Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 104: : Shocking change

   When I got home, the night was already very deep.

   There is no noise outside.

   Su Qingyue and Amo were going to sleep when they heard the door knock outside.

   It is Brother Guang who is back.

   He thought, just about to fall asleep when he heard Brother Guang go to the bathroom.

   The voice came out.

   It seemed that he had drunk too much, Su Qingyue said to Amou.

   got up to take care of Brother Guang.

  As soon as he entered the bathroom, he saw him holding the toilet.

   The whole person is in a panic, and the clothes are crookedly worn.

   Seems to have experienced something, looking up at Su Qingyue.

   got up in a daze and swayed: "You use it first!" He hiccuped.

   Full of alcohol.

   Su Qing busily supported him.

   "I don't need to, just listen to you vomiting, come out and have a look."

   "It's okay, I just drank too much."

   As he said, he squatted down again, and couldn't vomit dryly. Su Qingyue knocked him on the back.

   After a while, he finally slowed down.

   his eyes were dull, and he sat down in the bathroom.

   constantly shaking his head and sighing, it seems something is on his mind.

   "Why did you drink so much?" Su Qingyue asked, thinking that with his strength, he should not vomit like this.

   "It's nothing big, just..." Brother Guang scratched his long hair, sighed, and looked up at Su Qingyue, "What do you think of Song Xiaoxuan?" He suddenly asked.

   Su Qingyue was taken aback, and first uttered an ah.

   realized that there might be a problem between them.

   Such as Song Xiaoxuan green him.

   can think about it again, what kind of green is this?

   didn't understand what was going on with them, so he asked, "It's good, what's wrong?"

   "What do you think is the relationship between us?" Brother Guang asked.

   "What is it?" Su Qingyue was a little embarrassed and thought for a moment.

   I didn't want to answer at first, but I can look at the longing look of Brother Guang.

   He had no choice but to say, "Lover? Or something else? You know this better than me, brother." Su Qing smiled and realized that there must be something wrong with the two of them, "What happened?" He then asked.

   "Many acts of unrighteousness will kill oneself. Heaven can still do evil, but you cannot live by doing evil."

   The long series of emotional exits are obviously evaluating oneself.

   Su Qingyue subconsciously thought, could it be discovered?

   But before the thoughts fell, Brother Guang sighed and said, "She has a baby."


   "She said so."

   "I'm going, didn't you two take measures?" Su Qingyue was shocked.

"In the passion, what measures do not take measures? Who is the one who cares so much in the passion?" Guang Ge waved his hand, squinting at Su Qingyue, and then said after a long time: "The important thing is that she wants to give birth to the child... …"

   "..." Su Qingyue was silent for a while.

   Countless consequences appeared in my mind, the most likely one is Mr. Zhong Tankai, who has been busy all his life.

   In the end, the child may not be his own.

   A little embarrassed, Brother Guang continued: "She said that she is almost forty, and she won't need children anymore. It will be difficult to get it in the future. This accident was a gift from God to both of us."

   "Gift..." Su Qingyue repeated this sentence.

   I don't think it has any deep meaning.

   Then Brother Guang said one word at a time: "She said she wants to divorce Zhong Tankai."

   "Wipe..." Su Qingyue didn't say anything from behind.

   When I remembered from the beginning, I felt that he and Sister Xiaoxuan were not as simple as taking off their clothes.

   Their feelings are actually very deep.

   Maybe neither of them felt it, but now something like this has happened.

   Su Qingyue didn't know what to say for a while.

   Brother Guang continued: "I'm just a playmate, do you understand?"

   He said this to himself, with an emphasis on it.

Talking to herself: "And she is so much older than me, how do you tell me to go back to my hometown? Not only the family watched, but the people in the town watched. You also know how many people are looking forward to my father's accident. Am I doing well? If I take it home..."

   He didn't finish talking.

   Su Qingyue already understood the result.

   Seeing that Brother Guang took out the smoke, there was no fire.

   He turned around and went to the house and took a fire.

   "So what did you tell her?" he asked, lighting the cigarette for Brother Guang.

"What do I dare to say?" Brother Guang suddenly yelled, "I dare not say anything. I know she has feelings for me, and I have feelings for her. But having feelings doesn't mean it will come true," he As he said, he suddenly fell down, "It was just for fun from the beginning, she knew it, and I knew it." He emphasized.

   Su Qingyue felt very bored and exhaled.

   subconsciously squeezed sweat for the two of them.

   helped Guang Ge stand up and asked: "Then what are you going to do?"

"What to do?" Brother Guang looked at him and asked, "I want to know, can I drink more?" He said, "I just don’t know what to do, and I have this feeling, so I don’t want to be separated. But I can give What's the kid? Just this little broken house? Thousands of dollars a month, I can't even support myself!"


   Su Qingyue was silent.

Brother Guang sighed, the wine woke up a little, and he said again: "I just said that you and Zhong Tankai have been together for so many years. Is it a pity? With this sentence, she exploded! She asked me, my mother and You have also been over a year? Have no feelings?"

   "And then?" Su Qing asked more curiously, and helped Guang Ge back to the house.

"What can I say? I just said, I am doing good for you. We have been together for more than a year. I am very affectionate for you and I am worried about you." He said, his voice was very serious, After learning the whole picture, she said: "Then she said she was blind, UU reading www.uukanshu.com called me a scumbag."


   At this point, Su Qingyue has no idea what to say.

   helped Brother Guang to the bed.

   He asked for water, and got him another glass of water.

He took a sip, and then said dazedly: "I am not a scumbag, but reality always forces me to go another way. What do you say to me? Your senior sister, thinks I am incapable, and stays away from me for half a year. Well, what else can I do if I don’t go out and look for it? Brother, tell me!"

   "Well, I understand." Su Qingyue said.

   I don’t know if he and Sister Sister have this one.

   After a while, Brother Guang mumbled and fell asleep.

   Su Qingyue poured another glass of water for him and put it on the chair.

   Before leaving, I heard him say: "Qingmin, don't go, don't go! Let's go back to Chuanfu."

  Su Qingyue didn't know whether to scold him or sympathize with him.

   went back to the room and saw that Amu had fallen asleep deeply.

   He hugged her abruptly.

   took a deep breath and said seriously: "I love you."

   Amu was confused and opened his eyes.

"what's happenin?"

   "Nothing." Su Qingyue said.

   "Then go to sleep."

   Ah Mou said, and plunged his head into his arms.

Holding her, I suddenly remembered a sentence: this is the best time, this is the worst time; this is a bright season, this is a dark season; this is the spring of hope, this is the winter of disappointment; people There is everything in front of us, and people have nothing in front of them; people are on the way to heaven, people are walking towards the gate of hell.

   suddenly wanted to add another paragraph.

   They are running wildly on the road to love each other, they are on the road to break up.

  Everything is because they really loved.

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