Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn

Chapter 622: Boa's righteous father

On the second day, Luo Qingyan went upside down. Yun Chang had nothing to do to coax Baoer to take a nap in the house. Baoer had a small bed made of pillars, like a swing, and could be shaken. of. Yun Chang shook the little bed while holding a book in her hand and read it softly.

Qin Yi looked at this, and couldn't help laughing: "Prince Princess, you read these books to Xiaoshizi, where does Xiaoshizi understand?"

Yun Chang raised her eyes and glanced at Qin Yi, "No, you see Baoer listen more attentively."

Qin Yi went to the bed, and couldn't help laughing. Bao'er was already asleep. Where did Yun Chang say, he listened attentively.

Yun Sang was a rare rogue. "His father is a **** of war, and his mother is not bad at fighting. He naturally likes soldiers, and His Royal Highness said that he would send Baoer to the camp when he was older. Go, I have to read the soldier book to Bao'er every day. When I get older, I won't humiliate his father and mother in the camp. "

Yun Chang said, and heard a chuckle coming from the door. Yun Chang did recognize the voice, and quickly turned around and said, "But Liu Gongzi?"

There was a gentle voice from Liu Yinfeng outside, "Liu Yinfeng begged to see his prince."

Yun Chang stood up quickly and said, "Liu Gongzi please come in."

Liu Yinfeng walked in, and Yun Chang took a closer look before he was relieved. Although Liu Yinfeng looked a little pale, he was still very good in spirit, and it was almost as if he wanted to come.

Liu Yinfeng has a life-saving grace for her. Yun Chang hopes that Liu Yinfeng will be good.

Liu Yinfeng salutes Yun Chang, and she looks at Yun Chang gently, with a slight smile. "I heard that the prince concubine gave birth to a young son, but because of her body, although she was resting in the Prince's House, she never came Greetings to the princess, and to visit Xiaoshizi, it's mine. "

Yun Chang quickly laughed and said, "This time I was able to give birth to Bao'er safely, thanks to Prince Liu."

Liu Yinfeng smiled, then paced to the crib, looked at Baoer in the crib with a smile, and whispered: "Little Shizi looks very cute, is it called Baoer?"

Yun Chang nodded. "His Highness said, Your Majesty is still thinking about the big name. It is estimated that it will be given a name at the full moon feast, and I will give him a small name."

"The name is also auspicious." Liu Yinfeng took a jade from his waist, only before Baoer held it, and whispered softly: "The first time you meet, you should give the ceremony, and this jade will be played by Xiao Shizi."

Yun Chang was also not good at refusing, and thanked Dai Baoer with a smile.

Liu Yinfeng raised his head and whispered, "Thanks to the care of Prince Edward and Doctor Zheng these days, I am almost better now, and here I am to say goodbye to Princess Prince."

Yun Chang froze, but couldn't find the reason for him to stay, and laughed, "Okay, you save me three or four times, if you need me in the future, you can just talk. That is it. "

Liu Yinfeng just smiled and did not nod.

Is going to quit, but saw Luo Qingyan came in from the door, Yun Chang and Liu Yinfeng were stunned. It was just that Luo Qingyan saw Liu Yinfeng but didn't say much. He glanced gently at Liu Yinfeng, and his face was kind, "How good is he?"

Liu Yinfeng smiled softly, and nodded, "Thank you Prince, for your concern, and healed, now I'm here to leave the Princess."

Luo Qingyan raised his head and glanced at Luo Qingyan for a moment, then said, "I heard you didn't live in Liufu?"

Liu Yinfeng didn't know why Luo asked so softly, but he nodded softly. "I live in Yunqi Lane now, where is a small stream, and it's quiet."

Luo Qingyan said, "I heard people say that there is only one attendant around you. Although you can now stand and walk, Zheng Qiming said that you still need to be raised for a while, or you will leave a more serious disease in the future. There are many people, and it is more convenient to change medicines, so you can live some more days. "

Yun Chang's eyes flashed with surprise, even Liu Yinfeng was a little surprised.

But I heard Luo Qingyan continued and said, "Thanks to your shot, this time you made Chang'er safe and you gave birth to Bao'er. In all, you are also Bao'er's benefactor. I wanted to make you Bao'er before. The righteous father had also discussed with Chang'er, and Chang'er agreed, but I wonder what you'd like? "

Yun Chang heard the words and was shocked again. She was pretty sure that Luo Qingyan had never mentioned it to her. I'm afraid this idea has only just arisen, just Liu Yinfeng became Baoer's righteous father ...

Yun Chang lowered her head and groaned for a moment.

Luo gently said that the game was excellent. Although Liu Yinfeng is not an official body, he also has a large appeal in the North, and Xia Huanyu attaches great importance to Liu Yinfeng. In addition, Liu Yinfeng also has real materials. Marching wars and martial arts are very proficient. If Liu Yinfeng can teach Baoer in the future, Baoer will benefit forever.

Moreover, as Luo Qingyan said, Liu Yinfeng is Baoer's beneficiary. Baoer is called a righteous father, and he can also afford it. Yun Chang thought, raised his eyes, and smiled at Liu Yinfeng: "I forgot about it, Your Highness has talked to me several times before. I am very much in favor of it, son Liu?"

