Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 310: : What are they!

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The autumn wind is getting cooler.

The towering poplar trees were rustling.

Thin shirts can no longer withstand the strong autumn mood.

It seems that after National Day, long sleeves should be worn.

Think about it yesterday I didn't feel this way, but I was blown through today.

She shrank slightly.

Su Qing lighted the cigarette, took a deep breath, accidentally choked into his lungs and coughed.

There are a few colleagues nearby, walk in.

Seeing him, they all smiled and said hello.

Su Qingyue also waved to them.

But coughing again.

After coming to the focus for so long, he still doesn't adapt to the programmer's habit, smoking and thinking in the corridor.

He prefers to drink a cup of tea alone.

Or go downstairs and feel the nature.

Sun or blow.

Let your mind slow down a little.

Looking at the cigarette in his hand, he took another sip.

This time, I didn't dare to inhale hard, and spit out the cigarette with just one light.

Acknowledge that your set goals have indeed been achieved.

And it was done under such difficult circumstances.

It should be said that Chen Feng is right, he is lucky.

But it is also unfortunate.

Because he wanted to go further.

The artillery has just finished, and the infantry is ready to go.

Just one or a few charge, you can take the position and expand the result.


It is said that the lone army should not stay long, begging the class teacher. Twelve gold medals are served one day.

Can the work of several months be lost?

Jiao Kejun smiled politely and wandered in his mind.

He is the leader of the troika, with a gentle speech and sincere attitude, giving a gentle and gentle feeling.

But it may not be the case.

Think about having a party with everyone at night.

The former also asked him to chat with the team to understand what everyone thinks.

Maybe he really wants to know.

The smoke was about to go out, and Su Qingyue took another sip and spit out the smoke.

He made up his mind and told him everyone's true thoughts.

For good or bad, make your own judgment.

Suppress the cigarette and throw it into the trash can.

When I returned upstairs, I saw He Lili holding beautiful flowers.

Seeing him coming, the latter immediately looked at the other side, blushing, a little embarrassed and stiff.

Following her gaze, I saw Gao Yanhai's back.

Suddenly feel sick.

As the saying goes: rabbits don't eat grass around their nests. That's not bad, and I walk around the front desk of the company all day long.

"President Su."

"Hello." Su Qing smiled.

He was still very peaceful to He Lili.

After all, this is not He Lili's fault.

And the whole project, it should be said that Lily also has credit.

Zhou Ziyou admired her again.

As he was about to walk to the office, He Lili called him again: "Manager Su...I..." Her face was still red.

"what's happenin?"

"I want to tell you something." She said, looking around.

Confirm no one.

Su Qingyue stopped and let her say.

The latter immediately said: "President Su, can you talk to Mr. Jiao?"

"Tell him? What?" Su Qing became a little puzzled.

"Mr. Gao, it's so annoying!" she said: "I always give me flowers, I said no, but he doesn't listen at all! Now the company people are talking about me, it seems to be my fault. Lian Zi Friends, I think I did something wrong." She said, sighing, and then said: "But I really didn't do anything."

I didn't expect this to happen.

Su Qing was startled, thinking that Jiao Kejun actually wanted to give the project to such a person.

Then followed: "It's your fault. To be gentle with the bad guy is to indulge. Next time you throw flowers in his face!"


"Well, throw the flower on his face! Then look at him..." Su Qingyue said.

He Lili was completely stunned, obviously she didn't dare.

Su Qingyue immediately said: "If something goes wrong, I'll help you speak to Mr. Jiao." Thinking of a girl coming to the company to make trouble, Gao Yanhai was so scared that Gao Yanhai didn't dare to leave the house. He concluded that this guy would owe it so. He said to He Lili again: "By the way, Teacher Tian told you that there is no party."



Su Qingyue immediately returned to the office.

Sit down and think about how to tell everyone.

He still had to listen to Tian Zhong's opinion first, so he called him to the office.

After the latter came in, he smiled first and said: "Boss, I have some other ideas about the expansion, listen?"

"Wait a minute, I'll tell you something else."

"You said." Tian Zhong smiled.

After thinking for a moment, he suddenly realized that he didn't know what to say.

Euphemistically, it seems impossible to say it.

At the next moment, he simply told him what Jiao Kejun had said to him.

Finally asked: "What do you think?"

