Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn

Chapter 379: Meet Su Ruying

The small banquet of the Princess Palace is really as expected by Yun Chang. It is not a real small banquet. The DPRK officials and their families are in the invitation list, which is almost a level as the palace banquet. Before Yun Chang got out of the carriage, she saw that Liu Jin took his hair wife off the carriage and was ushered into Princess Mansion.

Yun Chang chuckled, "So brazen, could the princess really think that she herself claimed to be a ritual Buddha, could she hide everyone's eyes?"

Luo Qingyan looked at the people who came in and out, and followed them with a smile. "I heard it. The princess will hold three or four small banquets almost every year. They are all banquets for these people."

"Oh?" Yun Chang raised her eyebrows. The princess was a clever person who knew the confusion and patience.

Luo Qingyan pushed open the carriage door and walked down, turning around and helping Yun Chang get off the carriage. The doorman had seen Luo Qingyan and Yun Chang the day before, and when they saw them, they quickly stepped forward and saluted, "Please, Prince Rui Rui and Princess Rui."

After entering the door, the young monk greeted him, holding a plate in his hand, with four bamboo signs in it. "Rui Wang Ye Rui, Princess Fei, all right, the small feast today is in four courtyards. It ’s going to happen, in which yard the prince and the princess will participate depends on the two brands that have been turned over. Who are the two who will turn over the brands? "

Luo Qingyan smiled and looked down at Yun Chang with a smile, "Changer, come over."

Yun Chang laughed aloud, "I heard that the harem was sometimes decided by the emperor. Fortunately, I am lucky enough to be able to try the feeling of this brand." Randomly took a bamboo sign and turned it over, with the word "Mei" written on it.

Yun Chang raised an eyebrow and smiled. "Excellent, my favorite is plum."

"Congratulations to the princess, it's Meiyuan." The young monk said with a smile, "the little monk let the prince and the prince go there." After that, he invited a maid to walk Yunchang with Yun Sang in the yard go with.

The last time they arrived, they only came to the Flower Hall. The scenery inside was never seen. The maidservant took them around the Flower Hall, passed the long corridor, turned right, and walked for a moment. In front of the courtyard where "Meiyuan" is written.

The girl-in-law saluted, "Here is Mei Yuan, please come in."

It was mid-winter. As soon as they stepped into the plum garden, they smelled a scent of plum blossoms. The entrance was a plum forest, and then they saw a few young women standing in the courtyard enjoying the plum blossoms with laughter. She doesn't even know one, but her looks are outstanding. There were still a few men sitting under the gallery, talking, but Yun Chang saw that the eyes of several people fell on the women who were enjoying the plum.

"Prince Rui." Yun Chang was looking around, and heard someone calling out loud. Suddenly, all eyes fell on Luo Qingyan and Yun Chang.

Yun Shang turned his head along with Luo Qingyan, and then saw a young man waving his hand at Luo Qingyan, and Luo Qingyan whispered, "It is Meng Yunguan, the minister of the Ministry of Rites."

Yun Chang nodded his head slightly. When he was drafting a few days ago, Luo Qingyan often ran to the ceremony department, so he must be familiar with it.

Everyone there turned around, and Yun Chang saw two familiar faces, one was Liu Yinfeng and the other was Li Qianmo.

Luo Qingyan walked along with Yun Chang and nodded toward the crowd. The attendant of the Li Bu turned to Yun Chang, and there was a fascination in his eyes, and he groaned for a moment before he said, "This should be Princess Rui, right? I heard that King Rui is very fond of Princess Rui. Today I saw Princess Rui, why did I know ... ... "

Yun Chang was amused by his illogical words. He turned around and saw Shen Yilan standing at the door and smiled at her. Yun Chang blessed everyone, and walked toward Shen Yilan with a smile. After a while, "Are you here too? Where is your grandmother?"

Shen Yilan said with a smile, "The weather is too cold. The old lady said that she would be too lazy to move around, so I told the princess."

Yun Chang looked over her shoulder and looked back. Without seeing the others, she asked again, "Did you bring Yaner?"

Shen Yilan heard the words and poked his lips. "This place is so smoky and suffocating. What does he take? Why not let him stay with the old lady in the house."

Seeing Shen Yilan talking to Yun Chang, a woman who knew Shen Yilan came over and greeted, "Yilan, Princess Rui."

Yun Chang glanced at the woman, with a beautiful face and a smile. Yun Chang blinked at Shen Yilan, and Shen Yilan reacted and smiled quickly, "Introduce Changer, this is Miss Tang of Su House, the girl's name is Ru Ying."

Su Ruying? Yun Sang raised her eyebrows, her eyes fell on the woman, and she looked for a moment. One pair of eyebrows, the eyes were not large, but she was better than the gods. Her lips were red and white, fresh and beautiful, not weak, and not overbearing. Appropriate beauty. Yun Chang smiled lightly, no wonder the queen was so confident that she wanted to marry her to King Rui's house, and it looked like this was not a worry, and everyone who came to Sufu also taught a lot.

