Liu Yinfeng's eyes fell on Yun Chang's face, and after a long silence, he nodded and said, "Okay."

Hua Guogong listened for a long time before he heard a few doorways, and quickly said, "What? Liu Fu turned out to be so rebellious. I went to copy them."

Yun Chang quickly grabbed the justice of Huaguo, "My grandfather is a little calm and restless, everything is just my guess, and there is no evidence, so I can only let Liugongzi go back to the house to see it, but I don't know the queen mother."

Hua Guogong heard Yun Chang say this, and glared at Yun Chang a little strangely, "You are stupid, Liu Yinfeng, but Liu Jin's righteous son, is helping Liu Jin, how can he let him Go and see? "

"Liu Gongzi is also trusted by her Majesty, so my grandfather will believe me once." Yun Chang whispered.

Liu Yinfeng was silent for a long while before he said, "I'll go back to Liufu to see it." After a pause, he persuaded Yun Chang to say, "I know that there is something wrong with King Rui, you are anxious, but I suggest you go back to your house Wait for the news. The queen is very suspicious. You are afraid that it is not appropriate to stay in the palace for too long. As soon as I have the news, I will go to the palace to tell you. "

Yun Chang wanted to go to Yunqi Palace to see, but heeding Liu Yinfeng's words, he hesitated for a while, and then said, "Okay, I'll wait for your news."

Hua Guogong heard that Yun Sang was about to go back, and his face was a little displeased. "Go back? King Rui has no news yet, you're leaving? No, no, I have to go out to see King Rui's captivity. There are some clues in this place. When you said that King Rui was followed by two dark guards, and then dark guards came back to report, the two dark guards also called, and I have to interrogate carefully Interrogation, as well as the people around the site of the accident, have to ask questions. "

Yun Chang knew that Hua Guogong was also worried about Luo Qingyan, so he did not organize, and the three went out of the palace together. Liu Yinfeng went directly back to Liufu, and Hua Guogong followed Yunshang to King Rui's.

Yun Sang asked the housekeeper to return to the Hua Guogong who reported the letter to the government, and said to the dark guard, "You take the Hua Guogong to the place where the grandfather happened, and the Hua Guogong's questions are carefully answer."

The dark guard responded and took Hua Guogong.

Yun Sang returned to the courtyard and saw Qian Ji waiting for her at the door. "Prince, the dark guard who came to visit near the Thousand Buddhas Temple came back, saying that the place where the princess had drawn a circle, and found two places Traces of someone stationed. "

Yun Chang responded, and hurriedly returned to the house. An Wei waited in the house. When she saw Yun Chang, she quickly passed back the map that Yun Chang had previously given to them, "Prince ..."

Yun Chang nodded gently and unfolded the map. "Which two places?"

The dark guard quickly pointed to the two places with circles on the map. "These two places, the subordinates found many traces of people's lives in the nearby forests. The trees in the mountains were cut in large numbers. The horse grass was also neatly cut, and some newly buried pits were found in the forest, with some broken pots and pans, and old saddles. "

Yun Chang's eyes fell on those two places, and his finger made a heavy mark on the map made of parchment. Before long, Yun Chang asked again, "How many people might be expected in these two places?"

The dark guard was silent for a moment, Fang said, "There are not too many people in each place, there should be less than 10,000 people."

Yun Chang nodded. The place near the Thousand-Buddha Temple was not like the place where Tibetan soldiers were collected in Ning State in the early Xia Dynasty. It had excellent geographical conditions, there was no gas in the mountains, there was no one, and the area was very wide. The mountains and forests near the Thousand Buddhas Temple are in danger, so the population is sparse, but the place is not that big. If you suddenly have too many people at one time, it is difficult to go unnoticed. Therefore, the princess had to scatter the horses and horses. Although it seemed scattered, it was also very flexible. Even if one or two were found, it was not enough to be afraid.

But in this way, I am afraid that the two hidden horses and horses found now are only a very small part. It is extremely easy to remove, but the impact on the princess is not great, and it will scare the snake.

Yun Sang frowned and looked at the map for a long time before she sighed and waved, "I know, it's hard, you go down and rest."

The dark guard retreated, and Yun Chang sat in a chair again and lost his thoughts. He looked at Yun Chang's appearance carefully, and was afraid to disturb him, so he had to stand beside him and hold Yun Chang.

I did n’t know how long after that, someone came in from outside, and I reported, “The princess, Liu Yinfeng, the son of Liu.”

Yun Chang came back to God and asked quickly, "Are you in the flower hall?"

The man answered, "Hey, the housekeeper is waiting in the flower hall."

Yun Sang nodded, stood up and said, "Go with me to the flower hall."

Shallowly responded, followed Yun Shang and walked to the flower hall, and Yun Chang asked, "Will Hua Guogong be back?"

