Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 328: : Shocked the industry

   I didn't expect to be quiet for less than ten days.

   The news of resignation spread like wildfire.

   With the frantic noise of the mobile phone QQ, it even slowed down the machine.

   asked the source.

   Discovery is a forum under Li Yonghao.

   I didn't look at QQ first, but quickly entered the forum.

   Below the top, you can find the red post directly.

   It hasn't been fifteen minutes since it was released, but dozens of pages of responses have already been received.

   The topic of the post is very simple: "The free mode is booming, Su Qing is more difficult to continue the Three Kingdoms".

   Click in to see, the content is even simpler.

   as the title.

   Checked the account and found that it was a small number.

   Su Qingyue frowned slightly.

   felt that except for the focus person, it is unlikely that anyone would expose their information.

   But who will it be?

  Intuitively, Jiao Kejun, Li Lin and Gao Yanhai are the most unlikely.

   Because this matter will have a huge impact on the focus.

   They will definitely try to extend the time of bomb detonation. New 81 Chinese website update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   can't guess who it is.

   Thinking that he had only rested for ten days, Su Qingyue was also helpless.

   Look at the replies below, which are mainly concentrated in three categories.

   The first is gossip. It's all speculations about Su Qingyue's resignation, and some of them sound a little reliable. But if you look closely, you will find that it is nothing more than using some of the things he talked about at the Three Kingdoms Conference. It's just that something is exaggerated, and Su Qingyu wants to laugh.

   Show it to Amu.

It said: "Su Qingyue actually tolerated them for too long. He almost fought with Li Lin in the conference room before. I heard from my friend that Su Qingyue was also a violent temper and almost didn't take a chair to pat Li Lin." Su Qingyue and Ah Mou laughed instantly by saying that they had noses and eyes.

   However, some people think that Jiao Kejun can't tolerate it and wants to unload the grin and kill the donkey.

Someone may have worked with Jiao Kejun and posted in it: "Jiao Kejun is gentle and decent, but he is actually quite unacceptable. Those who have really dealt with him will understand this after a long time." The account said: "Many people think that Li Lin and Gao Yanhai are not good, but Jiao is even worse. Some people seem very friendly, but they are not deep everywhere, Jiao is this kind of person..."

   is nothing short of a story.

   Su Qingyue smiled faintly, seeing his reply a lot.

   Some people agree, some people oppose.

   Some people guess.

Others said, "There must have been conflicts before. The last time the Three Kingdoms was euphemistic, I couldn't bear it if I were Jiao Kejun. But this person is very important. Letting him go will undoubtedly affect the entire company. Development, now Jiao Kejun has to pay the price."

   couldn't help shaking his head.

   People's hobby for gossip is always more than discussion about industry.

   Su Qingyue watched and had fun.

   Looking at the other category, they are basically speculating on where Su Qingyue will go next.

   Some people said that he had already found his next home, so he dared to leave.

   But many people oppose this view.

   Someone posted: Judging from his departure from the focus, he should have an idea, but he was definitely not leaving after finding a good next home.

   Someone listed companies he might go to.

   From Shengshi Tiancheng to Qicai, and Yiyuan.

   Someone inferred that he would return to Hualuo.

   There are people who said everything, Su Qingyue continued to scroll down, at this time a phone call interrupted his browsing.

   is Liu Hao's.

   Su Qingyue faintly felt that it was also related to his resignation.

As soon as    was picked up, Liu Hao's familiar voice came: "You have resigned, don't say a word!"

   "I want to be quiet for a few days, and finally relax. And the final procedures have not been completed yet..."

"Don't talk about anything else, brother. It just happens that I will be at the elite meeting these few days, and we will meet." He laughed and said, "When the time comes, we will have a drink together and let's talk. I also brought our company manager. The vice president of technology." He said, adding: "My uncle said that he must find you."

   "I invite you to dinner." Su Qingyue said with a smile.

   The two chatted for a while, then hung up.

   The car stopped at this time.

   Someone got off the car and somebody got on the car.

   looked up and found that the National People's University had passed, and the energy spent on the phone almost made him forget the time.

   Thinking of taking the bus before, I just feel that I have nothing to do.

   At this time, Ah Mou handed over his QQ and showed him: "He Cunxi, ask me if this is true?"

   "It's true to reply directly." Su Qingyue said.

   Anyway, it will be announced sooner or later.

   He said so.

   In addition to the forum, when I clicked on QQ, it was all greetings.

  Some say he worked hard.

   It is said that you can come to your company, and the salary of the post can be raised.

   Good sister sent a message and said: "Qingyue, let's come out for a gathering these few days. We haven't seen each other for a long time. I just said to Xiao Yu that we should gather some time."

   know that everyone is comforting themselves.

   Su Qingyue replied with a smile, first thank you, and then say yes.

   Reply to messages one by one, to express thanks.

   But at the same time, he said he hadn't thought about it yet.

   At this time, Ye Luo's phone called suddenly.

   Pressed the answer button, and without waiting for Su Qingyue to speak, he rushed to the convenience: "Brother, don't say a word when you resign."

   "I want to rest quietly for a few days." Su Qingyue said.

   "Okay, okay!" He said, "Then I will tell you something."

"you said."

"Originally, your lectures were all about the company's product leaders." He said: "But since the information about your resignation came out, many CEOs and venture capitalists have called Boss Li to attend your lecture." He said, "So After this elite meeting is over, Boss Li would like to invite you to participate in the closed-door meeting and formally recommend you to the "elite group."


   Su Qingyue was startled.

   He knew that Li Yonghao’s elite club was divided into two types: open and closed.

   Although it is open by invitation, the requirements are relatively low.

   Closed-door meetings are not the case, only members of the elite group and special guests will participate.

   Once you join the "elite group", it means that you have finally entered the circle of the Internet elite.

   But Su Qingyue didn't take this matter to heart.

   just asked: "The old place?"

   "Cui Liu Clubhouse." He said, "Lao Lei quit, we are all there now, Boss Li owns his own property."

   Su Qingyue listened, not knowing what it was like.

   hung up Ye Luo's call.

At this time, Chen Feng sent a message, asking him: "Qingyue~www.ltnovel.com~ Regardless of any reaction from the industry, you must remember to keep your heart. Don't be too anxious, think carefully, and then make a decision. "He said: "Because as your position rises, taking a wrong step is very troublesome."

   hurried back to understand.

   thank you again.

   I didn't expect the news to spread so quickly.

  Because Su Qing knew better, because the old man's body was repeated, Boss Chen took him to the United States for medical treatment...

   This time the car arrived.

Get off the car with Amo, Su Qingyue flipped through the QQ again, and the coach also left a message to him: "Brother, I have been back for a few days, and I just dealt with some things. You have time, let’s get together, and I will be there too Elite Club." He sent a smiley expression. The fastest full text of 噺⒏⑴祌 んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/

   talked with the teacher for a while.

   After a while, he returned home, turned on the computer, and responded to everyone one by one.

   I found that although the mobile phone is good, it does have a response speed problem.

   Reopen the document and start to view the written speech.

   He doesn't think the problem is big.

   Looking at the forum again, it has been fermented to dozens of pages in just a few hours.

   can't help but admire, gossip is really an eternal theme.

   But all the controversy finally focused on one suspense: what Su Qingyue is going to do next.

   Someone even posted a new post.

   wrote: Entrepreneurship OR part-time job-Su Qingyue's path of choice.

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