Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn

Chapter 357: Escape from the dead

Yun Chang squinted and looked at it for a long time, Fang squatted down cautiously, and put his hand on the quilt, and found nothing abnormal. There were footsteps, but it seemed to be coming towards Yun Sang, and Yun Sang discerned it. It was not the footsteps of Luo Qingyan. After groaning for a while, she sat down and closed again. The eyes were fake, but they were away from the quilt but at a distance, and looked out of the cell door as if they were leaning on the quilt.

The footsteps were approaching, but they were also lightened a lot. YunShang's ears were also more sensitive and sounded very clear. The footsteps stopped next to YunShang's cell and touched YunShang's cell for about two or three. Step distance.

Yun Chang thought about it carefully. He had seen it when he came. There were no people in the cell around him, and Luo Qing came in with a sway like that. If anyone, he must be Can't speak those words.

Yun Chang was thinking about it, and secretly heard a faint peach fragrance, Yun Chang quickly held her breath, but her ears were always listening to the surrounding movement, while Yun Shang seemed to move the man to his cell two steps, After a short while, I left.

After the man left, Yun Chang opened his eyes quickly, took out a small bottle from his waist, poured some pills and ate it, and then took a quick deep breath. The air was still faintly peachy. Yun Chang went to the iron bars of the cell and looked aside, and then saw a few incense sticks on the ground next to it, and a green smoke rose.

It seems that Luo Qingyan's worry is not unfounded, but someone really wants to put her to death while she is still in prison.

Yun Sang stood up, groaned for a moment, and shook the quilt apart. He tore the quilt open a gap, grabbed the cotton batting, but slammed his body, and quickly took two steps back.

A small gray-green bug was drilled out of the thick cotton wool, but just probed the probe, and then drilled back. There was a nausea in Yun Shang's heart, his brows frowned, and he groaned for a long time before raising his hand and placing his fingers in his mouth, biting a bite, and the blood leaked out. On top of that, there were five or six drops.

After Yun Chang did this, he took a few steps back, his eyes locked tightly on the quilt, and after a while, Yun Chang saw several gray-green thumb worms stained with blood from the quilt. The place crawled out, hovering back and forth around the blood stains, and after a while, the worms grew more and more, about 30 to 40 looks, and covered with quilts.

Yun Sang stepped back two more steps, and her hair grew up.

She knows this worm, called a leech, usually in a lake and more in a pond. Although it looks small and not astonishing, it is also extremely fierce and will **** human blood. When sucking blood, it will penetrate into the human body and move back and forth in the body, making it extremely difficult to get it out.

If only one or two would not hurt her life, but there are so many on the quilt, if all crawled into Yun Chang's body, I am afraid that it will not be long before she will lose blood and die.

There was nothing in the prison except the quilt. Yun Sang could only rest. Only when someone came out of her cell was Mixiang. If she inhaled Mixiang, she would always fall asleep. Will penetrate into her body silently when she is asleep, if she didn't find it in time, I'm afraid she won't wake up.

Yun Chang laughed coldly. Someone asked her to die, but she couldn't do what she wanted, but she didn't know, and the person who instructed her to see her standing here, wondering what it would be That look.

Yun Chang looked at the leeches that were still swirling around the blood stains, and groaned for a while. Fang took out a small white bottle from the waist, and the white small bottle was some powder. Yun Chang walked slowly to the white The powder fell on the quilt, and those little bugs were covered all over. After struggling for a while, they didn't move.

Yun Sang twisted the corner of the quilt, shook the quilt, shook the corpses of the worms to the ground, and checked it again carefully, and determined that there was no living, and then folded the quilt again and put it on the original Position.

Yun Chang stared at the quilt for a long time, then adjusted his clothes, sat down slowly, closed his eyes and smirked in a stance.

About three hours later, Yun Chang heard a faint sound of footsteps coming from more than one person. Yun Chang hooked her lips, and it seemed that it was time to **** her for confrontation.

The footsteps stopped outside Yun Sang's prison door. Yun Sang heard the sound of the prison door being opened, and then someone whispered, "Prince Rui? Princess Rui?"

Yun Chang didn't answer, and after being quiet for a while, someone pushed her arm, "Prince Rui, got up."

Yun Chang still didn't open her eyes, someone seemed to say, "Let me see."

There were footsteps, it seemed to be in the exchange position. Yun Chang faintly felt that someone put her hand close to Yun Chang's nose, Yun Chang quickly held her breath, and her finger stopped for a long time, and Yun Chang heard a sound of panic. It sounded in jail, "Oops, Princess Rui seems to be out of breath."

