Xia Huanyu's eyes flashed sharply again, and he was about to speak, but Yun Chang was a little softer, "Why does Wang Ye keep thinking about Ning Guo, is he afraid that Her Majesty doesn't know?"

Xia Huanyu lifted his eyelids and was silent for a moment. Seeing that Yun Shang didn't continue, he said lightly, "Why?"

"It's probably because there weren't so many intrigues in Ningguo. Although parents and brothers will have some small frictions on the day, they are still very harmonious in general. In Ningguo, you can do what the Lord likes, fight the enemy, and protect the enemy. Jia Weiguo. In Ning Guo, even if I took only two maids to go out, Wang Ye did not have to worry about it, but in Xia Guo ... "Yun Chang smiled bitterly," Your Majesty may not know. Now that my court wife goes out, Wang Ye Nearly forty dark guards were sent to follow, and Wang Ye also strictly forbid his courtiers from entering and leaving the court without him. "

Xia Huanyu's eyes flashed with contemplation.

Yun Chang continued, "And in Ningguo, at least Wang Ye doesn't have to worry that someone will want to put some strange people around him anytime and anywhere."

Seeing Xia Huanyu's eyes with a bit of inquiry, Yun Sang smiled again, "Master Wang, the most disliked thing is that someone forced him to do something unwilling to do. If someone has to force him, He's afraid he won't recognize six relatives. "

"Speaking of it, still you are too jealous." Xia Huanyu sneered.

Yun Chang's smile couldn't help but bring a bit of sarcasm, "Your Majesty thinks that if the Lord likes someone else and has to be in the government, can the court woman stop it? Although the court woman is not a good wife of good virtue, They are not narrow-minded. "

Xia Huanyu's gaze was a little contemplative, half a moment before he said, "I know." After waving, he waved, facing Liu Wen'an, "Send Princess Rui to the palace of King Rui."

Yun Chang smiled lightly and made a gift towards Xia Huanyu.

Liu Wen'an quickly led Yun Sang out of the House of Justice and walked towards the palace door. Liu Wen'an lowered his head and walked in small steps in front of him. Yun Chang heard Liu Wen's voice coming down low, "Prince Rui He is a wise man, but he should not pretend to be the Empress Hua under His Majesty, which is His Majesty's forbidden area. "

Yun Chang smiled, "If you don't mention the Queen of Queens, I'm afraid that Her Majesty is not willing to listen to me seriously. I'm helpless. I don't want to do anything to others. The Queen of Queens has left these years. This sentence is well understood. "

Liu Wen'an heard that his footsteps were a little, and half a while later he said, "Although Princess Rui is assured, Her Majesty values ​​King Rui very much in her heart and will not let others have the opportunity to harm him."

Yun Shang listened to Liu Wenan's words and knew, only to be afraid that Xia Huanyu would try to save Luo Qingyan, and the stone hanging in his heart would quietly fall to the ground. Yun Chang sighed and whispered, " Thank you, Father Liu. "

Back at the King's Mansion, Yun Chang was surrounded by everyone, "Prince, are you okay? How does Your Majesty treat you?"

Yun Chang heard the words, and some couldn't help crying, "What are you talking about? Will your Majesty think so badly?"

Shallowly sighed and said, "I just looked at the battle, but I was shocked by the slaves. After the princess left, Sister Asahi hurriedly sent a message to the palace, and let the assassination go. Look, only the shallower boss said that she wanted to go to the Yedi Hall to find out, but she was blocked out of the hall. As the queen suddenly went to the Xiangzhu Hall, she had to rush back again. When we came out, we were sad. "

Yun Sang smiled, and her heart warmed, "Nothing, Lord Ye will be OK, Your Majesty just took me into the palace to ask something, and after I asked, he put me back, and Her Majesty said quickly. Will return home, we don't have to worry. "

"That would be fine." Asagiagi was also full of joy, "After the Princess arrived in Xia Kingdom, she encountered various bad things frequently, so she took an empty Princess and went to worship a Buddha for incense, so that those monsters All are driven away. "

Yun Chang smiled and answered.

After returning to the house, Yun Chang was not as anxious as in the morning. Qian Yin remembered that Yun Shang had never had a meal from early to now, and instructed the girl to prepare to eat. Yun Chang sat at the table and wrote to Ning Guo. letter. It was written for Jin Guifei, for Ning Emperor, and for the dark guard of Ning Guozhong, but it was also written for several hours.

After writing the letter, it was already three minutes later, and Yun Chang let the girl-in-law clean up the things and sent the letter back to Ning Guo, resting for a while on the soft couch.

When she woke up, Yun Chang ordered her to prepare dinner, but she also prepared a lot of Luo Qingyan's favorite food. The dish was heated several times. Luo Qingyan hadn't returned yet. As the girl-in-law set the food on the table and let the girl-in-law beat the meal, she was preparing to eat. Then she saw Luo Qingyan come in.

There was a clear joy in Yun Chang's eyes, and he quickly put down his bowl and stood up, as if he had been welcomed to his hometown on weekdays. He walked with a smile and unbuttoned his robe. He gave it to the girl-in-law, and said, "Go wash Let's do it, the food has just been served. "

Luo softly responded, walked into the clean room, washed his hands, walked out, and sat down at the table. "I came back a little later, and let the princess wait a long time."

