Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 100: : Just go around

   "You don't have to do anything, just just turn around."

   Just a brief introduction, Guan Pengpeng took the body out of the bag and installed a white lens on it.

   Harmony, like a different person.

   does not emphasize any art anymore.

   Before, Su Qingyue was still worried that he would ask too much.

   thinking about what to do.

   But when I look at him now, I think he is like a little boy with first love, meeting a goddess.

   all blushed.

   Yan Xipan politely said, "Thank you buddy."

   "No, it should be me thanking you. If it weren't for you, I would definitely not see Qingqing." The words were a bit strange, but they felt sincere and innocent.

   Qingqing just walked around casually.

   occasionally sits down in a chair and looks out the window.

   Guan Pengpeng followed, pressing the shutter continuously.

   The angle is normal, without the blind spots in his blog.

   What I want is nature, inadvertent smiles, clear eyes, cute smiles, and heartbreaking indifference and helplessness.

   Su Qing knows that only the effect that comes out in this way is the best.

   Zhou Ziyou fetched water from the office area.

   He and Yan Xipan were drinking.

   Kan Qingqing just sat in front of the French windows and looked at the loop below.

   looked back a little.

   Without a pleasing smile, she looked at the camera.

   Everyone around was stunned.

   Yan Xipan sighed: "You feel really good about youth."

   "Look at what you said, it's like how old you are." Su Qingyue was amused by him.

   Yan Xipan said: "My heart has long been old." After speaking, he covered his chest as if it hurt.

   Qingqing got up and walked away again.

   Su Qingyue told them behind him that they could also go to the office area.

   "It's OK to go downstairs too, be free." Yan Xipan said.

   Qingqing looked back at him.

  'S face is a little red, as if asking for instructions.

   Yan Xipan gave her a very positive look.

   Qingqing walked into the office area.

   The shutter is ringing.

   Guan Pengpeng looked down at the effect from time to time, and exclaimed.

   At this time, Yan Xipan said to him: "By the way, I have settled that link."

   "It's done?" Su Qingyue was taken aback, staring at him with wide eyes, his face full of disbelief.

"Old Huang is out, there is nothing to worry about." He chuckled and took a picture of his black satchel. "I came a little bit late, so I went to get the contract." He said, "I just used the one from "Sing Together" There is nothing impossible to build a team, as long as the money is in place."

   He speaks directly.

   But Su Qingyue thinks that this is right.

   I hate the team that says everything is cheap and then increases the price temporarily.

   Two people chatted.

   Qingqing looked at Hualuo's cultural wall.

   Guan Pengpeng continued to shoot.

   Su Qing asked Yan Xipan: "Such a good youth, are you not going to stay?"

   "Stay?" Yan Xipan was startled, looked at Su Qingyue, and said, "No, I have a bottom line."

   His words were so natural and he had a sense of justice, so Su Qingyue didn't know what to say for a while.

   For a long time, he was silent.

   In the end, he couldn't help but pierced him jokingly: "You were with that Korean girl yesterday."

   "I'm interested in everything related to youth." He paused and laughed, "If you want to be youthful, live less in spring and go."

   I heard him casually utter the words "Butterfly Love and Spring".

   Su Qing became more curious.

   "Can you be more youthful?"

   "Passion requires physical strength, feelings require responsibility. What others say is not important, and you know what you are doing..." Yan Xipan's words are meaningful.

   Su Qingyue felt that he must have experienced something.

   They continued to move forward.

   Someone came over from time to time. At first, I was just curious about what the interactive entertainment marketing department was doing.

   But after seeing Qingqing, his eyes stopped instantly.

   Yan Xipan laughed.

   With a smug on his face, Chen Feng walked towards them at this moment.

   "The message was sent to you, remember to read it," he said.

"Understood." Su Qingyue nodded immediately and introduced again, "The Showgirl that Xipan introduced to us is currently auditioning. I think if it is possible, it will be very good to be the main show." He said, Chen Feng's gaze followed him. Qingqing.

   Qingqing is walking to the meeting room.

   The glass door is half open and there is no one inside.

   The warm light of the meeting room vented and hit her in the face.

   She has a good outline, a tall nose and bright eyes.

   Chen Feng was stunned for a while.

   looked back at Su Qingyue and Yan Xipan again.

   There was surprise in his eyes, and he couldn't believe it. Someone could impress everything with only youth.

   It took him a long time to recover.

   "You can make your own decisions about the main show, but be quick."

   Chen Feng said calmly, looked at Yan Xipan, and gave him a positive look.

   said thank you.


   The more Su Qing knew, this was the greatest affirmation.

   Before thinking about it, at the press conference, Yan Xipan even ran into Chen Feng.

   He secretly sighed, Chen Feng's measurement.

   Let Zhou Ziyou accompany Qingqing and Guan Pengpeng.

   He and Yan Xipan entered the meeting room and called Xiao Yu over again.

   The three people chatted about the Gameyoung site plan.

   "We need to enter the venue three days in advance, are you okay?" Su Qingyue sat down and asked.

   Xiao Yu brought the water over and sat down.

   Yan Xipan said thank you.

   stretched out: "Your theme should be set as soon as possible, because time is running out. Many props and costumes must be scheduled in advance." He picked up the cup and took a sip of water.

   "What are your thoughts on this?" Su Qingyue asked him.

   "My idea is very simple. Since we are so strenuous to find the main show, it is better to find a bright spot on the basis of the main show. At the same time, it is related to your game scene and design."

   other words.

   Su Qingyue thought for a moment.

   Xiao Yu said unconsciously: "It's about youth."

   Yan Xipan shook his head, "Not necessarily, there are many kinds of youth, and Qingqing has many aspects. It depends on how you choose."

   "For example, let her appear in a certain school, but the scene must be truly restored, are you okay with this?"

   "Don't worry." Yan Xipan's concise answer ~www.ltnovel.com~ with confidence.

   Countless sects passed through Su Qingyue's mind.

   Think of Katsuyuki Baiyi.

   Snow also represents purity.

   Youth is the same.

   The next moment, he locked onto the Jade Girl faction.

   and Xiao Yu almost blurted out at the same time: "Jade Girl School, pure and sunny!"

   "Can you achieve the effect of the snow mountain?" Su Qingyue asked.

   "I can make a volcano for you."

   Xiao Yu interrupted.

   "Also consider the interest of the live players and the space to stay."

   "I will design, let's discuss it together."

   Yan Xipan nodded and wrote down what they said.

   A time was agreed.

   Su Qingyue asked Xiao Yu to contact the clothing designer for the exhibition as soon as possible.

   Then, they walked out of the meeting room.

   The sun outside gradually fell.

   Seeing that the photo is still going on.

   Green in the sunset, with a halo on his cheeks.

   Su Qingyue really couldn't hold back, and said with emotion: "This must be bombed."

   At this time, Guan Pengpeng looked back at them and nodded.

   Yan Xipan asked: "Is it finished?"

   "Well, we can look at it in the machine, make suggestions, and take pictures on the spot, and then I will adjust the details." Guan Pengpeng said.

   "It must be very beautiful." Yan Xipan cast a smiling face towards Qingqing.

   Qingqing was a little shy, and said thank you to Guan Pengpeng.

   On Zhou Ziyou's machine, I connected the camera, but the system did not recognize the device for a while.

   I had to go to the driver's house again and got a driver.

   Zhou Ziyou complained: "2000 is not good, if XP would be much better."

   As they said, the photos appeared.

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