Liu Yinfeng heard the words and waved his hands again and again: "I'm just a grasshopper ..."

Speaking of general, I smiled helplessly: "I always feel that this excuse for refusal is a bit too unconvincing in the presence of His Royal Highness and the Crown Princess. Since His Royal Highness has opened my mouth, I will be a bit arrogant when I refuse. Now. "

He paused and said, "It's just that I don't have a long thing now, but I can't even give a small gift to the young man."

Yun Chang laughed when she heard the words, her face full of joy, "You just gave Baoer a piece of jade pendant, and that was the meeting ceremony."

Luo said lightly and laughed, "Looking at you, I think of one thing I want to discuss with you, why don't we go to the study room and talk about it?"

Liu Yinfeng nodded gently, and followed Luo Qingyan out of the room.

Qin Yi came to Yun Chang's side, looked out of the door, and whispered softly, "I was scared to death. Only then saw His Royal Highness come in, and the slave Hight thought that His Royal Highness would get angry. His Highness Liu Gongzi was a little uncomfortable before OK, today it's uncharacteristically mild. "

Yun Sang lowered her head and looked at the jade in front of Bao'er, and smiled, "This is a good thing. I'm afraid that Her Royal Highness wants to embrace Liu Yinfeng. If Liu Yinfeng is willing to help His Highness, he can become His Right Arm. "

Yun Sang squatted down in Baoer's crib, reached out to pick up the jade pendant, and whispered softly, then said softly: "This jade pendant is a piece of warm jade, but it is a treasure you can't find. Liu Yinfeng ... "

Yun Chang stunned, "It's very generous to Bao'er."

Yun Chang's voice gradually lowered, and she put Yupe in Baoer's hands, she knew in her heart that Liu Yinfeng was afraid not to be generous to Baoer, but to her ...

Yun Chang bit her lip, Liu Yinfeng is a wonderful person, but she is not the one who can give him happiness.

Luo Qingyan and Liu Yinfeng talked about what Yun Sang did not know. Only knowing that Luo Qingyan returned that day, his expression was very pleasant.

A few days later, Baoer's full moon feast.

Yun Chang was also out of confinement and was finally able to go out. Yun Chang was very happy. She woke up early in the morning, bathed and rinsed, Qin Yi combed Yun Shang a flying fairy, and wore two step shakes, wearing a long red skirt, ruddy complexion, the whole Everyone was a little happy.

Yun Chang ordered Ren to wear a red bellyband and small red pants. After a month's recuperation, Baoer grew fat and white, and looked very happy, like a little baby in his age.

Yun Chang teased Baoer for a while, and then saw the servant next to Luo Qingyan rushed: "Prince, your lord, let the minions come to pass a message, her lord and her queen's chariot have already left the palace, and her lord The princess was holding Xiaoshizi to the flower hall. "

Yun Chang responded quickly and held Bao'er in her arms: "Let's go, let's go and see the guests."

Qin Yi heard the words, and laughed aside suddenly: "The princess said this, how the slaves listened to how awkward. Whatever you see, the princess must not have broken the young son."

Yun Chang smiled hehe, holding Baoer down the stairs.

Going downstairs, Yun Chang said, "Take two grandmothers. Later, Xiao Shizi will cry when she is hungry."

Qin responded, and ordered the grandmother to keep up, and turned her head to Yun Sang and said, "Let the slaves hold the young son, although it is already autumn, but the weather is still hot, and the princess is afraid to hold it for a while. Will sweat. "

Yun Shang handed Baoer to Qin Yi, walked out of the room quickly, took a deep breath, and smiled, "Finally see the sun again, for a whole month, the bones in the house were soft."

Yun Chang walked leisurely to the flower hall, and saw Luo Qingyan talking to Hua Guogong. When seeing Yun Chang coming, his wife was greeted quickly: "Oh, my treasure, come, let the great-grandmother hug Hug. "

Qin Yi handed Baoer to the granddaughter, and the granddaughter laughed. "This one looks really happy today, like a doll."

Yun Chang laughed, "Isn't it, I'm still talking."

The granddaughter of the country teased Baoer for a while, and then she gathered beside Yun Chang and said, "I heard that Shen Shufei is gone? Do you know what happened?"

Yun Sang looked at Luo Qingyan, who occasionally went to this side, and then said softly: "It is Her Majesty's arrangement, Shen Shufei is her Majesty, but her mind is a bit unclean. Her Majesty was afraid she should not act against the Queen Mother. Mind. "

The Madame Guo Guo sighed softly, "This palace is really a bad place. I heard that Shu Fei is just a dark guard, dazzling her ears in the palace, and I'm afraid I've got the idea that I shouldn't."

Yun Chang smiled, but did not answer.

A long time ago, Hua Guofu's talents said, "I saw a familiar face in the city a few days ago, but it looks like Queen Su. I have never seen the Queen wearing a commoner's clothes before, but I did not recognize it at the time. Then I thought about it. Didn't Queen Su leave Jincheng? Appearing now, I always felt uneasy. They are all coming here today, and they must be careful. "

Yun Chang heard it, but was a little surprised: "Have my grandmother ever seen her?" <

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