Yun Chang thought carefully, and realized that this possibility, although seemingly absurd, was the most reasonable explanation. She hadn't thought about it before because she always felt that the queen and Princess Shen Shu were rivals, only that the grievances were very difficult to resolve. But never thought that in this world, there will never be friends forever, or enemies forever, but only eternal interests.

When Yun Chang just heard that Huaiya said, she felt a little strange. Even if this girl named Huaiya gave Xia Huanyu's cup medicine, Shen Shufei should be in the temple, why don't she know? Liu Wen'an is a person trusted by Xia Huanyu, and she will never lie. If she really lost her consciousness last night, as Shen Shufei said, she woke up under the bed today. How could Liu Wen'an have never heard anything? The only explanation was that Shen Shufei lied.

The queen and Princess Shen Shu are so united, is it just for her to admit that she sent some medicine to the palace? Such charges, even if held on her head, are at best punished. The Queen and Shen Shufei will certainly not make such a trifle, but I am afraid that they have other purposes.

Yun Sang dared to come in, and she had made all the preparations. If she wanted to, she could make the so-called purple jade inlaid gold jewels useless, but if the Queen and Shen Shufei still have other ideas, she It's a bit unwise now to throw the hole cards.

Yun Chang thought in his heart like this, just whispered, "Now I want to come, presumably it was the maid who knocked me out of Weiyang Palace that day and ran away that bitch."

The queen heard the words and sighed frowningly. "It's just that you don't have the purple jade pendant, and you can't prove that the maid lied."

He paused and said, "It's just that the maid said that the medicine was placed in the dumpling. It is better to ask the doctor to see if there is any trace of the medicine in the dumpling. Is it the same medicine? "

Yun Chang's body was a little meal, her eyelids were lifted slightly, the medicine, so long, why the queen never asked the doctor to see what medicine Xia Huanyu was, but at this time, could it be? What's wrong with medicine?

Xia Huanyu nodded faintly, but did not speak, but glanced away casually from Yun Chang. Yun Chang was silent for a long time, and there was a little spectrum in her heart.

The Taiyi came very quickly. Several people came together, and it was almost so that Yun Sang could feel it. I was afraid that the Taiyi was outside the Shuya Palace, waiting to be called at any time.

The doctor took the cricket, took down the flower cricket, looked at the hollowed place carefully, took a paper pad on the table, took another silver needle, and carefully scraped it in the cricket. . The silver needle had not changed color, but a little white powder fell from the rafter and fell on the paper.

The Taiyi quickly picked up the paper, identified it for a moment, smelled the smell, looked at the color, and finally asked Xia Huanyu some symptoms after taking the medicine. After discussing it again for a long time, he knelt forward a little hesitantly, "Your Majesty, this medicine, I'm afraid it's cold food."

Cold food scattered in three words, everyone in the hall changed his face, even before it always seemed a little absent-minded, Xia Huanyu frowned, and a flash of cold light flashed in his eyes.

Yun Chang's eyes flashed a few moments to realize, it turned out to be so. Han Shi San is a drug banned by the court. Because of this, some folk Taoists used the name of immortal to lure the ancestor emperor to take this medicine. Plenty of energy, also has the effect of tanning medicine. But long-term service will cause people to poison and die. The ancestor emperor was bewitched by the Taoists, convinced that this Tao gave the Taoists extremely high powers, but ended up poisoned and killed the country, and since then, Han Shi San has been listed as the first to ban drugs.

Attempting to bring drugs into the palace is a capital crime. The drug was also put in the tea cup of the emperor, and it was even the crime of dividing horses into corpses.

Yun Chang smiled coldly, the queen and Princess Shen Shu were not indifferent in order to kill her, but the palace maid was too sloppy.

The queen opened her mouth again. "This matter is very important. Although Princess Rui is the most suspicious person, this matter still needs to be investigated in detail. It is better to put Princess Rui in jail now and let the matter repeat. Scrutinize it, and try it again? "

In jail? Yun Chang was stunned, but she didn't understand what the queen was thinking. Since the queen and Shen Shufei worked so hard together to deal with her, there must be other evidence in her hand, but why didn't she take advantage of this? Opportunity was taken out all at once, but she chose to be put in prison.

"And Princess Rui is a person with an identity after all. I'm afraid I have to send someone to talk to King Rui." Shen Shufei on the side spoke softly, her voice was gentle, and her words were reasonable and reasonable, but let Yun Sang's mind was as clear as a maggot, and she became clear for a moment.

King Rui ...

The purpose of the queen and concubine Shen, besides her, is the most important, I am afraid to come to King Rui, who is their greatest enemy.

Everyone knows that Luo Qingyan favors his wife, and firstly puts Yun Changan on a felony for banning the emperor, and puts Yun Chang in jail, just for the sake of opening up the heavens and waiting for Luo Qingyan to rob him. If Luo Qingyan came to rob the prison, they would come up with evidence to bring Yun Chang into the palace for forbidden drugs and murder Xia Huanyu. The crime of Luo Qingyan who came to rob the prison is definitely a felony. Even if Luo Qingyan didn't do anything, if she was crowned with this crime, they would be able to put Luo Qingyan on a commanded charge. Luo Qingyan wanted a throne, which is tantamount to dreaming.

Yun Chang thought, and couldn't help laughing, the queen and concubine Shen were really painstaking.

It is just that Yun Chang wants to know what kind of evidence they have in their hands.

"Catch the thief and the loot, with just such a mule, and a palace man with a lot of testimony loopholes, I have to convict me, I'm afraid there is something wrong with it." Yun Chang smiled lightly, showing nothing in the face. The strange color, "This palace man named Huaiya is a lady in the concubine's palace. Soon after I arrived in Xia Kingdom, I entered the palace countless times. How did I know her? Why was she? Want to do something for me? And everyone knows that this cold food is banned, and it is very difficult to buy in the private sector. Where did I get this medicine? Besides, I am more than that girl I saw it once that night and I never saw it again. Why did I ... help her? The matter was doubtful everywhere, so I couldn't wait to convict me, wasn't it a joke? "<

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