Yun Sang faced a bit of difficulty, "This ... Don't hide that, when I was at the border, I spent most of my time in Cangnan and Huaiyin. Lingxi lived for a few days, but I never saw it. I've been to Lord Seven. But you shouldn't worry. When I was in Lingxi, I was honored by Mr. Zhang Xing, the prince of Lingxi. I can send you a message to Lord Zhang. If Lord Zhang can see Lord Seven, it's okay. Transmitted. "

After hearing this, Hua Yutong was silent for a moment, then nodded gently, took out a sealed letter from his sleeve, and handed it to Yun Chang.

"What's the trouble between you and me?" Yun Chang smiled and handed the letter to Hua Yutong in the face, "Look for two dark guards to go to Lingxi. . "

Reacting carefully, he took the letter and went out.

Hua Yutong thanked him again and said with a smile: "I may not have been in the palace for a long time. Since you are going to the palace, I will also ask Shen Shufei to greet me."

Yun Sang nodded slightly and hooked his lips: "All right, let's go."

Hua Yutong entered the palace together with Yun Sang. As soon as he entered the palace door, he saw a group of hundred officials dressed in court clothes came over. It seemed that he was going to leave the palace. The head was Luo Qingyan, who was next to him. People are talking. As soon as I turned my head, I saw Yun Chang. Luo Qingyan's footsteps paused, and he quickly walked towards Yun Chang: "How come into the palace?"

The corner of Yun Chang's mouth was slightly ticked, and she smiled and said, "I'll see Hui Zhaoyi."

Luo gently nodded, his eyes fell on Yun Sang, and his eyebrows frowned: "There is still some distance to the Xiangzhu Temple here. I order someone to take a step." Then he turned and instructed.

Yun Sang quickly held Luo gently and said quietly: "No, the use of the steps in the palace is regulated. This is not in compliance with the rules, and I will not provoke some gossip. I am not so coquettish. If you have any things, go busy Yutong is with me. "

Luo Qingyan raised his eyes and looked at Hua Yutong, who was standing next to Yun Sang. After a moment of silence, he nodded softly. "Well, you need to be careful. I will handle things outside the palace and I will enter the palace." Come, wait for me at Xiangzhu Dian. I'll pick you up later. "

Yun Chang smiled and frowned, and gently sulked: "Okay."

Luo Qingyan reached out and helped Yun Chang help the bun in his head before turning back to the group of officials.

Yun Chang glanced quietly, and then turned to continue to the inner palace. If Hua Yutong's eyes fell on Yun Sang with nothing, with a bit of envy in his eyes, "Prince Rui looks at the indifferent and cool appearance, it is very good for Sang Er."

Talking, the voice gradually lowered, and there was a little sadness on the face.

Yun Chang reached out and shook Hua Yutong's hand, and said softly: "A woman like Yutong will meet someone who is willing to take care of you."

Hua Yutong heard that he slightly hooked his mouth, but his smile was a little bit astringent. "Maybe, it's just the person, but not necessarily the one I want."

Hua Yutong's voice is extremely light, if not for Yun Chang, she can be regarded as a half martial arts person, her ears are more sensitive than ordinary people, and she's afraid she can't hear her.

"What?" Yun Chang groaned for a moment, pretending not to hear it, and turned to ask.

Hua Yutong quickly shook his head, "Shanger going to Shuya Palace?"

Shuya Palace? Yun Chang thought of Luo Qingyan's words, groaned a little, then nodded: "Now the lady-in-law is in charge of the harem, and she has entered the palace, so she should ask the lady-in-law for peace."

At Shuya Palace, Shen Shufei was taking a nap, and Yun Chang and Hua Yutong were waiting in the outer hall. Yun Shang still thought that Shen Shufei wanted to give Yun Shang a disappointment because of the day before yesterday, and let them wait. Unexpectedly, it didn't take long for Shen Shufei to step out of the inner hall.

Yun Sang and Hua Yutong stood up to salute, Shen Shufei waved her hands casually, and her face did not seem to be very good: "Sit down, this day is getting hotter. After a short nap, I get sweaty and get up all over the room. The same is true for several basins of ice cubes, very hot. "

Yun Chang and Hua Yutong sat down, but Yun Chang didn't answer, but Hua Yutong opened his mouth first: "This weather, I'm afraid it's going to rain."

"It rains well, and it can be cooler if it rains." Shen Shufei wiped her nose with a handkerchief and whispered softly. "This year seems to be hotter than in previous years, and I don't know when it will cool down."

Yun Chang smiled and said, "It's almost Mid-Autumn Festival. After Mid-Autumn Festival, it should be cooler."

Shen Shufei listened to Yun Chang's words, and her eyes flashed her thoughts: "Most of the past years in the past, Mid-Autumn Festival, there will be a moon banquet in the palace, and now Her Majesty is not in the palace. Is the banquet held or not? "

Yun Chang never thought that Shen Shufei had mentioned the stubble herself. After a slight meal, she naturally took the words: "Will your Majesty come back before the Mid-Autumn Festival?"

