When Yun Chang woke up, it was almost noon. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Qian Yin standing in the room staring at her with a burning stare. Yun Chang froze, and wondered, "What's wrong?"

As soon as Qian Yin heard the words, she covered her mouth and smiled, "Since Xia Guo, the princess seldom wakes up at this hour, it seems ..." As she said, her eyes were stained. Alas, "Yes, that's true. He doesn't know temperance at all."

Yun Chang heard the words, and couldn't help getting a touch of red on his face. Last night, Luo said lightly and actually tossed longer than usual, just because of yesterday's incident. Yun Chang glanced at Qian Yin and sat up.

Qian Yin quickly asked Qian Liu to bring the hot water into the clean room, and Yun Shang put on shoes to wash out in the clean room. Qian Yin also went to take a dress for the discretion, and let the shallow dress Yun Yun. Qian Yin looked aside and whispered, "It's time for lunch, and the Lord talks to the son of Liu in the flower hall, which was previously ordered, and the lunch will be placed in the flower hall, so that the princess will pass if she wakes up."

Yun Chang froze, turned and looked at Qian Yin, "Who are you talking about? Who is Wang Ye talking to?"

"Liu Yinfeng, son Liu." Qian Yin said with a smile, then she covered her mouth and laughed again. "The princess also felt a little surprised, wasn't she? She was notified by the next son that the son Liu was here. The slave thought she was looking for him. Regarding the princess, it turned out that she was looking for the prince, and she was frightened by the slave. The slave always felt that the prince never liked the prince Liu, but there was nothing unusual when he looked at the prince. "

Yun Chang groaned for a while, and he probably guessed, "Your Majesty seems to be handed over to Wang Ye and Liu Gongzi for supervision, I'm afraid it's for this matter."

As she deliberately dressed Yun Sang, Yun Sang went to the bronze mirror and sat down, combing her hair.

"The princess's dress today is a light green dress with long skirts, and the slave looked at her as if she was combing with the clouds, what about the princess?" Qian asked quietly.

Yun Sang nodded. "Then follow Yun Yun, with a pearl and Cuibu shake."

"Slavery heard that most of the candidate showgirls have already entered Jincheng. Can Sister Qinyi come?" Qian Yin heard Yunshang's mention of the draft, and also thought of Yunshang's words before, Qinyi was training. Some women who are about to be sent to the palace have gone. Since it is the time of the draft, then Qinyi should also follow.

"It's still in the future, and it will take some time. She still has some things to deal with, and she will be here in another three months." Yun Chang smiled lightly.

After dressing, Yun Chang took the girl to the flower hall together. Luo Qingyan and Liu Yinfeng really sat in the flower hall, but they didn't speak, both of them looked at the papers in their hands.

Yun Chang stood at the entrance of the flower hall for a while, and hesitated to go in. Luo Qingyan raised his head consciously. When he saw Yun Chang, his complexion softened for a few moments. "Wake up? How come? Don't come in? "

Yun Shang walked in and walked in, and made a courtesy toward Liu Yin before standing next to Liu Yinfeng, smiling, "Looking at Wang Ye and Gong Zi, they are taking things seriously and are afraid to disturb them. Arrived."

Luo smiled softly, put the papers in his hands together, and put them on the table. "At this moment, you haven't had breakfast yet, so you must be hungry. I called the kitchen to prepare the dishes, and then I started to cook. Let ’s do it. ”Yun Chang has n’t answered yet, and Luo Qingyan has turned his head to look at Liu Yinfeng.“ Brother Liu will also take a break first, and these things are not in a hurry, eat first. ”

Liu Yinfeng smiled and put down the paperwork, but did not look at Yun Chang.

When Yun Chang saw this, knowing that they had made up his mind, he had to quickly order his servant to clean up the table and let the servant prepare the dishes and serve.

The three sat down at the table. Luo Qingyan first filled the bowl of soup and handed it to Yun Sang, and then said to Liu Yin, "I looked at the previous drafts. This time it seems that the draft has been over the years. The grandest, but why? "

Liu Yinfeng smiled mildly. "This year is the 30th year of Her Majesty's ascension to the throne, and there is such a custom. Although Her Majesty's children have now reached twenty-first, the princes are still few. The Ministers of both Korea and China believe that they should Elections once and for the royal. "

Yun Chang listened quietly, thinking in her heart, but it was exactly what Liu Yinfeng said. Although the princess in the palace looked like Ding Xingwang, in fact, there were many who died before the age of ten. They are still alive today, but seven princesses and four princes.

Among the four princes, Luo Qingyan said that he had drifted away from childhood and didn't return to Xia Guo until this year. The seventh prince was victimized since he was a child, and he was weak. King Qi was normal and considered smart, but unfortunately, Shen Shufei was born in the palace I am afraid that I have suffered all eyes from an early age. The youngest is the nineteenth prince. The nineteenth prince heard that he was a premature child. He was weak and almost disappeared the other day. He was too medical to grab people from the king. I just came back, but it has hurt me at all, and now it is extremely difficult to take two steps.

