Yun Chang raised an eyebrow. "Is there something wrong with the abbot that the seventh prince caught?"

Luo Qingyan bowed his head lightly, with a somewhat optimistic look on his face, "The abbot was originally a prisoner of death and a prisoner who had assassinated the emperor. It was supposed to be someone who had already died, but suddenly appeared in Qian The Buddhist temple is also the abbot of a temple. Isn't this a very strange matter? The Lord of the Seven Kings asked the Yi of the place of the Thousand Buddha Temple to take a memorial to his majesty, and the memorial happened to be delivered to his royal table this morning. Above. "

Yun Chang frowned, "It's just like that, it has nothing to do with the princess? How can it not be on the princess' head."

"Huh." Luo Qingyan smiled, "Lao Qirang Fuyi reported this to His Majesty in the name of caring for the Princess, and nothing more than to let His Majesty pay more attention to the Princess." A moment ago, Luo Qingyan just hooked his lips again. "And, the princess didn't know about this. Although Mrs. Liu was stopped by Yungui, the timing of the outbreak was too coincidental. She was afraid that she would think today The matter was carried to the side by the others. "

Yun Chang's eyes brightened, and then she realized why Fang Cailuo said lightly about a playful look.

Yun Chang groaned for a moment, and then sighed softly, "Since we came to Xia Kingdom, many people who were originally lurking started to move. I don't understand a little, the long princess revealed the fox's tail when she returned to Jincheng. Why has never been noticed before. "

"Perhaps it wasn't that nobody noticed. At least now it seems that Her Majesty knows this, but I don't know why she just watched and didn't do anything. It said that there are very few women from ancient times to the throne. The princess is a woman, so only I'm afraid that many people haven't thought about that direction. They only think that the princess is a princess, very honorable, so there is no doubt. This time, as you said, the princess looked at me and returned to Xia Kingdom. Can't hold back. Moreover, she is now in her fifties, and there is not much time for her to wait. "Luo Qingyan said lightly.

"Jincheng is afraid of chaos for a while." Yun Chang sighed slightly and stood up. "In a few days, my grandfather and Qinyi will all be in Jincheng. I hope they will come sooner, and I feel relieved. Minute."

In the evening, someone suddenly came to the palace and summoned Luo Qingyan into the palace. Yun Chang had nothing left and right, so he went to see how Qian Yin's family was prepared.

Luo Qingyan had already ordered people to set up a yard outside for Qian Yin and Luo Yi. On the day of their marriage, Luo Yi went out from the back door of King Rui's Mansion and set up a seat in the yard. With her secret guard, Luo Qingyan personally went to be a witness for the two of them.

Yun Chang walked into the small courtyard where Qian Yin lived, and saw that Qian Yin was sitting at the stone table in the courtyard, embroidering things. Yun Chang approached and looked, but it was a quilt playing with water, and his face was full. It's a smile.

"Well, Qian Yin's left-hand embroidery skills are getting better and better." Yun Chang smiled with amusement.

Qian Yin heard that Fang found Yunshang and stood up in a hurry, with some anxiety, "How did the princess come here? If there was any order, let the slave pass by."

"It doesn't matter, just want to come and see, how well is your relationship prepared?" Yun Chang whispered softly.

Qian Yin never thought that Yun Chang was here for this purpose, and he scratched his head a little with embarrassment. "Basic other things are prepared for nothing. In fact, I have nothing to prepare for, so I will embroider something. Now I have nothing else to do except embroider something. "

"Stupid girl, you just have to wait and be your bride." Yun Chang said with a smile.

Qian Yin put away the things and stood up and said, "I have heard about the slaves in the Long Princess House today. The slaves thought that the long princess was afraid that she would soon be unable to sit still, but she did not know what to do. It ’s okay to get out of the house. The hidden stakes in the city still need to be adjusted, and the slaves think that it is best to prepare some secret rooms or tunnels in the palace, and it is always good to leave some trails. "

Qian Yin's speech was a bit confusing, but Yun Chang also laughed, "You can think of these very well. Let me do what you want to do, and I will support you."

The two servants said something, and Yun Chang returned to the room. After having dinner, Luo Qingyan just walked back, his face seemed to have a faint smile, Yun Chang looked at it, and felt that he was afraid that there was any progress, so he quickly stepped forward to solve it. After Luo Qingyan's grandma said, "What's wrong? Your majesty called you to the palace?" Passed the grandma to Asagiagi, and then asked, "Is dinner available?"

Luo gently nodded, "I used it with my Majesty in the palace."

"I was afraid I didn't have enough to eat. Asagiyan, you go and tell someone to prepare some food." Yun Chang whispered.

Luo Qingyan smiled and looked at Yun Chang, and pulled her to sit beside him. "Do you remember who was in charge of the security token after you happened last time?"