As soon as the words fell, Yun Chang found that both Shen Shufei and Hua Yutong's eyes fell on her, and Yun Chang hesitated for a moment before explaining: "The Lord seemed to have mentioned it last night, saying that His Majesty sent a message to He said in the letter that he would return to the palace before the Mid-Autumn Festival. "

Shen Shufei glanced at Yun Chang quietly before she looked away faintly: "Then the palace must be well prepared."

Later, Shen Shufei did not mention the stubble of the Mid-Autumn Festival. However, Yun Chang knew that she must have guessed that the Empress Hua would also return to the palace with Xia Huanyu.

After coming out of Shuya Palace, Hua Yutong said goodbye to Yun Chang and was ready to leave the palace. Yun Sang walked through the Royal Garden and went to Xiangzhu Temple.

I just stepped out of the Royal Garden, but I saw a number of maids surrounded in front of me. Yun Chang frowned, and turned to Qin Yi, "Go and see what happened."

Qin responded, and walked to the people in the palace to take a look. Then there was a maid in the back who chatted for a moment, and then came back quickly. "It seems that a maid fell and the slave looked at it. The trauma was just that the maid was pale and had sweat on her forehead, which seemed to be very painful. "

"Oh?" Yun Chang frowned, "Can you find a doctor?"

"It's just some people from the palace. You can't ask for a doctor. Someone has gone to the Tai Hospital to find a doctor, but I'm afraid that it will be some time." Qin Yi reported 151.

Yun Chang nodded gently, "Let's see."

When Qin Yi heard the words, he quickly stepped forward and let the onlookers disappear, and Yun Sang saw the fallen palace man. Looking at the age of only fifteen or sixteen, his appearance should be handsome, but his face is completely distorted due to pain. Yun Chang's stomach was too big, and it was no longer easy to squat down, so Qin Yi raised her hand, and Yun Chang put her hand up.

For a long while, Yun Sang looked slightly moved, her eyebrows frowned slightly, she retracted her hand, and remained silent for a while before she said, "It hurt my internal organs, but unfortunately my silver needle was in the Xiangzhu Temple."

Qin Yi froze, and turned to look at Yun Chang with a little thought in her eyes.

Yun Chang opened his mouth again: "It's just that this injury is a bit serious. Ordinary doctors are just helpless. It's not far from the Xiangzhu Temple here. I'd better send her to the Xiangzhu Temple. I'll give her acupuncture."

The surrounding maiden heard Yun Chang say so, and in her heart she only felt the kindness and kindness of Princess Rui, so she voluntarily volunteered, lifted the palace man, and took it to Xiangzhu Hall.

When they arrived, the palace people retreated. Seeing this, the palace people in the Xiangzhu Hall were also strange, but Yun Chang was a frequent visitor in the Xiangzhu Hall, and no one dared to speak.

Yun Sang ordered the palace man to prepare an empty room and moved the injured maid to the low bed inside.

When everyone else retreated, Yun Chang stood up, fixed his eyes on the woman on the bed who had been so pale and had not spoken, and smiled, "You know, where did you get hurt?"

The woman shook her head in a panic, lowering her head not to look at Yun Chang.

The smile on the corner of Yun Chang's mouth was a little playful, "The princess could tell you that you didn't hurt your internal organs, but you were pregnant. For nearly a month, such a fall would cause you to have a flat breath."

As soon as this remark came out, it was not only the maid, but even Qinyi and Qianshou were full of surprise.

The palace girl trembled suddenly and couldn't care about the pain. She quickly reached out and grabbed Yun Chang's skirt, raised her eyes to look at Yun Chang, her eyes were full of prayers, and her body trembled constantly: Let it go. "

Yun Sang's expression was faint. She let her ask for a long while before slowly opening her mouth. "It's not impossible for the princess to spare your life and help you keep this secret. As long as you tell me, the child in your belly Who is her father?

The palace man didn't seem to have thought that Yun Chang would be so demanded, his face was a little stiff, and he didn't speak for a while.

Yun Sang hooked her mouth and smiled slightly, "The princess is talking to you, you only need to answer my question, and I can give you two options. Although you have a fetal gas, the child in the belly also has I have n’t dropped it. If you do n’t want it, I can give you medicine so that you can silently get rid of this child. Then you can stay in the palace as a maid. If you want to be born, I can think The method will take you out of the palace and let you give birth safely to him. "

The palace girl heard the words and was silent for a long while before she said, "The child's father ..."

Yun Chang smiled and said, "It depends on your choice. If you are all right, then the child's father will be fine. If you think about it, if the palace maid is pregnant in private, you have to go to school. The gallows. "

Yun Sang saw the palace girl tremble suddenly, and quickly said, "Slave said, Slave said that's it."

Yun Sang smiled and looked at her quietly. She gritted her teeth, with a bit of pain on her face. "The father of the child is a palace man in Jingyang Palace, called Wang Shu." <

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