"People of unknown origin?" Shen Shufei seemed surprised, "What people of unknown origin?"

Luo Qingyan was obviously not a patient person, and sneered: "Isn't the lady concubine heard that the harem is so noisy tonight? Didn't the lady concubine report what happened to the concubine? Madam? "

After speaking lightly, Luo directly bypassed Yun Shufei and passed Shen Shufei, and walked towards Xiangzhu Hall without looking back.

Yun Shang couldn't help but hooked his mouth, and smiled a little trembling, Luo Qingyan said this person, sometimes speaking really has the ability to be mad, but Yun Chang surprisingly felt that Luo Qing Qing said this character, she really I like it tightly.

Yun Yun was taken to the entrance of Xiangzhu Dian and left. Qin Yi helped Yun Chang to return to the temple, took off her robe for Yun Shang, picked up the comb, and whispered softly, "One of the court ladies we planted next to Princess Shen Shu gave this to the slave."

Qin Yi reached out and held a note in his hand.

"What did you write?" Yun Chang took the comb in Qinyi's hand, combed her hair, and asked casually.

Qin Yi glanced and whispered softly: "After the Princess and the Seven Princesses left Shuya Palace this afternoon, it didn't take long for the Seven Princesses to go back to Shuya Palace again."

Yun Chang brushed her hair slightly, and smiled, "What did you say?"

Qin Yi shook his head and said, "I didn't say. The maid was only serving in the outer hall of Shuya Palace. I'm afraid I can't know what they're talking about. But isn't the seven princesses from the state government? how……"

Yun Chang hided a smile, with a bit of pity in her eyes, and half a moment before she said quietly: "I was afraid that my conjecture had come true before. The last time about her cousin, I found that she had concealed everything from us. This time, it confirmed my idea. She was afraid that she fell in love with the Seven Lords and was used by them. "

"The princess is aware. The seventh prince used the seventh prince to tie up with Shen Shufei?" Qin Yi walked to the table, opened the lampshade of the octagonal palace lamp on the table, lit the note on the lamp, and watched it burn. It became ashes, and then covered the lampshade again.

Yun Chang nodded gently, "very likely."

After Yun Sang finished speaking, she was silent for a long time, put down her comb and stood up, staring at the octagonal palace lamp with the picture of the lady in her head, and said for a while: "Somehow, I suddenly remembered it in my mind. Before that, Lin Before you Ran was in trouble, I entered the palace and talked to Lin You Ran about the disappearance of the people in the palace. Lin You Ran said that although Shen Shufei assisted the harem, she did not care much. "

Qin Yi did not understand why Yun Chang raised the matter suddenly, but nodded her head and said, "Slave also remembers Hui Zhaoyi once said such a thing, but ..."

"It's just that although Shen Shufei is only a dark guard, but according to my understanding of her, she has a strong heart for power. Now that the queen's seal is in her hands, how can she do nothing?" Yun Chang took the conversation, and frowned again before continuing, "I thought it was because she was jealous of her identity as the dark guard, but that day when I was dealing with Lin Youran's dystocia, I found that it should not be because of this."

Yun Sang paused again, as if she was thinking about something. "I only heard about Hua Yutong. The first thing I thought of was that, since Lord Seven may have stood on a boat with Shen Shufei, then, Shen Shufei, Is it possible for such inaction to be given by Lord Seven? "

After listening carefully for a while, I whispered: "Slaves have only been a little strange. There are so many people in the palace all at once. How can Shen Shufei be completely ignorant? We can only find clues when we enter the palace occasionally, but Shen Shufei has always been All stay in the palace. "

Yun Chang paced back and forth in the room for a long time, reached out and touched the water in the cold tea and tea cup that he had drank on the table, wrote and painted on the table, and kept talking to himself.

"Let's make a hypothesis. Suppose Shen Shufei found these anomalies long ago, but she negotiated with Lord Seven, deliberately ignored it, and then knew that I and Lord Wang were investigating the matter, and this pregnant woman is also She deliberately arranged and waited for me to run into ... "

Both Qin Yi and Qian Ji listened to each other, with a bit of surprise on their faces, but did not dare to say anything to interrupt Yun Chang's thoughts.

"If this is the case, there are a few doubts about this matter. One of the doubts is that since Hua Yutong has become the person of the Seven Lords, then Shen Shufei is her dark guard, and she had previously deliberately associated with the Long Princess and the Seven Princes, and eventually But betrayed the long princess. It is impossible for the seventh prince to not know. Now that he knows, how dare the seven princes continue to believe in Shen Shufei, aren't they afraid that she will hit a rake? "Yun Chang drew a circle on the table with her hands.