Counting, it is considered to be a thin child, and no wonder the Minister of Central China is in a hurry. It was just in the horrifying harem that it was not easy to have a prince. Even if it was born, it would become a luxury to grow up safely.

Liu Yin paused, glanced at Yun Sang, and then continued, "I chatted with Her Majesty in the palace a few days ago, His Majesty seemed to intend to stop the draft after the draft this year ... So this A little more times is understandable. "

Yun Chang held the hand of chopsticks tightly. Liu Yinfeng meant this, but meant to remind her that in this draft, Xia Huanyu was afraid that she would not be in the draft. If she wanted to stop at the show, , We must seize the opportunity.

Yun Chang groaned for a moment, then resumed as usual, bowed her head and silently ate the food in the bowl.

"The show girls in this draft are also the most spectacular over the years. Almost all the three major families have candidates for show girls. Liu Fu has Liu Situ's niece Liu Chuchu. Liu Chuchu is known as Jincheng's first talented woman, and Hua Yutong has Hua Yutong. Hua Yutong is both literary and martial, with a decisive personality. Su Ruying has Su Ruying, and Su Ruying is outstanding in appearance. She is consciously the first beauty of Jincheng. "Liu Yinfeng's mouth slightly aroused, seemingly with a bit of irony.

Hua Yutong, Yun Chang thought about it, and it seems that he is also the niece of Hua Guogong. Yun Chang has been in Xia Guo for more than three months. However, he has never seen himself. I only heard Shen Yilan talk about it. The knife got the gun. He fell from the horse more than two years ago and was injured. He was taken to a place where he was injured.

Because Hua Yutong was not from Hua Guogong, but was a niece, Yun Chang had not paid attention to her before, so she did n’t know much, but she did n’t want to. She was actually sent to the palace by the Guo Gongfu. Not in line with Hua Guogong's temperament.

"What's the matter." The bowl was tapped lightly, and Yun Sang returned to her spirits, raised her head and smiled slightly at Luo Qingyan, Fang said, "Nothing, I just remembered that I heard it mentioned in the state government before Ilan Hua Yutong said that he fell from the horse two years ago and fell a bit badly, so he sent him somewhere to heal him, but he did n’t expect to go to the draft girl. It ’s been a long time since I went to the government office. I passed by in the afternoon Just look. "

Luo gently nodded and said, "Go, remember what I said to you yesterday."

Yun Chang froze for a moment, then remembered that I was afraid that if Luo Qing said yesterday if he went out, he would have to bring at least forty dark guards. Yun Sang laughed. Forty dark guards were afraid that they would not be called dark guards. The dark guards usually hid in the dark, mostly at the bottom of the roof of the house beam and other places. Forty, I was afraid she would enter at will. In a room, if the room is not large, the sidewalk is full of people. Yun Chang thought of it, and couldn't help laughing.

After lunch, Yun Sang retired, and went back to the house to prepare something, so that the girl took some medicine that Yun Sang had nothing to do, and when she went out, she remembered another thing and stopped. Turning around and looking at Qian Yin, "You let the dark guard pay attention. The candidate show girls can go out on weekdays if there is one. If so, you will arrange for 10 o'clock this evening to let Lin Youran call him in Ximing Lane. The elegant room in the restaurant outside the building is waiting for me.

As soon as Shonan answered, he resigned and told him to go, and Yun Sang only took Asakusa and Asakusa to the government office.

The lady-in-law just took a nap, and when she heard that Yun Sang was coming, her eyes glowed, and she hurriedly commanded, "Hurry to let Princess Rui come in, right, the fresh jasmine that you picked a few days ago Can it be fried? Make a pot of jasmine tea for Princess Rui. "

The young lady, who was about seventeen or eighteen years old, was wearing a dark blue short skirt, which looked very neat and tidy, and her appearance was so beautiful and clear. After listening to the old lady, There was a flash of curiosity, and she muttered her mouth and pretended to be unhappy, "As soon as the first aunt saw Prince Rui, she even forgot Tonger, and Tonger didn't comply."

"Don't forget, don't forget, our family Tonger is also very good." Madam Guo Guo said so, but stared at the door.

Hua Yutong did not conceal the curiosity in his eyes, but also looked towards the door. "Tonger came back only four or five days, and then he heard the auntie talk about this princess Rui dozens of times. Tonger may have a good look. What kind of person can make Auntie like it so much. "

As she was speaking, Yun Sang stepped in from outside the door, and Hua Yutong only felt that the house suddenly lighted up, all because of the woman who walked in slowly, a pale green skirt, which looked nothing special. , Just with that gorgeous and unparalleled face, I felt that the long skirts that were not very distinctive were alive.

"Shanger is here to greet my grandmother." Yun Chang's voice was soft and her eyes were very gentle towards the granddaughter of the state.

The granddaughter quickly smiled, "I thought she had forgotten my wife," she said, then looked to the maid next to him, "I don't want to hurry to see Princess Rui."

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