At this time in the Prince's Mansion, the Empress Hua was playing against Yun Chang, a chess piece fell, and the Empress Hua laughed and said, "Many things are like this chess game, people are prisoners, people eat people. Changer feels, people What should I do if you commit me? "

When Yun Chang heard the words, she knew what the Empress Hua was pointing at, and the pawns that she pinched dropped gently, and her smile became a little bit brighter. , Cut the grass and eradicate it. "

The Queen Hua listened, and a flash of light flashed in her eyes. "Speaking, the last time, I have given a three-point politeness." The Queen Queen said, and she put down the chess piece, and Yun Shang's will eat it from the chessboard. The chess pieces were picked up one by one and set aside, "This time, as Chang Er said, cut off the grass and remove the roots."

After the queen said, she heard footsteps and Baoer's cry from outside the door. Yun Sang quickly got up and walked to the door. Then she saw Qin Yi holding Baoer and came in, "Baoer doesn't cry, Baoer Don't cry, Boa's mother is here ... "

Yunshang quickly took Baoer over. Once Baoer arrived in Yunshang's arms, she really stopped crying, staring at Yunshang with big eyes, tears still hanging on her eyelashes, but she already clapped her hands and smiled. stand up.

The queen walked to Yun Sang and stretched out her hands to wipe the tears from the corner of Bao'er's eyes, and her face softened: "Bao'er sticks to your tightness, and she will recognize everyone, and know which one is her mother. Yingjie also looked like this when she was a child. You ca n’t throw your hands away when you hold them, and you keep crying when you let go. "

When Yun Chang heard her talk about Zhao Yingjie, she smiled and turned her head: "Your Majesty didn't seem to be too exclusive to General Zhao, and many officials in the Korean Central People's Government had talked about General Zhao before, and they were all suppressed by him. To put it bluntly, General Zhao likes to fight on the left and right. If there is a chance, he will put General Zhao in the battalion. I'm afraid that General Zhao must start from an ordinary soldier ... "

Yun Chang kissed Bao'er's face, and Bao'er giggled.

The queen of China was very pleased to hear Yun Chang say, "Anyway, ordinary soldiers are ordinary soldiers, and gold will always shine."

Yun Chang nodded, "General Zhao is very good at marching and fighting, and it is not difficult to get ahead."

The Empress Hua smiled, walked to the chessboard and sat down again, thinking about it: "Compared to these, I am more worried about his life-long events. Before he was delayed by Princess Hua Jing, he also ran aground. Wife's thoughts. I know that he is afraid of marrying a daughter-in-law with a bad personality and will treat me badly, but the situation is different now than then. I sincerely hope that there is a person close to him who can accompany him It ’s good to talk. ”

Yun Sang thought for a while, and fell on the side of Qin Yi, and groaned a little before whispering, "Speaking of which, I have a good candidate."

"Oh?" The queen of Hua's eyes suddenly lighted, her eyes fixed on Yun Chang.

Yun Chang raised her eyebrows. "I wonder how the queen mother looked at this Qin Yi beside Shang Er?"

Qin Yi didn't know what was going on, and then she came to her with her eyes wide open and was about to speak, but was preempted by Yun Chang: "Qin Yi has been with me since I was eight years old, and I have been here for so many years. Tired of working for me, before I was young, I also neglected her life-long events. Before that, I always felt ashamed of her, but I never found a suitable candidate. "

Qin Yi opened her mouth, and the words of the Queen of the Queen rang again. "I think it is feasible, gentle and well-behaved, and it is a good match with my honest boy. I just don't know Qin Yi What do you think? It's fine, though.

Qin Yi had already blushed, and after hearing the queen's question, he quickly said, "Slave is just a subordinate, where is it worthy of General Zhao ..."

"What's not worthy of this, marry a wife and marry a man. Before, my daughter-in-law was considered a distinguished person, but Ning Guo's princess, but what's the use of it, every day except it will make people angry. No. Besides, Qinyi's status is not low. You are the most powerful person around the Crown Prince's door. To put it in perspective, my son has been a relative before, but I am a little bit wronged. "Queen Hua said with a smile.

Yun Chang sat and listened, as if thoughtfully, but didn't say a word. She stayed with the Queen of China for such a long time today, but she felt that her temperament and her own first time when she first met her in Ningguo. Speak frankly. If you like it, you like it. If you don't like it, you don't like it.

Qin Yi hesitated a moment before lowering her head and whispering, "Slave only wants to serve the princess."