However, Su Ruying is probably unaware that Yun Chang already knew the queen's intentions. Looking at her performance today, it seems that she wants to come close to her.

Yun Chang smiled earnestly, "It turned out to be Miss Su's family. Su's family is really a beautiful family. The queen's maiden's face is full of beauty, and Miss Ru Ying is also beautiful."

Su Ruying heard that she was like a peach blossom, and responded softly, "Prince Rui has won the prize ..."

Before he could finish speaking, he suddenly paused, and looked at Yun Chang behind his eyes, as if lost his soul. Yun Chang turned her head following her gaze and saw Luo Qingyan approaching her. Yun Chang raised an eyebrow. Did Su Ruying look at Luo Qingyan and look away?

When I was thinking about it, I saw Luo Qingyan handed a white thing over, with tenderness in his eyes. "Sanger came, and I only let the wife Tang Tang who was poured by me. I had to leave when I went out. It ’s all a bit cold. Hold this. If it gets cold, let the person fill in hot water again. "

Yun Sang nodded and took it over, and when she was about to speak, she heard Su Ruying's voice trembling with a little tremor, "The daughter sees Lord Rui."

Luo Qingyan frowned, and his eyes fell on Su Ruying, but he only glanced a little and then ignored it. He turned and shook Yun Sang's hand and frowned, "It's really cold, Put your hands in. "

Yun Chang responded and put her hand in the fox fur with Tang Fuzi. A warmth struck. Yun Chang bent her eyes and smiled. "Miss Su Jiaru Ying please please, how can you also I do n’t want people to get up. What can I do if the body is frozen in the cold this day? "

When Luo Qingyan heard Yun Chang's words, he turned to look at Su Ruying again, and said coldly, "The king presided over the draft a few days ago. Hearing about Miss Su Ruying, she said that she was outstanding and beautiful. The first beauty in the city, now I see it, but Seoul. And I heard that Miss Su Ruying was not selected because she had a bad smell when she was the second choice of the show. "

"Master Wang!" Yun Chang gave Luo Qingyan a glance, Luo Qingyan smiled indifferently, turned and left.

Yun Shang quickly handed Tang Fuzi to Asagiri, and stepped forward and raised Su Ruying with a pale face, "I'm so sorry, my prince has always been such a cold nature, he doesn't speak very well, I hope Miss Su don't blame him . "

Su Ruying's smile was a little reluctant, she quickly shook her head and said, "No matter, no matter." Then he quickly backed away.

Shen Yilan pulled Yun Shang aside, and then laughed with a stun, "Why didn't I know that Lord Rui's mouth was so poisonous? Only then was the voice so loud, I was afraid that everyone in the garden could hear it Come on. "

Yun Chang whispered to Shen Yilan that the queen wanted to put Su Ruying into the palace of King Rui as a side concubine, and Shen Yilan suddenly opened her eyes, "How can the Queen be so overbearing, everyone knows King Rui She loves you, but she wants to destroy it deliberately. Su Ruying is afraid that she is also an uneasy master. She clearly knows the queen's intentions, and she made a special trip to approach you. Only then did you not see her. She saw When King Rui, his eyes were shining. I thought King King was excellent, and it ’s common for girls to like it, but I do n’t want to have such a stubble. King King is really cursing well, if I am, directly Two slaps greeted him. "

Yun Sang pulled her with a smile, "You have a bad temper, no matter what, Su Ruying is just a squirt, and she is also Miss Su. In any case, this face is worth giving. Even if you want to learn, You have to find a place that others can't see and teach. There is a lot of people here, but you can't let others grasp the handle. "

"Also." Shen Yilan pouted his lips and pulled Yun Chang. "Forget it, these are unmarried girls and young men who are artsy and poems. Let's go into the house. Mother and grandma are also in the house." Then. "

Yun Sang thought for a while, mother and grandma, should be a few grandmothers of Luo Qingyan, and then nodded and smiled quickly, "Aunts in the house you did not tell me earlier, I am It's rude to stand here for so long and haven't even gone to greet me. "

"It's all my family's need to pay so much attention to it." Shen Yilan disagreed, and pulled Yun Chang to walk to the house.

He was talking about walking into the house, and saw the white mist rising from that Merlin, seemingly dangerous. Yun Chang frowned, and pulled Shen Yilan into the room.

Sure enough, all the women in the house became pro-women. When Yun Chang entered the door, they heard that they were talking about the shop in the shallow water Yiren Pavilion that had recently risen in the city. The woman in the house had some familiar faces. I had seen many of them at the birthday party in the Chinese government palace. When I saw Yun Chang, I greeted them very well. "Haha, yes, Princess Rui also It is a regular customer of the Imizu Shrine, and look at the pair of mules on her bun, which is the handwriting of the Imizu Shrine. "<

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