Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 185: : She really likes you

   He finally found her at McDonald's at the intersection.

   Through the glass, she was crying and out of breath.

   I feel sorry for her a little bit.

   But again, I asked myself, who did you offend? I haven't done anything excessive, it's a big holiday.

   Pingjing’s innocence is so cold that people will shiver if they stand outside for a while.

   He couldn't help but miss Hengqin.

When    pushed the door in, a voice rang in my heart, didn’t you think of this day?

   He expelled the thought forcefully, walked in and sat across from her.

   She groaned and wanted to leave, but Su Qing held her hand firmly.

   Then he sat down again, turned his face to his side, and looked out the French window.

   There are only dry branches and scattered students outside the window.

   Several cars passed by quickly.

   Seeing that there was nothing on the table of Amu, he got up and bought her favorite cone.

   returned to his seat.

   She turned her face and refused to eat her life or death. Su Qingyue sighed helplessly, just about to make his mouth.

   The next moment, Ah Mou snatched the cone again.

   glared at Su Qingyue, as if he had snatched his beloved gift, breathing faster.

   It took a long time before I started to hum and eat.

   kept looking out the window.

Su Qing sighed longer and said: "Okay, don't you just want to make trouble? Seeing this video, I always feel that if you don't make trouble with me, you can't justify it. By the way, he threatened me by threatening me, playing ahead of time and warning me that this is the case. No way."

   "Why am I making trouble?" Amu pursed his lips, his eyes turned back instantly.

   "Okay, it doesn't matter." Su Qingyue had already figured out what Amu was thinking, and said, "The important thing is that I didn't do anything."

   "Bah!" Ah Mou wiped his tears.

   Su Qingyue said: "And I didn't like her either. This is a scene. I can shoot my conscience and say that my feelings for you can stand the test."

"Yes, you didn't like her, but she likes you very much?" Amu said, "I have seen it since eating that day. Her eyes were not on Jiang Zhengshang at all, it was all on you, you think I am Stupid!"


   Amu's words made Su Qing more startled.

   suddenly found that he couldn't remember what happened that night.

   was shocked by the woman's observation.

   "Hehe, Su Qingyue, did you not expect it, or pretend to be stupid?"

   "Heaven and earth conscience."

   "What the **** did you tell him to make her cry like that."

"We are all lines arranged by Yan Xipan." Su Qingyue said, hurriedly changing the subject, and took out his mobile phone: "I have to ask Yan Xipan and Hua Yang to invite me to dinner. It's not over for what happened to me so miserably. "After speaking, he dialed out angrily and pressed the speakerphone.

   After a while, the voice of Yan Xipan not waking up came.

   Su Qingyue said, "Yan Xipan, your kid owes me a meal!"

   He said this suddenly, and Yan Xipan on the phone was obviously taken aback.

   could react immediately, and smiled: "Is it because you acted so much that the sister-in-law was angry?"

   "You killed me."

"You and your sister-in-law should be clarified." Yan Xipan coughed on the other side of the phone: "I wrote the lines, and I helped adjust my emotions. If you make it clear, you can do it. My sister-in-law is not that kind of ignorant. people."

   As he spoke, Ah Mou's expression slowly recovered.

   looked at Su Qingyue.

Then Yan Xipan on the phone paused, thinking of something, and did not speak for a long time. The next moment, it seemed that he suddenly realized, and said: "Oh...Is it the matter of holding hands that angered my sister-in-law? Hahaha! Sister-in-law, are you serious?" He laughed on the phone.

   "You can still laugh?" Su Qingyue asked back.

"Just talk to my sister-in-law, and I let you do it." He said, "Furthermore, what's wrong with holding hands. I originally wanted you to have more contact with each other. Unfortunately, you are a Chinese wedding and a martial arts game. , Not suitable." He said, his attitude suddenly became serious, "Besides, if you want to achieve the best results, then you have to pay!"

   "Stop talking nonsense, when will you return to Pingjing?" Su Qingyue asked.

   "I don't know, I plan to live in Sanya with my sister for a while!"

