Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 317: : Finally here

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Eight thirty.

The sun is about to set, leaving behind a ball of flame on the edge of the sea and sky, trying to dye the darkness cold blue.

It's the setting sun.

It seems that the dew is waiting for the sun again.

The celebration banquet was on the hotel terrace, looking far away, the scenery here is unique.

It is different from Hualuo.

The focus's celebration is much smaller.

Also relatively simple.

There are only a dozen round tables guarding the small middle stage.

The stage is temporary.

Above the background board is the focused LOGO, and below the LOGO are the small characters of "Three Kingdoms Heroes Free Edition".

Su Qing came late, and he didn't come until 18:45.

When I walked into the terrace, I only felt that the sea breeze hit, and the thick clothes on my body felt that it was not enough.

Many people next to them are in singles, looking trembling.

Art director Wang Daxing shuddered and cursed: "Who made the idea? The effect is not fatal! What a great mallet!"

Gao Yanhai's eyes widened with anger, and immediately gave him a sentence, "Speak and pay attention to the occasion. Just drink and drink."

Wang Daxing ignored him, turned his head, and muttered to the person next to him.

At this time Xu Ge and Lian Xiaoxue from the engine department came out together.

Su Qingyue noticed the latter, wearing a men's flight jacket, talking and laughing while walking.

After the project battle, are they so close?

Su Qing laughed more.

But seeing Li Lin's eyes widened and his face full of anger, he went straight up to reprimand Xu Ge: "What's the matter with you?"

"Huh? What's the matter?" Xu Ge was startled by the question.

Next to him, Lian Xiaoxue stared at Li Lin, and did not speak coldly.

Li Lin then reprimanded: "Why is it so late, and what does it look like?"

"When did you pull?" Before Xu Ge could speak, even Xiao Xue's eyes stared.

"Who doesn't know?" Li Lin still wanted to argue.

"Even if you pull and pull, what's the matter? Only state officials are allowed to fire, and the people are not allowed to light the lights?" Lian Xiaoxue stared at him.

Li Lin was choked and his eyes widened.

Xu Ge was silly and silly throughout.

After so long of cooperation, Su Qingyue found that he was a very good person.

It is that the R&D personnel are not very clever.

Sometimes I was choked, and I only remembered how to respond to others the next day.

Su Qingyue watched by the side and suddenly realized that Li Lin and Jiao Kejun were essentially the same.

They adhere to the traditional management thinking, employees want to intervene in everything, and any credit belongs to them.

It's just that this is a modern enterprise.

The relationship between superiors and superiors is brothers and partnerships, and the arbitrariness and self-respect of the paternalistic management is out of date.

Look coldly, one table in each department.

Li Lin and Gao Yanhai were separated, carrying the middle floors of the original first and second R&D centers.

Gao Yanhai was chatting and laughing.

There is a sense of returning to the position, seeing him still show a polite smile to greet him.

Su Qingyue just didn't see it.

At this time, Chen Ting greeted Su Qingyue to sit down at the General Manager's Office.

But he refused and went straight to the project team.

He guessed that this arrangement was definitely not Chen Ting.

This is a strong hint.

This is by no means a temporary intention.

In the afternoon, he sat alone on the beach drinking coffee, thinking about Jiao Kejun's conversation.

Every sentence makes people angry.

He still has gratitude.

After all, the other party still provided a stage for himself, which was indeed very important to me at the time.

But think about his situation at the time and the truth of the concealment, think about the intermediate process, think about today's results and decisions, everything is part of the plan.

Shengtian half son is a fluke.

It was him and Jiao Kejun.

"Boss! Why didn't you go to play this afternoon?" Ouyang asked him.

"Something." Su Qingyue replied.

"You don't know, we kicked your team six to zero this afternoon!" Ouyang said, hahaha laughed.

"Boss, we are missing half of the country!" Zhou Ziyou sighed.

Talk and laugh with everyone.

I really like them.

In the afternoon, Su Qingyue had been thinking about his own problems.

What is the future.

He believes that Jiang Zhengshang's path is not what he wants.

Because he has done it.

Should go one step further, Su Qingyue thinks so.

But despite the direction, the plan needs to be further improved.

There are more and more people in the hall.

The cold dishes are here. Western-style salad cold dishes are combined with the northern flavors of jellyfish mixed with vinegar.

It is quite characteristic of the seaside.