Yun Chang heard this, and then smiled lightly, and her voice was a little softer: "I understand Qin Yi's concerns, you will always be my most powerful maid, but this woman is going to marry Human. Qin Yi has been with me for so many years, and I hope that you can have a good attribution. Moreover, it is like a shallow tone. Even if you are married, you are still in Jincheng and still help me handle it. All sorts of things? "

After a pause, Yun Chang whispered softly: "I came to my side when I was eight years old, then you were already sixteen or seventeen years old. It should have been the best age for a woman to marry, but she has been with me everywhere. Running. As I just said, I was young and ran every day, and I was negligent. When I returned to God a little, you are already twenty-five or six. At this age, even in the palace It is also the time to release the palace. Although this statement is a bit bad in front of the queen mother, it is my heartfelt words. I feel that General Zhao is a good companion, but I do n’t know what your mind is. If you do n’t I like it, I won't force it, but I always hope that you can have your own home and happiness. "

"What's hard to say here, it's not much use for both of us to worry about feelings here. Let's not force Qin Yi here, so let me talk to Ying Jie and let them get along first. The day is suitable or not, so listen to them. "Empress Hua smiled.

"So too." Yun Chang laughed when she heard the words, lowered her head, and didn't speak again.

The Queen Hua raised her eyes and looked at the sky outside, and stood up, "It's getting late, and I should go back to the palace."

When Yun Chang heard the words, she quickly stood up and whispered: "Is there a dark guard when the maiden is out of the palace? There is not much peace in Jincheng now ..."

The Empress Hua waved and waved, "Where is it, here is it."

Yun Chang thought about it and understood it. I was afraid that without the attendant, Xia Huanyu would not let her out of the palace easily, and she was still waiting beside the Queen of Hua. She felt relieved in her heart and raised her head and instructed Qin Yidao said: "Qin Yi send me my mother."

Qin responded, and went out with the Empress Hua.

As soon as the queen of China was gone, footsteps sounded outside the door again, Yun Shang raised her head, and saw that Qian Yin came in, and all walked into the door, her head still twisting backwards as if she were looking out.

When she walked in front of Yun Chang, Qian Yin turned her head to look at Yun Chang, lowered her voice and asked, "Fang Caiyu, who saw Aunt Qin Yi going out with one person, is that person the Queen of Hua?"

Yun Chang raised her eyebrows, and then said, "Why do you see that?"

Qian Yin poked her lips, and fell on Bao'er in Yun Shang's arms, and then laughed again: "Little Shizi is so cute!" After a pause, he answered Yun Chang's question: "In Jincheng and even I almost recognize the nobles in the palace. Only then did the slaves look at the lady's extraordinary popularity. Although her looks were completely strange, her eyebrows were similar to His Royal Highness, and she knew that it must have been talked about recently in the city. A lot of queens. "

"Talk?" Yun Chang raised his eyes and looked at Qian Yin. "What did they say?"

Qian Yin frowned and sighed: "It's not too good. Some say that the queen queen is a scourge, some say that the queen queen is confusing her lord, the most exaggerated, and that the queen is Fairy. "

Yun Chang groaned for a moment, and frowned, "I'm afraid there are many people going on malicious walks. What happened to the plague? Why did this stubble suddenly come up?"

Qian Yin heard Yunshang asking about this, and she looked very serious, and responded quickly: "The slave sent someone to inquire about it. The disease came from a village outside the city called Wenliu Village. I heard it was because It seemed that the mouse was infected with the disease, and then some people were bitten by the mouse without knowing what happened, and then became feverish the next day, and died after two days. His family did not take it seriously at first. Later, after the man died, he felt something wrong, but his family was infected. Then the people in that village disappeared one after another. Someone was scared to think that while things weren't revealed. They ran away and brought the disease to the city. "

"Rice?" Yun Sang frowned and remained silent for a while before she said, "Dr. Zheng is still in our house, and you will let the servant take you to find him later, and let him accompany you to the village Liuliu. As soon as I left, I thought of catching a mouse back. "

Shallow sounded for a while, but didn't ask Yunshang why, he whispered and paused. "But if the rat is infected with the disease, if there are so many people in our house, if one is unexpected ..."

Yun Sang was silent for a moment before she said, "It's okay, I have my own way. Just be careful when you catch the mice, so you won't be bitten."

Qian Yin responded quickly, then continued: "Yes, Princess, there is one more thing. News from Lingxi City, Lord Seven fled."

Yun Chang didn't react much when he heard the news. He nodded and said, "Escape, run away, can the pills be placed in his food?"

Qian Yin nodded quickly: "Let it go, as the princess ordered."

"That's fine." Yun Chang whispered softly, but Bao'er in her arms burst into tears, and Yun Chang stood up quickly and walked around the room to coax the child. Seeing this, Qian Yin quickly quit. <

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