He shook his head lightly, "Not yet. The dark guard who went with Hua Guogong has not yet returned."

Yun Chang bowed her head and stopped talking. When she entered the flower hall, she saw Liu Yinfeng sitting on a chair beside her, and her eyes fell lightly on the teacup lid in front of her. Yun Shang stepped into the flower hall, the housekeeper quickly said, "Prince."

Liu Yinfeng also returned to God, stood up, and Yun Chang quickly said, "Liu Gongzi doesn't need to be polite, can there be results?"

Liu Yinfeng groaned for a moment before he said, "I'm afraid that the princess will be disappointed. Some people will be added to the Liufu house, but it's Mrs. Liu's family and some relatives. It's because of Mrs. Liu that day. After the trouble in the Long Princess Mansion, when he returned to the house, he had another quarrel with Liu Situ, and then ordered a messenger to go to his maiden house. The day before, the maiden house came. We only went to see them one by one, but there was no princess. The person who is guessing. I inquired about it secretly and secretly, all with the same result. "

When Yun Chang heard the words, she was silent, and half a while before she said, "Troubled Liu Gongzi." But thinking in her heart, could she really be misunderstood?

Liu Yinfeng's eyes fell on Yun Sang's face, seeing the undisguised loss on her face, with a slight pain in her heart, she raised her eyes and pretended to look around, and asked, "I don't know where the Hua Guogong went?"

Yun Shang raised her head and replied, "Just told the dark guard to go to the place where the king's accident happened, but he hasn't returned yet."

Liu Yinfeng listened to Yun Chang's words, and immediately took up the road, "I'll check it out, too." Then he said, "The princess must not be in a hurry, Wang Ye has always planned to do so. Since doing this The arrangement must have been his intention, and nothing will happen. "

Yun Chang is also aware of Luo Qingyan's ability, and also knows that he cares and messes, but he can't control his mood anyway. Yun Chang understands that Liu Yinfeng is also kind, so she smiles and responds, "I understand, thank you son Liu."

Liu Yinfeng then resigned from the flower hall, Yun Chang ordered the housekeeper to send him out, and he went to the yard himself. Before he had arrived, he saw Asagiri hurriedly trotting over, and Yun Chang saw that it must be What happened? Before Asagiri opened his mouth, he hurriedly asked, "What's wrong? But what's the news?"

Asagiagi was holding a piece of parchment in his hand, with a little anxiety on his face, "Look, princess, this is what the slave-in-law found when she cleaned the house from under the princess's pillow."

Yun Chang froze for a moment, unfolded the parchment, and a black thing fell to the ground, and a "beep" sounded, and Yun Chang's eyes fell on the black object on the ground, without blinking. Blinking.

Seeing the situation carefully, he quickly bent down to pick it up, glanced at it, and murmured, "The Guard?" His eyes widened sharply, and he passed the thing to Yun with a sullen expression. skirts.

Yun Chang picked it up and looked at it for a long time before frowning. "How come, why didn't the Royal Guard transfer Wang Ye to take it? Why is it under my pillow?"

Yun Chang hurriedly unfolded the parchment paper, a map or a map that Yun Chang felt very familiar with. Yun Chang has seen the map from yesterday to today.

"Isn't this the map near the Thousand Buddhas Temple?" I glanced at the map carefully, and then raised my eyes to look at Yun Chang with a doubt on his face.

Yun Chang stared at the map for a while before seeing it. Many points were also drawn on the map, including the two points probed by the Dark Guard today. Yun Chang stunned suddenly, Fang responded, perhaps, this is the figure of the long princess. The small character in the lower left corner also proves Yun Chang's idea. Four characters are written on it, and the soldiers are here.

It turned out that she didn't have such an idea alone. Luo Qingyan had already ordered people to check out these points. However, in this case, why did Luo Qingyan not take the Guards to take all of these places directly? The long princess certainly did not know that Luo Qingyan knew all the places where she hid soldiers and horses, and would be able to kill the long princess by surprise. In that case, the princess will have no chips, and she will be like a queen.

Why Luo Qingyan already knew these points, but used the most stupid method, even involved in the danger, let the princess be so embarrassed.

Originally, Yun Chang thought that Luo Qingyan wanted to go deep into the tiger's lair to explore the hiding place of the princess, and then thought to pass the news on, and let Yun or other people think to rescue, but if so, why the Guard He would stay under her pillow with the map ...

Asagiri and Asakusa are also bewildered. "Prince, what does the prince mean? Could it be that after the news is passed by the prince, the princess will take the guard order to send the guard to rescue? "

Yun Chang didn't answer, just silently put away the two things and held them in her hands, and stood there with a frown, without knowing what she was thinking.

At this moment, another subordinate ran over and saw Yun Sang standing there, and quickly reported, "The princess and the granddaughter of the country are here." <

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