Yun Sang took Liu Ming and they took the horse and turned towards the next inn. The shop's second child lay at the door and looked at them for a long time before opening again. "Forget it, we have a few rooms in the backyard, but It was prepared by the shopkeeper for us. There are not many of you, only seven of them are men. We will leave three rooms for you to stay. This time, I ’m afraid where to go No rooms available. "

Yun Chang groaned for a while, also knowing that the store's second is telling the truth, he nodded and said, "Then you will bother the second brother."

Dian Xiaoer had someone come to take the horse down and Fang took them into the inn. "Several guest officers were in the lobby for a while. The younger had someone go to clean up the house. The younger will give you a cup of tea first?"

"By the way, let some people cook a few dishes, all the way along the road, no one eats some food raw." Shallowly ordered quickly.

The shop second responded quickly, and Asagiagi hurriedly said again, "prepare two or three dishes for a lighter meal, and the others will just bring up the signatures in your shop."

When the shop second heard it, his eyes lightened for a moment, and he hurried to answer, "Hello!"

Yun Chang listened to Asagiyan's instructions, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and her hands quietly touched her lower abdomen. Fortunately, the child in the belly was also sensible. Although the journey was very difficult, there was no discomfort.

Perhaps because it's time to eat, there are only a few of them in the lobby of the inn, but from time to time, there are people living in the upstairs rooms looking up and down to find the shop second.

After waiting for a while, the dishes came up, and a few people ate some of the food at will. The second of the shop said, "Several guest officers, the room has been packed, please here."

Yunshang and his team walked along with Xiaodian Er to the backyard. The backyard was very simple. There were only two stone tables and a few stone benches. The opposite side was a row of houses. The shop Xiao Er led the three people to the far right door. The front road said, "Several guest officers, the three rooms from this one are yours. The rooms are simple, please forgive me."

Asagiagi took a small piece of broken silver from his sleeve and handed it to the store's second child, and smiled, "There is a younger brother with labor."

The shop's second child happily retreated, Liu Mingcai said, "Tonight, the princess sleeps in this room alone, and the two girls sleep in the room next to it. We can be crowded."

Yun Chang shook her head with a smile and said, "I and Asagiri will have a room with three people. I'm used to having them both. I'm troubled. The two big brothers look outside. Liu Tong leads with me. We discuss Let's see what we can do next. "

Liu Ming still wanted to speak, but Yun Chang had turned around and pushed the door open and entered the house. Liu Ming was stunned and followed him in. The room was indeed like the second one in the shop. A bed, a table, and a shelf with pots and pots are all there.

Yun Chang didn't care, walked to the table and sat down, looking at Liu Ming with a smile, "Liu Tongling sit down at will."

Before waiting for Liu Ming's response, Yun Chang took out the map and spread it out on the table. "So many people from outside the city have begun to attract attention, although for the time being, It is an excuse to participate in His Majesty's Longevity Festival, but we must let the Royal Forest Army leave as soon as possible. "

Yun Chang glared on the map and muttered in a low voice, "It's better to leave just to leave. How to approach these points of the elder princess cloth and soldiers silently is a big problem."

Liu Ming also frowned and nodded. "The Yulin Army has a large number of people. If they are defeated individually, they will fight against the grass and scare the snake, but if they act in unison, it will be difficult to remain undetected."

As soon as Liu Ming finished speaking, both of them were silent. After a short while, Liu Ming opened his mouth again. "However, the Yulin Army acted more quickly. If it is at night, acting through the night, there should be no special circumstances and it will not be found. . "

Yun Chang nodded gently, and said, "In case, I will send a small team of dark guards to Qilin Mountain, and do everything possible to take down the messenger point on Qilin Mountain to delay time."

Liu Ming nodded and said, "Okay, that's the way to do it. Today I'm afraid it's too late. Minger will let people find an inn in the city at the end of the day. We will act tomorrow night. The princess is waiting for us in the inn. Message. "

"Anyway, I'm following along. I'm not as weak as Liu Tongling imagines." Yun Shang gathered the map and handed it to Liu Ming. "The map Liu Tong took the platooning force ahead, so let's have a rest today. , Raising the spirit to face tomorrow's battle. "

After speaking, he did not give Liu Ming a chance to speak, so he retreated.

