a long time, he paused slightly, and then went over again.

After a ceremony, Yun Sang sat down, Xia Huanyu glanced at Yun Sang and said, "Today looks better."

Yun Chang smiled quickly, "It's better, the weather is getting warmer, and my body will be slightly better."

"You're too weak to be healthy." Xia Huanyu said blankly, seemingly very casual, "otherwise it's not good to be healthy."

Yun Chang nearly choked himself with a sip of water, and then he stabilized his emotions, but saw that he seemed unaware, pointing at the old man with white beard sitting at his hands, "This is Situ, Master Liu Jinliu."

Yun Chang remembered suddenly, Xia Guo Situ, Liu Jin. Liu Jin was the grandfather of the seventh prince, but it was only the mother-in-law of the seventh prince. It was only a maid of the palace. Later, after the birth of the seventh prince, his father and brother all obtained official positions in the DPRK. , And the seventh king's body is getting worse and worse. However, the Seven Lords were always intelligent and well-loved by the Emperor Xia, so Liu Jin's position was also promoted step by step, all the way to Situ. At the height of the Xia Guochaotang, at that time, Hua Guogong, Liu Jin, and Taiwei were still in control.

Later, due to the death of Empress Hua, the Duke Hua Guo resigned from the rank of General Tian Ce. Xia Huanyu showed pride for his meritorious service and gave him the status of a national father. Later, in the court hall, Liu Jin competed with the lieutenant, who was also the father of the queen of Xia Guo today.

What did Xia Huanyu bring with him? Yun Chang secretly said in her heart, but she smiled respectfully on her face, and said softly, "I've seen Master Situ."

Liu Jin's eyebrows were raised slightly, his face remained unchanged, and the voice of voice sounded a little cold, "Don't dare to be."

Yun Shang didn't know where he offended the Situ Master, causing him to be so indifferent. He just used to the cold face of King Jing, but he didn't find it scary. Yun Chang still laughed happily.

Qian Yin just brought the teapot and greeted everyone, "The honeysuckle tea of ​​the princess is here."

Yun Chang chuckled, and glanced at the tea cups in front of the two guests before nodding, "Okay."

Qian Yin helped Yun Chang pour the tea, and then she stepped aside. Xia Huanyu gently swept Yun Chang's tea cup and said softly, "It's a nice day today, and I'm here to ask you to play chess."

Yun Chang raised an eyebrow, and saw Liu Jin's utterance and halt on the side, and smiled, "then respectful would be better."

As instructed Qian Yin to go and pick up the chessboard and chess pieces, Yun Chang took the lead to pick up the sunspot and smiled, "Your Majesty doesn't mind Changer falling first?"

Xia Huanyu shook his head, and Yun Chang gave the first son.

After playing a game of chess for almost an hour, Yun Sang saw that Liu Jin called Yamei to make tea six times, and made several other respects. She tried to speak three times and raised her eyes to look at Xia Huanyu's look, and she closed her mouth silently.

Yun Chang was curious about what Liu Jin was going to do, but she also slowed down casually.

After a game of chess is over, Yun Chang loses, but he doesn't care, he smiles and says, "Your Majesty is exquisite, and Admiral is admired. Why not ..."

It seemed as if he was afraid that Yun Chang said he would have another set, then Liu Jin hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, it's too late." It seemed to be intentionally reminding something.

Xia Huanyu was silent for a moment, raised his eyes and looked at the sky, and frowned slightly. "It's really not too early. Inadvertently, a game of chess has been played for such a long time. Let's stop here today, and the widow will go back."

Yun Chang smiled and stared at Liu Jin's eyes widened and narrowed for a long time. After seeing Xia Huanyu stood up, he hurriedly said, "Mr. Emperor, we have one more thing to ask Princess Jing today!"

When Xia Huanyu heard the words, he seemed to be indifferent, "Oh ... yes, did King Jing tell you when he will return? There are still things in the North Central, and the widow thinks, if King Jing returns, let him He packed up and returned to Xia Kingdom with the widow. "

I'm afraid that this is not what Liu Jin wants to ask. Yun Chang can't help but smile when he sees that he can't help but say, "Master Wang hasn't told me, but the case is still unknown , And it involves a great deal, if secretly there is no result, I am afraid that Wang Ye will be unable to go to Xia Kingdom. "

"This way ..." Xia Huanyu murmured, "I know it." Then he turned and left.

Yun Sang was silent for a while and framed King Jing Xia, and King Xia Guoqi also participated. If this matter was uncovered, it would be difficult to be good. Between the two sons, there is a slight weight and I am afraid I have to make a choice. Already.

