Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 142: : Grace will revenge

   "What position is the director equivalent to in our newspaper?"

   When Amou knew that Su Qingyue was promoted to director, her first reaction was this.

   corresponds to what the newspaper should be.

   Everyone likes to convert their cognition in their familiar fields.

   This is inertial thinking, Su Qingyue can't explain it, and doesn't think it makes sense to care about it.

   If one’s goal is university, how can one care about the “junior high school diploma”?

   He thought, and said to Amou: "This doesn't seem to be comparable, so it's middle management."

"Okay, I see." Amu's voice came from the microphone. "I want to tell my parents, otherwise their hearts are always hanging and worry about me. My mom keeps saying that if it doesn't work, let us Come back quickly, I have to reassure her."

   Amu excitedly whispered at home.

   Su Qingyue smiled on the phone.

   didn't think there was anything wrong with what Amu's mother said.

   Ah Mou is different from himself.

   She is an only child and is very dependent on her parents.

   At the same time, her parents are very dependent on her.

   This is the state of most urban families.

   Su Qing pondered it more, and felt that he still had to reassure Amu's family.

   then told her: "If you have to make an analogy, it's probably the deputy director of the department."

hang up the phone.

   All day, Su Qingyue was in a good mood.

   It’s just that Xiao Yu forwarded the blog post exposing Jia Naixiang’s derailment to himself.

   He actually avenged his grievances and slapped Xiao Yu ruthlessly: "Xiao Yu, what do you mean?"


   This move stunned Xiao Yu.

   looked at him blankly.

   Including Su Qingyue, everyone looked over.

   Seeing him blushing, gritted his teeth.

   Xiao Yu was very upset, but when he could see it, he still suppressed his anger and asked inexplicably: "What's the matter?"

   "What's wrong?" Jia Naixiang asked him back, pointing to his screen, "What are you saying! What do you mean by sending me this? You want to mock me, does that mean?" His voice trembled.

   I knew what was going on in an instant.

   Su Qingyue couldn't believe that Jia Naixiang would be so stupid.

   He was kind enough to let Xiao Yu transfer it to Jia to deal with it himself.

   In this case, the situation will not expand.

   Minimize the impact on Jia Naixiang’s work.

"Jia Naixiang! Don't avenge your grievances! Do that by yourself, you know it in your heart." Xiao Yu was also angry, "I kindly remind you and let you deal with it yourself. If I knew it, I should let this article ferment and make trouble. Not ending!"

   Everyone's eyes all moved to Jia Naixiang's screen.

   The content is at a glance.

   Jia Naixiang hurriedly shut down the computer, but it was too late.

   Su Qingyue sighed helplessly.

   At this moment, this situation and this scene.

He couldn't ignore it, and stand up: "Jia Naixiang, I asked Xiao Yu to do this. I knew that if I sent it to you, you would misunderstand. So let Xiao Yufa ask you to wipe your **** clean. Now it's like this, a problem. You can handle it yourself." Su Qingyue opened his hands.

   probably realized that he made a mistake.

   and very serious.

   is so serious that it's not just the revenge, but also his reputation and even his job.

   and my future in ChinaNet.

   did not speak any more, everyone returned to their seats.

   Jia Naixiang sat down and fidgeted on the keyboard.

Very loud sound.

   After a while, he went out to call again, and Su Qingyue found that his forehead was sweaty.

   Then, Wang Xi hurried over.

   asked where Jia Naixiang was.

   Everyone shook their heads, and Wang Xi went out again.

  Su Qingyue wanted to say to Wang Xi: He can betray even those who share the ups and downs with him, how old are you?

  In the group in the market center, the information was released.

  Su Qingyue didn't think that Jia Naixiang did it right.

   just want to reduce the impact.

  Su Qingyue made a request to all the staff: No one may discuss the Jia Naixiang incident or spread any speech.

   separately sent messages to several people who saw the content.

   Tell them not to spread.

   Fortunately, those in the center of the market are more united.

   Then he comforted Xiao Yu.

   Su Qingyue knew that Xiao Yu didn't need to give special instructions.

   was talking on QQ, Jia Naixiang called back from outside.

   Wang Xi did not follow.

   He was sweating profusely, passing by Su Qingyue's work station, casually said: "I'll go out."

   Knowing that he is going to deal with his own affairs, Su Qingyue nodded.

   But in my heart, I have no hope for this.

   Once a woman took this step, she figured it out.

   If you love, you love, and if you are wrong, you are wrong.

   Do not entangle, since you are not afraid of shame, then put it on the Internet for others to appreciate.

   Then I say goodbye, never see you.

   is a bit cruel, but it is already kind.


   cursed in his heart and continued to work.

   Before leaving get off work, Chen Feng made an appointment with him.

   wanted to help him celebrate his promotion.

   Su Qingyue was very happy, and immediately agreed.

   They agreed to find a time to go to Sanlitun.

   At half past six, Su Qingyue took a look, there was nothing to do, so he walked home.

   again passing by the university town.

   Seeing those sweet and sweet couples cuddling each other.

   I don’t know if they will come together.

   Some people walked around, and they might have scattered.

   But it is enough to have a good memory worth remembering.

   Think of Jia Naixiang, think of Zhong Tankai.

   Think of Sister Xiao Xuan.

   When they are together, they must all truly love each other.

   can be walked and changed.

  The reality is cruel, and it will not only change because of money.

   will also be due to status, appearance, thinking, living habits, etc.

   Countless factors.

   When you get tired of it, choose to betray.

   More than one person betrayed.

   is a direction, a goal.

   Restart to fight against reality, revisit the past and the future.

   This process will definitely be long and painful.

  If you want to continue, they must grow together.

   There is also emotional matching, resonance, and protection of responsibility.

   Su Qingyue made up his mind not to let conflicts accumulate.

   went home and prepared to go out for dinner with Amu.

   found that Ah Mou had prepared a small cake for herself.

   It says: Director Su.

   Su Qing laughed more.

   In Wudaokou, I chose a Japanese food that Amou thought was good.

   Ah Mo also rarely drank alcohol.

   I wish him promotion.

   Then the two of them chatted and ate.

   Amo told him that his parents were very happy for him.

   "But I'm a little worried..." She said, UU reading www.uukanshu.com down.

   Su Qingyue asked: "What's wrong?"

   "Mom said, this man will go bad when he has money. She is afraid that you will get better and better, so she will look down on me."

   understand this worry.

Su Qing laughed: "So I have been pulling you to make progress together." He said, becoming more serious, "Amu, we must work hard together, no one can fall." Holding Amu's hand, Su Qing looked at she was.

   Amu gave a hum.

   laughed again.

   The two continue to drink.

   Then imagine the future.

   Amo accepted his study plan.

   promised him, the first thing is to get the position of the chief reporter of the website.

   She is confident at this point.

   Because of her last interview with Tian Lei, it caused a sensation inside.

   Su Qingyue, firmly believes in Ah Mou's ability.

   After eating, the two walked back.

   passing by the university town.

   Seeing those lovers, I remembered that I and Amou had been so crooked before.

   Unconsciously, the two of them also held hands.

   In the direction of home, go.

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