   "Okay, let me tell you, come back and invite me to have dinner with your sister-in-law, do you understand?" he said.

   Yan Xipan on the phone said yes.

   The two are in contact, just like Ah Mo is not there.

   hung up the phone, Ami had already wiped away her tears, staring at Su Qingyue, her eye circles still red.

   She sniffed, but still refused to accept it, and said, "Why is she like this?"

"I emphasized the importance of this matter with him. The company's "Martial Arts World" is showing signs of slipping, and "Fengshen World" has not yet been publicly tested. Now all the pressure is on me." He said: "I asked It must be bombed, and the whole process must be real enough."

   "Then why is she crying?" Amu asked.

   "Yan Xipan taught me, and maybe she thinks of some of her past."

   Su Qing Yue spoke, Ah Mou did not speak, and fell into thought.

   After a while, he said, "I want to eat more." The voice calmed down a lot.

   Su Qingyue got up and went to buy again.

   gasped for a deep breath, thinking that fortunately he didn't ask for the lines, otherwise...the consequences would be disastrous.

  Su Qingyue is not unreasonable, and in a certain sense, if a girl doesn't play coquettishly or makes trouble unreasonably, love has no seasoning and taste. That is another way of caring about you and thinking about you.

   After a while, Amu finished eating.

   Seeing that the time was already past five in the afternoon, they went out.

  In an instant, all the warmth was crushed by the cold of Pingjing.

   Su Qing took over Amou's shoulder and said, "It's a holiday, what do you want to eat today."

   "Huh, I have to eat something good today."

   "Choose any, it's a holiday." Su Qing laughed more and more.

   "Eat bullfrog." Ah Mou said, pointing to the boiling fish village at the intersection.

   Su Qing laughed more and thought of this at the same time.

   This is Ah Mo’s favorite restaurant since he came to Pingkyo, almost none of them.

   And since she started work, her taste has changed a lot, and she likes Sichuan food more and more.

   Especially the boiled fish with green pepper and boiled bullfrog.

   Thinking of this, they walked in before the line had started.

   called Brother Guang.

   Ah Mou sat back on his seat contentedly.

   As if nothing happened before.

   After a while, Brother Guang also came and saw Amu happily with him.

   raised his eyebrows slightly, just as if nothing happened.

   sat down and said, "Qingyue, don't you drink something today? What about the New Year."

   "I listen to Brother Guang." Su Qing smiled.

   Before the dishes came, Amou asked, "How is Sister Xiaoxuan now?"

   Brother Guang was dumb for a moment, and it took him a long time to say: "Maybe it's okay." His face was embarrassed.

   Su Qingyue quickly turned aside and talked about the media project he started.

Brother Guang shook his head and said, "I'm not optimistic. I have tried many times, but it doesn't work. I also feel that there is a problem now, but Lao Lei refuses to face this matter~www.ltnovel.com~ He always feels that we have a problem with our attitude. Refusal to admit that this demand is repeated and occupied by others, this is a big trouble."

   "His funds won't last long, right?" Su Qingyue asked.

   "I guess it will stop for a year."

"You have to find a way." Su Qingyue said, after thinking for a moment, and then said to Brother Guang: "Brother, I have a suggestion, you should really make a content special. Find one that can be digging deeper in the game. , To be the largest in the industry. It’s not like this. The stalls are very big, but they can’t enter the real circle.”

   "I know, I'm also thinking about it." Guang Ge said.

   The dishes came after a while.

   A big pot of bullfrogs.

   The three of them moved their chopsticks first.

   Take a bite of bullfrog into the belly. The aroma of chili and the delicateness of bullfrog are indeed delicious.

   He felt the strong spicy flavor of the salty fragrance.

   Pepper sometimes brings not only pain, but also joy.

   Su Qing ate two more bites, feeling better for this kind of spiciness.

   Unknowingly, a year passed, and he found that he had completely adapted to Pingjing.

   Then the three of them took their cups and said, "Happy New Year."

   "A successful career in the new year."

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