This time, Asagiagi didn't agree with Yun Sang's practice, and said while laying on the bed, "The princess should obey the arrangement of Liu Tong. This time, the slaves will never advise, but the princess's body is different now. This time, following the day and night journey of the Yulin Army, I was very hurt. Minger was afraid that it would be a tough battle. If something happened ... "

Yun Chang didn't care much, and said with a smile, "Relax, there are so many dark guards around me, and nothing will happen. Although this time it was only a siege of the soldiers and horses hoarded by the princess, it was only on the battlefield. The battlefield is constantly changing. If I am not there, I am afraid of something wrong. I have come to the left and right and do n’t go and see for myself. I am also uneasy in my heart. I know that you are for my good. Asakuyanagi, let me go. , You just follow me without any discernment. "

Asagiagi was silent for a moment, knowing that she was afraid that she could not stop Yun Chang, and she made up her mind that she had to follow Yun Chang anyway, and she remained silent.

I made the bed and waited for Yun Sang to wash. Yun Sang smiled and said, "Fortunately, the bed is wide enough. You can also come up to sleep with me. When you go out, you don't have to worry too much about the owner. Farewell. "

Asagiyan and Asagi looked at each other. These days, following Yun Chang, she also clearly understood Yun Chang's temperament. Knowing that Yun Chang was not just talking, they did not refuse. The two hurriedly washed and turned over onto the bed. Lying far away from Yun Chang, the two covered a quilt and curled up to sleep.

After Yun Chang got up early the next morning, Qian Liu called for breakfast. Yun Chang was about to ask Qian to invite Liu Ming to come over, and he saw a man who was next to Liu Ming came in and walked towards Yun Sang ceremoniously said, "Prince, Liu Tong led the city to take inventory of the Royal Forest Army, and ordered her subordinates to report to the princess."

Yun Chang nodded and decided to go out on the street after breakfast. After strolling in the street for a long time, Yun Chang didn't buy anything, but just chatted with the shopkeeper or stall owner in the street. After going back and forth three times on the three main streets of Qiancheng, Fang slowly returned to the inn.

As soon as he entered the courtyard, he saw Liu Ming standing in the courtyard. When Liu Ming saw Yun Sang's return, he immediately stepped forward and saluted him, "Prince, his subordinate found a small yard. Let's pack up and clean it up."

Yun Chang did not refuse, let Asagiu and Asagiu go back to the house to pack things.

Yun Sang stood in the courtyard, watching Asagiu and Asagiri returned to the house, and then said quietly, "How are you going?"

Liu Ming hurriedly said, "The Royal Forest Army in the city has begun to withdraw slowly outside the city, and it is no longer concentrated. There are eight points in total. At the end of each point, about 30,000 people will be allocated. At that point in Qilin Mountain, 50,000 will be allocated. People, in order to take down Kirin Mountain as soon as possible and destroy their message. "

Yun Sang nodded. "I will also follow Qilin Mountain. I will send two dark guards to follow each team. There is a unique method of transmitting information between dark guards and dark guards. If there is something wrong, we can also be the most Know first. "

Liu Ming responded, "Okay, then I'll take the dark guard out of the city."

Asagiyan and Asagiri took things out, Asagiyan hurriedly, "Slave to check out."

Yun Chang nodded and followed Liu Ming out of the inn.

The courtyard that Liu Ming was looking for was not far from the inn. It was a four-in courtyard courtyard. Although it was not large, it was clean and elegant.

Liu Ming walked slightly behind Yun Chang, his eyebrows frowning, as if something was wrong in his heart. Yun Chang looked at him for a long time, and then asked with a smile, "Liu Tong leads something?"

Liu Ming's footsteps seemed to be a little embarrassing. Yun Shang stared at him for a while, then he stomped his feet sharply and said, "The end will hear, the princess is pregnant?"

When Yun Chang heard the words, he couldn't help but raise his lips. The leader Liu looked at Yingwu's appearance, but his temperament was honest, only if she told him that she was indeed pregnant, he would surely kneel and kneel. Begging Yunshang to stay here, Yunshang laughed at the thought, "Liu Tongling heard rumors in Jincheng?"

Liu Ming turned red, and shook his head. "The general has never paid attention to these gossips. It was asked by an Imperial Army before."

Yun Chang knew, "That's the case. The man who told Liu Tongling's news told Liu Tongling that everyone in Jincheng knew that the princess had an accident because of Lord Rui. She was very worried, her body was extremely bad, and her unborn baby was also It is dangerous at any time, so I can only rest in bed every day, and it is very difficult to get out of bed. Liu Tongling looks at me now, as it is rumored? "

Liu Ming shook his head shyly. The man in front of him was a woman. He rode a horse for a full four days on the first two days and nights. If he was pregnant, it would not be possible to toss his body like that.

Yun Chang continued, "Liu Tong should know the news of Lord Rui's accident. The long princess took away His Majesty, and took away Lord Rui, with great ambitions, and many people stared outside Rui's house all year round. If not, Playing with some thoughtful means, how can you get rid of the golden cicada from the princess's eyelids and come out from the palace of the King Rui without knowing it? "<<

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