"Question number two, this privately-made weapon is a serious crime of the Nine Nine. If Shen Shufei first discovered it, or she had already told the seven kings, no matter who would reveal it, it would be a great achievement. Why would this be the case? Opportunity to make a contribution, and give it to Wang Ye in vain? "

"Question number three, Shen Shufei is her Majesty. If she is in accordance with common sense, the most important thing she should do is to be absolutely heartfelt to Her Majesty. As long as she is heartfelt to Her Majesty, Her Majesty will never treat her. Is it just her Majesty ’s Dark Guard. But why did she choose to join the Seven Lords? In this way, she is standing on the opposite side of Her Majesty. If the Seven Lords lose, she will not end well. Even the Seven Lord Wang won, what can she get from Lord Seven? Besides, she has been familiar with Lord Seven's temperament for many years in Xia Kingdom. She cooks with a dead dog. For Lord Seven, she is the best. s Choice."

Yun Sang drew three circles on the table, frowning for a long time, thinking about no results, sitting in a chair in frustration, not speaking for a long time.

After a while, Yun Sang just pushed the tea cup away and stood up, "I'll take a break first, then what I said and the three doubts, Qin Yi, you will go and find Wang Ye, Say it to him without hesitation. "

Qin Yi responded quickly, helping Yun Shang get on the couch, helping Yun Shang cover the quilt, and lowering the bed curtain. After doing all of this, Qin Yicai winked at Qian Zhe. The two stood at the door. Qin Yi told Qian Zhe a few words, and then hurried out of the Xiangzhu Hall to find Luo Qing. Yan went.

Qian Ji turned around and returned to the inner hall, blowing out all the lights in the hall, leaving only one before lying on the table and resting.

The day was getting lighter, Qin Yi hadn't returned yet, and opened his eyes at a slight discretion, glanced at the bed embroidered with hibiscus flowers, thinking that Yun Chang was exhausted yesterday, and today I was afraid to wake up later . She was not very familiar in the Xiangzhu Hall, so she had to find someone to prepare breakfast, or the princess would not have anything to wake up.

Thinking about it this way, he came out of the inner temple. Xiang Fei had been very favored before, so although the Xiangzhu Palace was not a palace but a palace, it also had its own small kitchen. Digging down, he asked where the kitchen was going, and went straight into the kitchen.

There was a smell of traditional Chinese medicine in the kitchenette, and Qian Biyi beside Hui Zhaoyi was already there. She was watching the people on the side and boiled the medicine. "It will be changed to Wenhuo in a quarter of an hour."

Qian Bi instructed the maid, raised her eyes, and saw Qian Ji, and then quickly greeted her, "Sister Qian Ji, but the princess is awake?"

Shallowly smiling and shook his head: "It was a torment last night and I haven't woke up yet. I'll take a look at what's in the breakfast, so I can prepare some for the princess."

Qian Bi quickly responded: "Today I prepared purple rice dumplings, red bean barley cake, hibiscus cake, and six dishes."

"So rich? Enough to make people take the water away and let it warm. If the princess wakes up later, I'll pick it up again. How about giving Hui Zhaoyi a medicine?" He looked at the small stove carefully. Medicine jar.

Qian Bi nodded: "Yesterday a princess persuaded our lord, this is not, and finally willing to take medicine. I could have been so bad before that, the lord was so weak, and no more medicine, how could it be so bad It's my own ... "

"It's good to take medicine." Shallowly smiled.

After a while, Qian Shen and Qian Bizhen returned to the temple. As soon as I arrived at the door, I saw a palace girl standing at the door, with a set of blue and blue palace dresses in her plate.

"Mother Zhaoyi thought that the princess didn't return home yesterday, but she was afraid that there was no clothes to change, so she sent slaves a set of clothes. This is the new clothes made by Zhaoyi mother recently. A little longer, she didn't wear it. The princess is taller than Zhaoyi's mother and should be able to wear it.

She raised her eyebrows carefully, and it seemed that yesterday's scolding by the princess was afraid that she would really wake up Hui Zhaoyi. Now she is still taking medicine, and she also cares about whether the princess has changed her clothes.

As soon as possible, he took the plate over and said with a smile: "Thank you, Madam Zhaoyi."

The palace man smiled and then retreated. Taking the clothes back to the inner temple, Yun Shang has not yet woken up. As soon as Senju sat down on the chair, Qin Yi came in.

Qin Yi glanced at the bed veil which had not yet been raised, and knew that Yun Chang had not yet stood up. Then he backed out.

Shallow deliberately followed the door and whispered, "Why did my aunt go that long?"

Qin Yi smiled and said, "There are too many people, and the dark guards in the hands of the Lord are not enough. I will help them to try them together. This is over, and I will return directly." Qin Yi explored the room. After leaning forward, she said, "The princess slept well yesterday?"

He nodded carefully, "It's fine."

After talking for a while, they saw a palace maid rushing in. "Two sisters, can the princess be up? Lord Rui is here, and has arrived at the door, saying she wants to take the princess back to her house."

Qin Yihe nodded, and returned to the room. Qin Yi stood next to the bed and whispered twice across the bed veil: "Prince, Princess, it's time to rise."

No one answered, Qin Yi couldn't help laughing, the princess' snooze was really helpless. But Wang Ye was still waiting outside, and he did not dare not wake up. Qin Yi thought, and opened the mantle.

When the bed veil was lifted up, the two were stunned.

"Where's the princess?" Suddenly his face changed suddenly, looking at the empty bed, startled. <

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