Yun Chang glanced at Luo lightly, and didn't understand why he asked, "Naturally I remember it. I gave it to Hua Guogong, Su Qi, Liu Jin. They had to order it, and the three of them made the token together. A complete token can mobilize people in the barracks. "

Luo Qingyan smiled and bowed his head with a finger on the armrest, smiled and said, "As I thought before, the princess really thought that her majesty called her to the palace for what happened in the palace of the princess. In the palace, he hurriedly kneeled down and yelled innocently, saying that Mrs. Liu was unclear and insulted, and then slandered her. Her Majesty did not interrupt, and waited for the princess to yell for a long time before she asked, Mrs. Liu What happened, what happened? "

Yun Chang chuckled and said, "I'm afraid that the princess's face was blue at the time?"

"Yeah, but I have to tell you what I did today at the Palace of the Princess. Her Majesty called me into the palace, and guessed from this move of the Princess, the Princess was afraid that she wanted to hold her hand to On the central Korean minister who matters a lot ... "

"Huh?" Yun Chang was a little surprised, raising his eyes and asking, "Your Majesty told you personally?"

Luo gently shook his head. "Your Majesty never said it in person, but just told me that I was afraid that there would be some chaos in Jincheng recently. He gave me another complete Guardian mobility order, and if it was urgent, At that moment, he went to the Guards to dispatch troops. "

As soon as Yun Chang heard it, her eyes lighted up. The Guards had a close relationship with Her Majesty. His Majesty gave Luo Qingyan such important things for safekeeping. This is a good sign. At least, Xia Huanyu was right. Luo Qingyan said that he totally trusted.

"I hope that this thing will not be used for a short time. If it is used too early, I am afraid that our entire King Rui Mansion will really become the target of criticism." Luo Qingyan narrowed his eyes and whispered softly.

Yun Chang is also aware of Luo Qingyan's worries. Many people in the DPRK are still watching. The queen and the seventh prince and Shen Shufei are always trying to get rid of the king's palace, but they also use many methods just for her. Come, Xia Huanyu's attitude is unknown, and they still dare not openly and aggressively attack Luo. It's just that if this token that secretly dispatches the Guards falls into the eyes of everyone, I'm afraid that it will cause the dog to jump over the wall.

"Some things come out too early, it's not a hole card." Luo said lightly.

However, Luo Qingyan never thought that the day when the card was revealed turned out so fast.

The next day, Yun Chang went to the National Mansion for a walk, but it was not a big deal. Later, Yun Chang rarely went out, only to hear that the door of the palace of the Princess Long was closed, and she only said that the Princess Princess was studying in the palace, and it was inconvenient to see the guests.

I do n’t know who passed the story of Su Ruying. Almost everyone in the city knows that Miss Su has lost her innocence. The people who originally asked for their family broke the threshold, and now no one has entered the door. Su family felt that this was a shame and shame, and sent Su Ruying to Zhuangzi in the suburbs.

At a blink of an eye, it was the day when Qian Yin became married. Early on, Yun Chang went to Qian Yin's yard to watch them dress up for Qian Yin, watching Qian Yin put on the wedding dress, and Yun Chang let everyone smile back. He took out several silver tickets and title deeds from his sleeve, and handed them to Qian Yin.

Qian Yin shuddered, and hurriedly retracted her hand. "The princess can't help it. The princess is already very good with the slaves. The slaves will definitely not accept these things."

Yun Chang had known that Qian Yin refused to hold it at that time, and laughed, "What are you in a hurry? After listening to me, you need silver money for many things outside. You should hold them for emergency needs."

Qian Yin froze, raised her eyes and stared at Yun Chang for a long time before saying, "That's it, I'm keeping it temporarily, and if there is something, I will take the money out."

Yun Chang nodded, and heard a voice from outside, "Prince, the bridegroom is here to pick up Sister Yin."

Yun Sang smiled, and called a dark guard who was with her at the side and came out carrying Qian Yin on her back, listening to the joy gradually fading away, before returning to the room, changing clothes and pulling Luo Qingyan away. Outside, they gave Qian Yin the courtyard.

The newcomer had to walk around the city for a small circle, but they hadn't arrived yet. In the yard, there were ordinary dark guards hiding in the dark. When they saw Luo Qingyan and Yun Chang, they quickly got up and salute.

Luo Qingyan smiled and said, "Today, the protagonist is Luo Yi and Qian Yin. All these red tapes will be saved. They are all brothers who are preoccupied with each other, so much attention there."

Then he turned and said to Yun Chang, "We are also restrained here, and we will wait in the house for the newcomers."

Yun Chang smiled and entered into the room with Luo Qingyan. Soon, the sound of joy sounded outside. Everyone quickly went out to watch the groom kick the car door, took the bride into the yard, and crossed the brazier. Stepped on the tiles and entered the main hall. Luo Yi quickly kneeled down with Qian Yin, and the matchmaker hurriedly said, "Do n’t wait for the bride and groom. It ’s only a quarter of an hour to arrive. Let ’s worship at the church. "

Everyone laughed, "The bridegroom can't wait, hahaha ..."

Was talking and laughing, but a guard suddenly broke in and said to Luo Qing, "Master, something happened." Then he got what Luo Qingyan said in his ears, Luo Qingyan changed his face and turned Turning his head towards Yun Chang, "something happened in the city, I have to leave a step first, you will stay here to help Qian Yin to marry them." Then he hurried out with the guard. <

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