Yun Chang suddenly knew why Liu Jin was here. Liu Jin was the grandfather of the Seven Princes. The only purpose of coming here was to ask the whereabouts of his grandsons. The seventh Prince Xia Guo suddenly disappeared. Small, not to mention that now Prince Xia Guo is dead.

Yun Chang thought, then turned and walked toward the courtyard. When he returned to the courtyard, King Jing had already returned. It seemed that after a fight, his hair was slightly messy, and there was sweat on his forehead. Yun Chang quickly instructed Qian Yin to prepare hot water, and then she came over and brought the king's changing clothes to her. "What did you do?"

King Jing smiled softly and said, "I have a bad smell of sweat on my body. I'll wash it before I come to tell you."

Yun Chang nodded and watched him enter the Jingfang room before pouring another cup of tea to sit on the couch and drinking. After a while, he saw King Jing came out of the Jingfang room and Yun Chang stood up. , Took a dry cloth to wrap his hair and wipe it.

"Have you just seen the guest before? Is Xia Huanyu?" King Jing opened his mouth slowly with his eyes closed, but said something irrelevant.

Yun Chang bowed his head, "Xia Huanyu came with Liu Jin. I guess Liu Jin wanted to inquire about the whereabouts of the seven kings, but Xia Huanyu never spoke. I just played a game of chess with him, and he left and left. He asked me before if you told me when I would return to the palace, and I said no. He only said that he would set off in a few days and hoped that you would go to Xia Kingdom with him. "

Jing Wang heard his expression frown, and for a moment was silent, then slowly turned away:

"I heard that you took a lot of people to Yumanlou today?"

Yun Chang nodded. "After the previous incident, I instructed Qian Yin to inquire about the strange things that ordinary people have encountered in those days. But there has been no news. I wondered if it was Qian Yin who told me When it was passed, I went there personally. Before that, I had been thinking that the individuals in Xia Guo had no deep hatred with Cang Jue Kangning, why did they have to Cang Jue Kanging's life. I felt that I was afraid of something. I ignored it. "

"Huh? What did you hear? Look at you, it looks like a lot of gain."

Yun Sang frowned and nodded, "It really made you right, it was a bit of a gain. On the day of the fire, there was a jailer in the prison, not because his body was too weak, so he got the Buddha incense. Have you taken orders from someone else? Someone dressed as Yelang went to the jailer ’s house, and I suspect he was poisoned by him. And the master of counterfeiting, who was found by the brother of the housekeeper in Jingkui House, the housekeeper My brother is also the one who took the lead in Yumanlou that day and recognized your voice. The beggar at the gate of the city said that some people from Yelang Kingdom entered the Imperial City some time ago, but they were dressed as Ning Guoren. And also speak Ning Guohua. "

Yun Chang reached out and touched King Jing's hair. When he saw that it was not dry, he continued to wipe it. "I think about it, I'm afraid that the only thing I overlooked in the middle is the people in Yelang Kingdom." Whether it is poisoning or entering the city to pretend to be Ning people, because I think about it, and want to Cangjue Kangning's life, but those who have close relations with Li Jing, they are afraid that only Cangjue Qingsu. "

"Thinking like that, many things suddenly became transparent. For example, although I learned from Liu Yinfeng's mouth that the jailer in the prison was deceived by the Buddha incense, how did the Buddha incense enter the heaven prison? Yun Chang narrowed his eyes. "Because of the suspicion that I went to Cangjue Qingsu, I also wanted to understand it. It must be Hua Jing. Hua Jing had previously slandered me, not trying to harm me, but trying to enter." prison."

Jing Wang heard the words and nodded, "Well, you are similar to what I suspected, but I did not think too much and did not find tangible evidence, but I knew that Yelang state-owned people entered the imperial city, and those people today want While Li Jingyan fell into my hands, I took Ning Huajing away from the imperial city. "

Yun Chang's eyes lit up suddenly, and he stopped his hand. "You mean, you left the palace before to chase those Yelang people?"

King Jing bowed his head, "I have fought with Cang Jue Qing Su for so many years, and I have placed a lot of fine works around him, so I am clear about his actions."

"What's wrong?" Yun Chang hurriedly asked, "but caught? Ning Huajing?"

King Jing heard the words, turned to look at Yun Chang, and smiled like a fox, "I knew you wanted to ask Ning Huajing, rest assured, I'm going out, how can there be nothing? All caught up, I thought If you are aware of this matter, you are afraid to ask Ning Huajing, and you will be asked to bring Ning Huajing back to Fuzhong alone. If you want to see it, you can go later. "<

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