Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 177: : Another mode

   After listening to the planning meeting of the art team for a while.

  The players felt the real game making process.

After    came out, they got a gift prepared by the art team for them-a hand-painted pair of newlyweds based on the characters.

   Then they went to the meeting room.

   There is no conference table this time, and it is replaced by an old-fashioned auditorium.

   Dongfangjun and his assistants sat down at the front desk. The background is the theme of the event.

According to the arrangement, as the host of the show, Xiao Yu first thanked the players on behalf of the company; thanked the creators for taking time out of her busy schedule to communicate with everyone; and then she briefly described the current status of "The World of Martial Arts" The situation, and the wedding arrangement.

   gave everyone a theme and at the same time mobilized the passion of the evening wedding, and also created a more relaxing atmosphere.

   Listening to her speech on stage, Su Qingyue felt that Xiao Yu not only has a good voice, but also has a good grasp of the rhythm of the scene. He deserves to be a master of broadcasting and hosting. While thinking about it, Xiao Yu said, “Let’s hand over the microphone to the players below to see which friend is willing to communicate with our main creator.”

   Song Shaolong stood up for the first time, without even raising his hand.

   Xiao Yu said: "It seems that this player is quite excited, then let's let him talk about his thoughts first." She said, handing the microphone to Song Shaolong.

The latter was so excited that the first few sentences actually stuttered, "I, I, I, I...I am the disciple of Quanzhen's brother..." He adjusted his state after saying a few sentences: "I think we Quanzheng , One Yang Zhi is missing, this unique and unique school. This was originally created by our ancestor, but as a result, your Dali Duan family..."

   Listening to him, Su Qing knew that this question might have been carefully prepared by him.

   But this is actually a request, not a problem.

   and too nonsensical.

  Because of the changes he hopes, the game company cannot solve it.

   This is the internal logic of traditional cognition. In common sense, Yiyang Zhi has never been the unique skill of Quanzhen Sect.

   was a little nervous.

   Look at Dongfang Jun and his assistant, still smiling.

   At this time, Xiao Yu is separated between the main creator and the players, and the atmosphere is first active: "This is a good question, which can make our producers think deeply. The origin of some kung fu and their origins are exquisite."

   Then she handed the microphone to Yang Jigang, who planned it.

   The latter always kept a friendly smile on his face.

"Brother." When Yang Jigang opened his mouth, he pulled in the distance first, and then said: "To talk about this, you must discuss the relationship between the one yang finger and the Six Meridian Excalibur. I don't know you have seen the full set of'Feixue Liantian Shooting Bailu "Does the Laughing Man rely on Bi Yuan'? This is actually about the order of the fourteen books."

   He said so, watching Song Shaolong shook his head.

Continued: "The Babu of Heavenly Dragon and the Eagle Shooting are inherently connected. In the Eagle Shooting, Wang Chongyang and Nandi exchanged innate merits, and only then did your ancestor defeat Ouyang Feng with one Yang finger. , And the Southern Emperor Duan Zhixing is actually Duan Yu's grandson..."

   When he said something, everyone was shocked.

   Then Song Shaolong took the lead and applauded, and said: "I was wrong, I was wrong."

   Su Qingyue was also shocked. Unexpectedly, Yang Jigang could aim at the origin of a practice method, and talk about his history casually, and couldn't help but admire it. It took a deep breath and understood that this is not about doing a good job of preparation, but about having a lot of accumulation.

   Then there are a few more questions.

   One game is one weird.

   What? Since we are all married, why can't we have a baby? My baby can also be a pet.

  The design of the inn is unscientific. There should be a couple's room.

  The people in the R&D department are all able to deal with it freely.

   Especially when a player said, "Your marriage system does not conform to real martial arts, nor does it conform to history. We were polygamous in ancient times. I think you should change it."

   "We can change, but you have to ask your wife."

   The audience laughed in a moment, and the player who spoke was directly caught by his wife's ears: "Do you still want to have polygamy?"

   "I don't want to! I don't want to!"

Then Yang Jigang corrected the player’s statement: “In fact, we were not polygamous in ancient times, but monogamy, one concubine and multiple concubines...” He introduced: “Just accept concubines. Regular. For example, if your wife has been married to you for twenty years, if you only have a daughter without a son, you can have a concubine..."

   Hearing what he said there, the players are all quiet, like they are in class.

   applauded again.

   Su Qingyue felt that today's test is over.

   Then Zhang Xiaojun raised his hand, and Xiao Yu gave him the microphone.

   He said: "Since there are rivers and lakes, there are sects, and there are sects, and there are sect disputes, including the ability to challenge your own head..."

   Liu Yong listened next to him and said, "Don't let your boss hear you, he will think you are rebellious."

   Everyone laughed.

   Then Yang Jigang said: "This is one of the contents that will be open in the future."

answer the questions.

   At this time, Su Qingyue looked at his watch, and he thought it was almost time.

   looked up Xiao Yu.

  The latter inadvertently gave him an affirmative look and said, "Next, we will proceed to the last question."

   Liu Yong raised his hand again this time.

Xiao Yu gave him the microphone, and he pondered for a while, and said, "I have an idea, it's not a problem. You listen to it and see if it's right. I think the mode of Martial Arts World should be changed in the future." Said, scratching his head, looked a little unconfident.

   Dongfang Jun looked at him with interest: "You said."

"I think the game is too time-consuming. I hired several people to help me play the game. Any activity in the past by mistake will not only affect me, but also affect the guild." He said, "I think, can I change it to Use money to buy time~www.ltnovel.com~ The rich spend money, and those without money spend time, the rivers and lakes must have the rules of the rivers and lakes. I think it is another level of balance."

   As soon as he said a word, the discussion immediately started on the spot.

   Many people even seem very excited.

   At this time, Liu Yong continued: "Nowadays, there are a lot of game promotions, charging points to send items. In order to obtain items, monthly cards are recharged for 10 years, is this reasonable? And isn't this the model I said?"

   other words.

   Su Qingyue thinks of Choi Seung-woo. He told himself some small game companies in South Korea, selling props and selling time.

   Suddenly felt that instead of hiding it, it’s better to do it openly, so that it’s more transparent...

   I think Liu Yong's idea is good.

   Dongfang Jun said on stage at this time: "These models need to be changed, and we have been thinking about it."

   His words are simple, but he is actually thinking.

   At this time, Xiao Yu let the whole exchange meeting end in time.

   Before leaving, Liu Yong still pulled Dongfang Jun and said: "You can consider what we said, this is really important."

   Su Qingyue felt that this is not just Dongfang Jun to consider.

   I have to consider myself.

   Then they left the R&D center.

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