Yun Chang smiled and responded softly, "No matter what." While helping Luo lightly clamped two chopsticks sweet-scented osmanthus fish, smiled, "It's autumn, thinking you love to eat sweet-scented osmanthus fish. Let the girl collect it a few days ago. After drying some osmanthus that has not yet been rained, I made a special osmanthus fish for you. Do you taste delicious? "

Luo softly responded with a smile, lowered his head and ate the fish in the bowl, then raised his head for a while, "It tastes similar to Ning Guo, which I like."

Yun Chang laughed a little more happily.

After dinner, Luo Qingyan only pulled Yunshang and said, "I heard Liu Wen'an said, did you go to the palace in the morning? Can he embarrass you?"

"He" naturally does not mean Liu Wenan.

Yun Chang smiled lightly, "Your Majesty cares about Grandpa more than I imagined. He was afraid to make Grandpa angry, and Grandpa alienated him and even gave up Xia Guo and returned to Ning Guo. Naturally, I wouldn't embarrass me."

Luo Qingyan heard the words, and knew that Yun Chang already knew the meaning of his words yesterday, and then laughed, "Shanger grew up in the royal family since he was a child, naturally he also knows, in this royal family, Sometimes, you care about it, but you ca n’t get close, like your father and mother-in-law. Sometimes, it looks like disappointment, but it is a kind of protection. You are clearly a close relative, but you are doing everything. "

Yun Chang leaned on Luo Qingyan's chest, his eyes full of distress, "I understand."

No one spoke in the middle of the room. Yun Sang groaned for a moment before she said, "Although Her Majesty is guarding him, it is also true that His Majesty killed someone under the eyes of His Majesty. His Majesty decides what to do with His Majesty?"

Luo Qingyan heard the words, but suddenly laughed, with a bit of teasing in his eyes, "Speaking of which, I am looking forward to this punishment."

"Huh?" Yun Chang was a little bit unclear. "What can I expect from the punishment?"

Luo gently said with a smile, "Your Majesty ordered me to ban for two months."

"Forbidden foot?" Yun Chang opened her eyes wide, and her eyes were still full of doubts. "Although foot forbidden is not too heavy a punishment, no matter how he counts, Lord Wang shouldn't feel expectant?"

Luo Qingyan stared at Yun Chang with a burning gaze, "The nature I look forward to is not footbathing. I rarely have the opportunity to accompany you in the house. This time, but for two months, we might as well take advantage of this opportunity ..." Luo Gently stretched out her hand and touched Yun Sang's belly, "While you have two more people in your stomach during these two months?"

Yun Chang's complexion became flushed, and he quickly got up, broke away from Luo Qingyan's arms, and quickly walked away from Luo Qingyan, "What is Wang Ye nonsense?"

Luo Qingyan saw Yun Chang's look of embarrassment and shyness, and his heart was even more joyful, and he laughed loudly, "Shanger and my round house have been so long, and now they are so shy."

After speaking, he stepped forward and held Yun Chang again, and said softly, "Well, such a beautiful scenery, my wife is with my husband, how about resting early?"

Yun Chang raised her eyes and flung Luo Qingyan's eyes, "Dunzi."

Luo Qingyan took Yun Chang into his arms and whispered, "I am not allowed to go out at home, and you are not allowed to go out. As the saying goes, husband and wife should be blessed and enjoy the same difficulties."

"Hey, it ’s you and I do n’t. I ’m afraid I do n’t know. There is a saying that the husband and wife are birds of the same forest, and it ’s difficult to fly each other.” Yun Chang ’s eyes were full of smiles, but she was pretending Looks angry.

"Huh?" Luo Qingyan raised her eyebrows. "What did the princess say just now? What is the same as the forest bird? What is it?"

Yun Chang couldn't help but chuckled a laugh and said, "Is Wang Ye not even knowing this? Come on, I will teach you, husband and wife are the same forest birds, and it's so difficult ..."

Before the words fell, I heard Yun Chang exclaim, followed by "Giggle" laughter, and then came a respite voice, "Stop and stop ... I was wrong, I was wrong , Never dare. "

In the room, Luo Qingyan propped his hands on the bed, Yun Shang was lying on the bed, his clothes and buns were a little messy, but the smile on his face was so bright that people looked at it and couldn't help laughing. "Why? I beg for mercy so soon? Do you dare to talk?"

Yun Sang wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes and quickly said, "I beg you for mercy, and I will never dare again. The prince is too shameless. He even used a tickling method like ridiculous, and his body was comparable. No comparison. "

"Huh? Xia Sanxi?" Luo Qingyan raised his hand and smiled, "Who do you say Xia Sanxi?"

Yun Chang curled up into a ball, and said again and again, "Say me, say me."

Luo Qingyan looked at Yun Chang's appearance and couldn't help but laugh out loud. After a short while, two happy laughter rang out in the room, so that the men standing outside the door couldn't help it. Evoked a smile. <

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