Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 312: : Group sentiment indignation

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Wang Xinjie was the first to stand up, and his voice was loud enough without a microphone to penetrate the box.

He blushed with rage and his neck was thick.

He changed his former niche appearance and held the cup tightly.

It's like crushing a cup.

Su Qingyue watched.

At this time, Ning Cheng said: "The company is so powerful, what age is it, and still thinking that the employees will come and go as soon as they are hired? At the beginning, they abandoned us like a scorpion, but now they feel that we are gluttonous, rushing to ask for it. Now? Let’s drink spicy food together, we must hold them tight first, so we will be served with the leftovers?"

"Boss! Let me tell you! I'm not angry with you!" Wang Xinjie followed up and he was standing on his seat, and said in a loud voice, "If we tear down our project and replace you, I It doesn't matter if he is a TV doll or Teletubbies, or something like Li Dutou! I quit!"

After he spoke, Ouyang followed.

"Boss! When I ate buns stuffed with leek, who had taken care of me? What happened to his teletubbies? Li Lin also sent me away! If it weren't for you, can I have today? Maybe I still eat buns with leek!" He said: "Don't think you can buy me off if you buy me a meal!"

"We'd rather eat leeks, and we wouldn't play with them!" Ning Cheng said this without any seriousness.

The whole box solidified in an instant.

Everyone could feel Ouyang's anger, staring at her, tears seemed to come down.

Pointing to Ning Cheng’s nose, he said, "Ning Cheng is almost done. I warn you! You have said it many times!" He said, "I will say it again for the last time. Whoever tells me about leeks, I will be anxious. Who is my enemy, my enemy!!!"

Knowing that really made him anxious.

Ning Cheng stopped talking.

But his face is not good.

Lian Xiaoxue hurriedly said at this time: "Oh, she didn't mean that."

Gao Shixian next to him said: "Boss, someone was looking for me yesterday. If the project team were to be dismantled, I would not be here." He raised his hand and said again: "Of course, if you go it alone, I will definitely do my best! But if I do it for them, then I might as well change my job! Even if my salary is doubled, I can still be a leader!"

Qin Shaofeng also followed up at this time: "Boss! I'll tell you!" This guy said, suddenly jumped onto the sofa, "It's not just not taking us seriously! It's not taking you seriously! Just bullying so blatantly We! We have never seen anything like this. Before everyone and the amiable, I thought they had changed their sex. It turned out that it is difficult to change the nature of the country."

Then everyone, you said, I said.

All righteous indignation filled.

Although Su Qingyue thought the team would fry the pot.

I didn't expect the reaction to be so huge.

He found that they spoke their own hearts.

At the same time, I also realized how much courage and determination it was when they decided to follow their own attempts.

Can't sorry them.

Su Qingyue noticed that Chen Ting was sitting there, her expression awkward, and she could feel her sitting on pins and needles.

Just about to speak.

At this time, Tian Zhong opened his mouth and said, "That's right! Boss, there's something else!"


"Mr Jiao said that the company is short of money, and he said that I will give you bonuses when there are results. But today I heard from Yiyan's brother that Mr. Jiao ordered a car in Huaxiang not long ago. Domineering is not enough, I can imagine And I know it must be a luxury car..." He said, "He is the boss of the company, and the company is in good condition. We don’t say anything about changing cars. But it’s not the prize money? Even if it doesn’t, can we help but find those naive excuses. ?"

He said so.

Su Qingyue was also startled.

I remembered Jiao Kejun's repeated words that the board of directors had to wait for the result.

I remembered the ten million things Hou Lili had said.

Su Qingyue suddenly couldn't control his anger.

Next to Ning Cheng inserted a sentence: "Maybe, people think that the credit is not ours!"

She said so, Su Qing understood a little bit.

Ouyang Hong asked, "What did you say?"

"I mean, maybe Mr. Jiao thinks that the credit is not ours!" Ning Cheng said, "have you not seen it yet? In Mr. Jiao's eyes, we are all tools, and he is the greatest guarantee and core of success... …"

"No, Mr. Jiao didn't mean that." Chen Ting finally interrupted.

The more Su Qing understood her, after all, there was a problem without saying a word.

But Ning Cheng immediately replied: "Mr. Jiao may not mean that, but that's what it means when things are done. It feels like this to me anyway."


Chen Ting stopped talking.

Looking at Su Qingyue awkwardly.

The latter wants to say: Okay, I know.

But before he had time to say it, Ouyang said again: "Mr. Chen, I am not afraid you will pass this to Mr. Jiao. I will leave the words here. When I ate the buns, who took care of me? Who cares if I drink too much? Pass me? Who put a thousand dollars in my pocket in the hospital? I didn't fall asleep, and I will never forget it..."

He said, tears came down.

He said: "It's useless! No, I will leave!"

He Lili next to him also said: "Boss, I don't know these specific things. I know that if the senior manager is in charge of us, then I can only choose to go! Because of what, you know!" Her voice is not loud, take a look Su Qingyue looked at Zhou Ziyou again.

The latter jumped up in an instant: "Boss, how can you give the project team to a guy who thinks about molesting the front desk every day! Harassing Lily all the time, it's endless! If it's not for you, I will care about him!"

Although Zhou Ziyou didn't say whether to leave or not, the more Su Qing knew, there was something to say.

At this time, Tian Zhong interrupted again: "Boss, let me make it clear! Break us up, and the project team will return to the hands of these two goods. Sooner or later this company will be finished!" He said, "We will follow you from the beginning~ www.ltnovel.com~ I want to have a good future! No one is willing to spend a lifetime in a wasteful life! Now I want to say that if we are still in their hands, then we might as well do it alone!"

"Yeah! Rather than finishing up, it's better to do it alone, or we quit!" Ouyang followed.

Wang Xinjie yelled, "Look at my compassion! Blow him up!"

Listen to everyone.

Su Qingyue almost couldn't bear it anymore.

I also asked myself in my heart: What is this picture of me?

Is it reliable to do any projects in the future?

I did what I should do.

Do you owe them?

Just thinking about it, Chen Ting spoke again, she was obviously embarrassed.

But I still try to say gently: "Everyone said these opinions, President Su and I must react together. We must try to persuade Jiao Zonghe Company. I am really sorry for bringing you so much discomfort!"

"It has nothing to do with you!" Tanaka said.

Ouyang also followed: "Mr. Chen, we are not targeting you."

Seeing everyone saying this, Su Qing waved his hand.

He said to everyone again: "Brothers, I know what you said! Today is a happy day for the party! I won’t mention the unhappy things! You believed me before, and you can still believe me afterwards. Don’t say anything extra. Remember the three words I said to you, "I am here." He said, coming to the wine again and toasting.

Everyone followed and drank all the wine.

Then the song order began.

The first song was ordered by Zhou Ziyou, named: Nunchaku.

Follow the familiar rhythm.

Zhou Ziyou yelled: "Use the nunchakus, hum, haha... Those who practice martial arts should remember that the benevolent is invincible; who is practicing Tai Chi, and the wind will rise; use the nunchakus, hum haha... if I Have light work, fly over the wall; be upright and unyielding, and be upright..."

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