Su Qingyue noticed that someone was watching him nearby, and whispered: "I heard that the COO is about to be mentioned, the chief operating officer."

"Also, so much credit."

"Hehe, rising up and down!" A fat man interrupted.


"Isn't it? I heard that the project team will be dismantled, and the backbone will be left for the Gaoyan kelp of Eryan."

"Huh? Crazy!"

The speaker thought he had heard it wrong.

Su Qingyue looked at them and took his gaze back.

In fact, this kind of news has spread in the company for a long time, and it is already an open secret.

Su Qingyue also knew who it was, that Jiao Kejun's character had already been known to him.

Splitting is a manifestation of his will, and authority cannot be trampled on.

Especially tonight, he repeatedly figured out their conversation, making it clearer.

Zhou Ziyou had also reminded him before.

Because work was too busy, Su Qingyue did not take it seriously.

But soldiers came to block the water and earth.

He is strong by him, and the breeze is blowing on the hills. He let him go, and the moon shines on the river.

At this time Chen Ting called him over again.

Su Qingyue still refused.

Then Jiao Kejun came, looked at the seat, and looked at him again.

Then he looked at the project team.

Then he said a few words with Chen Ting, and Chen Ting said another few words with the host.

Then the music play began.

After a dazzling light, the host introduced the theme of the celebration party in a few words.

Then he said, "Next, we welcome our President Jiao Kejun to speak for us. It was he who led us to this major victory. Let us welcome him with warm applause!" He said, Li Lin and Gao Yanhai led the way Palm.

Ouyang deliberately asked others: "When did you eat it? I starved to death! Hurry up!"

At this time, Jiao Kejun got up on stage and took the microphone from the host.

He looked at everyone.

The sea breeze hit, people couldn't help but shudder.

Su Qingyue waited for him to speak.

The next moment, Jiao Kejun said: "Ten years ago, when I decided to start Focus, piracy was rampant, and public opinion was unfriendly. The entire industry has not been as vigorous as it is today. But I believe that with the development of the market, the format will happen A fundamental change, so I took Mr. Li and Mr. Gao and resolutely founded this company..."

Listen to him.

Su Qing understood what he meant.

Tian Zhong approached Su Qingyue and whispered: "Why doesn't he speak from primitive people? Their old Zhang family..."

Su Qing waved his hand and motioned to stop talking.

Listen to him.

But I think people are really different from people.

Thinking back to the Seventh Master and Tian Lei, I couldn't help but admire.

The pattern of the company founder determines the height of the company's development.

At this time, Jiao Kejun continued: "We have achieved brilliant results in the early stage. The stand-alone version of the Three Kingdoms is very successful. But it also attracted my thoughts, why can’t I connect? This is what I have been thinking all the time. The obstacles are the internet speed and other hardware issues...We keep trying ~www.ltnovel.com~ of course, there are frustrations in trying...

Listen to him talking with interest.

The cold wind was blowing.

Su Qingyue wanted to get up and tell him that today's theme is celebrating success, and today's protagonist is the team.

He thought, Jiao Kejun spent a long time talking about Su Qingyue's chapter: "At this time, I found President Su, provided him with such a stage and convinced Mr. Gao and Mr. Li. I think you all know this. "He said: "Of course, today's results, everyone is happy."

After his words, everyone can feel that the subtext is that Su Qingyue is just a passer-by, which is part of the plan.

So only a name was mentioned.

The rest of the project team didn't even have a word.

A desperate thing for granted.

Without mentioning the name of the project, Jiao Kejun continued: "Thank you to all the teams, thank you to all the brothers in the team. Because of you, there is a free model that shocked the industry, and there will be more possibilities in the future, I firmly believe."

"Are you crazy? Is this a celebration?" Tian Zhong said, followed by a vulgar word.

The sound was a bit loud, and it instantly attracted the attention of everyone around.

However, Jiao Kejun did not look at him, but said: "Today's results are just starting points, not ending points. Rewards and punishments are clear, and it has always been our corporate culture. We will follow this principle now and in the future..."

Su Qingyue noticed that even Xu Ge in the engine department frowned.

Then Jiao Kejun announced the distribution of bonuses.

The applause of the project team was scattered.

Su Qingyue looked at his watch. He had been speaking for almost 30 minutes.

Then Jiao Kejun said: "Next, I announce the company's new appointments and adjustments."

Finally came to the point.

Communication is a form, and the result will not change...

Su Qingyue looked at him.

Jiao Kejun is still continuing...

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