Yun Chang opened his eyes when the man said bad, and looked at the man. The man was dressed as a guard in the palace. He was twenty-five years old, with a moustache, and looked from the side. It looks ordinary.

"What nonsense!" The person opposite him had seen Yun Chang woke up and yelled quickly.

The little beard man facing Yun Chang still wanted to say something, but the person opposite him had already walked in front of Yun Chang and saluted, "The princess is awake? His subordinate is a guard in the palace. His Majesty ordered him to let his subordinates Take the princess to the House of Parliament. "

Yeshidian, it looks a little grand, Yun Chang thought. The eyes fell on the mustache man who hurriedly turned back, and then saw his eyes staring at Yun Sang with a look of astonishment on his face, his face gradually turned pale.

Yun Sang sneered. The queen was a good way. Even the guards in the palace were planted. It was no wonder that she had some strangeness before. Why did the queen insist on sending her to the prison like that? It was while staying in the prison for a while, but the guards replaced her with a new quilt.

Yun Chang raised her eyes and smiled slightly, "OK, let's go."

Out of the prison, Yun Chang suddenly heard a whispering voice behind him, as if the moustache was talking, Yun Chang raised his ears and listened, and heard his voice a little hasty, "Boss, I I just do n’t know what to eat and I have a bad stomach. Let ’s go to the hut first. Take the princess to the Palace of Justice. ”

Yun Chang slightly hooked his mouth, only he was very puzzled in his heart, and wanted to go back to the prison to find out.

Yun Chang listened to someone's response. After a while, Yun Chang stopped and turned around. If she really did not see the moustache, Yun Chang laughed and said, "I suddenly remembered something and forgot about it. I told you. When I was resting on the quilt in the prison, I found something moving in the quilt, so I tore the quilt apart, and saw a lot of water striders inside, I stepped on them Now, I suspect that someone wants to harm me. Let's go back and see. I'm afraid that as soon as I leave, someone will go back and destroy the evidence. "

The head-headed guard stunned, a little bit distressed, "But your Majesty, Your Majesty, let your subordinates **** you to the Hall of Arrangement."

Yun Chang smiled lightly, "Everybody on your guard, rest assured, I won't lie, and I don't want to run away. I am Princess Rui, although now because of the frame of some villain, I'm in prison, but now things haven't been found out, and the charges haven't been settled. I'm still Princess Rui ... If my Majesty's blame comes down, I will bear it. "

Yun Chang's smile was very mild, but people with a little mind were also able to understand the meaning of my threat in Yun Chang's words. The head guard thought for a moment, then nodded and agreed with Yun Chang's words. Zhu Yunshang returned to the prison.

As soon as he walked to the prison where Yun Sang had just passed, he saw a faint figure in that cell. The guard stepped lightly, guarded Yun Shou behind him, and waited for the opportunity to move. More than ten people surrounded the cell firmly.

When Yun Sang saw them when they saw the people in the cell, they were all surprised, and the head guard frowned, and looked at some helpless people in the prison, and opened his mouth coldly, "Lin Liu, you Did n’t you say you're going to the hut? Why are you here? "

Yun Chang slowly walked out of the cell from the side and looked inward. Then he saw the moustache guard standing in it, holding the quilt that Yun Shang had leaned on, and the ground was covered with leeches.

Yun Chang smiled coldly, sternly, "It turned out that you want to harm the princess, and the princess and you have no revenge. Someone must have instructed you to do this, who is it?"

The moustache guard stood in place, stiffened and didn't speak.

Yun Sang turned and looked at the head guard who said, "This person intends to harm me. He also asked the elder brother of the guard to handle it impartially, and he was also taken to the Hall of Arrangement. I'm afraid this is also a case of being framed Relevant. "

The headed guard was silent for a long time, then nodded, "Come, tie Lin Liu."

Then a guard opened the door and walked in, tied the moustache guard, and Yun Chang said again, "This quilt is also evidence, so take it."

The head-headed guard nodded silently, and instructed the guard to pack up the quilt and the leeches on the ground and bring them together.

Xia Huanyu and the queen had waited a little impatiently, and when she saw Yun Shang coming in, the queen hummed coldly, "Sin is coming, and it's so slow."

Yun Chang just smiled slightly, and saluted toward Xia Huanyu and the queen, and whispered, "Meet your Majesty, meet the Queen." <

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