"Thinking?" Tanaka was startled at first, thinking that he had heard it wrong, and then suddenly anxious, said: "What do you think I have? Boss! What is this?" After that, he said with a rough word. : "What does he think we are? Will anyone kill him?"

"Let me ask you first." Su Qingyue said.

"What are you asking?"

With excitement, Tian Zhong moved his tea cup.

The tea cup flew out, slammed on the glass partition, and made a snap.

Water spilled on the ground and the tea cup broke.

He scolded.

Just about to say sorry, Su Qingyue stopped him: "Talk about business!"

Tian Zhong stood up, and was so angry that he paced back and forth in the office: "If it weren't for you, I would have left!"

"I know." Su Qingyue nodded.

There is a probe outside the compartment.

It is Zhou Ziyou, knowing that he is worried about himself. Su Qing waved his hand and told him to leave it alone.

Tian Zhong continued afterwards, his voice loud enough to lift the ceiling: "Do you think Gao Bin has to go against the pig head Li Zuo if he doesn't do good work? He has to scold him?" He almost yelled, "Li Lin is still It claims to be able to write programs? There are still a day before the product goes online, and there are still a lot of problems with the modules he is responsible for! What do you think Gao Bin is because of?"

He also called out the inside story.

Su Qingyue has made products.

Understand what Teacher Tian said.

Then the latter continued: "Is he still known as the Lafayette, what kind of Buddha is he? He is worthy of being a Buddha? He is rich, and the department manager underneath can't even rent a house! Some people still live in the basement! Ever? Did he treat his brothers as brothers? Did he stay with the brothers every time he worked overtime?"

Did not deliberately prevent him from venting.

He heard him yell again: "And that TV doll!" He said, pointing his finger outside the house.

Su Qingyue reacted, only to realize that he was talking about Teletubbies Gao Yanhai.

"What is that stuff! Who doesn't know, this grandson went to the United States by eating soft food! Where did he get there, he was kicked because of his cheating! Do you think he was from a programming background? Stop teasing! TV doll He is just an actor! Just like his project, he can act and never do it!"

Listening helplessly, I felt that this was like Gao Yanhai's style.

Su Qing listened to him and continued.

"And Jiao Kejun!!!"


He still wanted to say this, Su Qingyue wanted to stop it.

But finally did not speak.

He yelled again: "What kind of person do you think he is? A raccoon dog with a red face and a white face, we have seen it through..." He was furious, almost gritted his molars.

One word at a time.

Su Qing listened and felt that he had the same idea as himself.

It's just that he has been here for a short time, and many things haven't had time to understand, and no one has told him ~www.ltnovel.com~ Now I know, the focus is not only on business.

But even Tian Zhong knows the inside story, can Jiao Kejun not know?

I was still grateful, after all, he gave himself this platform.

But didn't you also do things for him?

It was so angry that there was nowhere to vent.

No longer wanting to light it in the office, Su Qing finally pressed it down and said, "Okay, I see."

"What do you know?" Tian Zhong asked loudly.

"You disagree."

"I believe we brothers, no one will agree!" Tian Zhong shouted, "Isn't it a party at night? Would you like to ask everyone and see their reactions. If anything goes wrong, I will meet you first. !"

"Don't be so exaggerated!" Su Qing laughed more.

"I'm not exaggerating!" Tian Zhong emphasized loudly, "Aren't Mr. Chen also here tonight? Okay! She's all here, just talk about it! She's a famous person next to Jiao, then show her!"

"This matter has nothing to do with Mr. Chen." Su Qing hurriedly emphasized, because he understood that Chen Ting couldn't manage this at all.

"It doesn't matter!!! I just want to let them know, don't think that a broken position can be used to chain others, now there are too many people looking for us!" Tanaka said loudly, "Yesterday the Falcon paid back Find me! If it weren't for you, I would have left!"

When he said so, Su Qingyue could only nod his head.

Now it's true that the headhunters of major companies are looking for people from the project team.

It is not unusual for Jiang Zhengshang to have an idea.

He thought, and finally Tianzhong was out of fire, then he looked at the tea cup on the ground.

After a pause, he finally said: "I will pay you!"

Su Qing smiled.

Tian Zhong followed: "Boss, do you have any ideas?"

"Wait..." Su Qingyue said finally.

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