Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 133: : Liu Tianjun

   5:30 in the afternoon.

   Su Qingyue and Chen Feng left and went to the thank you meeting of Focus Software.

   There is a traffic jam on the road.

   Looking outside through the car window, like Jiang Hai and Beijing, skyscrapers are being raised at high speed.

   is mixed in, is a row of low and shabby lanes.

   He thought of the relatives of Amo's family.

   Actually, he didn't want Ah Mou to eat with them, and he was prepared for the people and words he would face tonight.

   He hates the unique superiority of Jianghai people, and feels that it is not worth mentioning.

   Thank you meeting, in a small road next to Jianghai Bank.

   is surrounded by walls of suitable height on both sides, which just separate the outside world.

   does not put pressure on people inside and outside.

   Green trees shade, giving people a cool feeling.

   Get off the car and walk into the courtyard, and you can immediately see the European architecture and the vast garden.

   An uncle in a tunic suit greeted them in front of the porch.

   Entering the door, you can see the plaque of the Zhuyin Mountain House.

   Inside is mahogany furniture.

  The dark baseboard, like pen-and-ink lines, outlines the wall with yellow wallpaper.

   seems to be returning to the old-fashioned movie, the rich family of the old Jianghai.

   There are floor-to-ceiling windows on one side of the hall, and the plane tree in the courtyard outside.

   went through the hall and went to the second floor with the uncle.

   Foot on the wooden floor, making a creaking sound.

   The second floor is very large, and there is a terrace of nearly 100 square meters.

   Six tables, next to the scenery.

   Downstairs is a garden with lush vegetation and fragrance of flowers in all seasons.

   Quiet in the trouble.

   The environment is pleasant.

   Jiao Kejun hadn't come when they walked in.

   Su Qingyue glanced at him and found that the people inside had basically seen him in the Gameyoung summit forum.

  Some glared at the investment forum.

  Some are people who have spoken, and some should be executives.

   Yue Lindao and He Jiahua are chatting.

   Except for a few unknown people, he smiled from time to time.

There is a beautiful woman beside   .

   has a dark skin and is stylishly dressed, with high heels.

   Carry a Chanel bag.

   smiled occasionally in it, quite exotic.

   Hou Lili?

   I remembered the last time I met with Boss Chen in the bar, the general manager of Wangqi.

   did not say hello.

Liu Hao greeted them, stretched out his hand, revealing that the country had lost everything, and smiled: "Mr. Chen, is the road okay? Is it a bit blocked? Jiang Hai has been building roads everywhere recently, which is very annoying." The authentic Jianghai Mandarin complained.

   Chen Feng replied: "In fact, it's okay, at least better than Pingjing."

"Oh, that's for sure." Liu Hao smiled and shook hands with Su Qingyue, greeting him: "Manager Su, do you think this place is pretty good?" He pointed to the scenery, before Su Qingyue said again. Introduction: "Here just won the title of TheBest50, and many stars like to come here."

   "It's really good to keep quiet in the trouble." Su Qingyue said.

   He also likes this garden house.

   I hope that one day, I can live with Amu.

   After a while, Chen Feng looked around and asked, "Hey, where is Mr. Liu?"

   "Hey, my uncle will be there in a while. He and Mr. Jiao may be in a traffic jam on the road."

   Think about it, too.

   Su Qingyue and Chen Feng both nodded.

   At this time someone else came, Liu Hao said a few more words, and left first.

   Chen Feng led Su Qingyue towards Yuelin Island.

   He Jiahua saw them beckoning and introduced to Hou Lili: "Hey, I told you this young man."

"Is that me?"

   Noting that everyone's eyes stopped on him, Su Qingyue was inexplicable.

   Chen Feng also asked: "What's wrong?"

   Hou Lili laughed and explained: "Just now Mr. He was complimenting this young man, he can do things, talk, and has a brain."

   Su Qingyue blushed, feeling so exaggerated, a bit embarrassed.

   Chen Feng laughed from the sidelines and introduced him: "General Manager Wangqi, Hou Lili."

   reached out his hand, just wanted to say what we have seen.

   suddenly realized that since Chen Feng re-introduced, he should not want people to know.

   said immediately: "Hou is good, I am Su Qingyue."

   "Hello Manager Su." Hou Lili smiled and shook hands with him, without mentioning that they had met before.

   Several people chatted.

   He Jiahua looked at his watch, Liu Hao had sharp eyes and walked immediately.

   "I just called and will be there soon."

   "Okay." He Jiahua said nothing.

   went back to chat with them.

   After a while, Su Qingyue felt that the time was not too short.

   A hearty smile came from outside the porch.

   Someone is saying: "Mr. Liu, the free kick you just took was really beautiful."

   A hoarse Jiang Hai accent came out and said: "I told you, if it weren't for business delays, at my level, entering the national team is not a problem."

   "It would be nice to be a coach now." This is Jiao Kejun's voice.

   Everyone looked over.

   A few walked in.

   Su Qingyue first saw Jiao Kejun and Chen Ting.

   They followed Liu Tianjun and walked with a few players in uniforms, talking and laughing.

   is obviously greeting and polite.

  Look at Liu Tianjun's suit again.

   The belt is from Hermes.

   Liu Tianjun came in and greeted everyone enthusiastically.

   pointed to a few people he knew very well, and said with a kind of boss-like enthusiasm: "You drink more today."

   Liu Tianjun was speaking in Jianghai Mandarin.

   is similar to Su Qingyue's feeling at the summit forum, but this time he is a bit more aggressive.

   Liu Tianjun's cheeks are sharp and angular, and his cheekbones are slightly higher.

   At first glance, they are from the Jiangsu and Zhejiang generation.

Seeing him turn around and the waiter said: "Go and add some chairs," and to other people, introduced a few men in jerseys: "My team, a bunch of good brothers. Hey, I told you, this year we The goal is to upgrade. In the future, we will strive to have a Super League team with our colorful advertisements."

   "This is a good idea."

   said the person next to it.

   Obviously everyone is not surprised, and greeted the members of his team.

   Liu Tianjun then shook hands with He Jiahua.

   smiled, "I specially arranged here tonight, the environment is good, don't you think it's okay?" That is an affirmative question. Although the boss's posture is a bit less, he still can't hide it. But He Jiahua was nothing, he was laughing all the time.

   also asked him: "You want to surpass, UU reading www.uukanshu.com have to buy players? Buy some good ones, it will do."

   Liu Tianjun laughed: "Old He, don't worry, I will pay this money myself."

   The two laughed at the same time.

   Jiao Kejun stood there with a smile.

   Liu Tianjun only then said: "Sit down, everyone."

   Then everyone divided the guests and the host and took their seats.

   Su Qingyue and Chen Feng sit on the left side of the main table.

   Liu Hao and Chen Ting are also at their table.

   The main table is Liu Tianjun in the main table, Jiao Kejun is on the right.

   The left hand is He Jiahua and Yue Lindao.

Liu Tianjun said to Jiao Kejun: "I specially arranged this place. The terrace was not allowed to be used. How can I eat it if I said it was not allowed?" He introduced with a smile, and said to Yue Lindao: "Ms. Yue, have a taste today. Taste, their shrimp noodles and wild yellow croaker are very delicious."

   Everyone was talking and laughing.

   Before leaving the hot dishes, what did He Jiahua say to Liu Tianjun?

   Liu Hao's eyes were sharp, and he hurriedly walked over to the main table.

   Then he took the microphone and announced that Liu Tianjun and Mr. Jiao were speaking.

   Then everyone stood up and applauded.

   Liu Tianjun took the microphone.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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