Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 345: : Goodbye focus

Forget what happened to the dream last night.

I just felt that I seemed to be chasing something all night.

Until the morning.

Hearing the birds calling outside, a faint light leaked into the window in the early morning.

Not too bright yet.

The whole room was photographed with a retro hazy beauty.

At any time, sunshine is the best choice...

Look at the watch and it's half past seven.

Su Qingyue went out to buy Zhang Yuanbing, went home to open the fantasy network, trying to change the track to find more possibilities.

Unlike the Shenjianshanhe website, most of the newcomers of Xuanhuan.com are newcomers, and the subject matter is mainly fantasy.

The settings of the top few works all have their own merits.

Remember the last time they talked, saying that Xuanhuan.com has been acquired by a large capitalist, and the recent momentum is very good.

Su Qingyue felt that, apart from the capital, from the perspective of the layout of their website, the quality of the work, the interaction between book friends, the attitude towards the author, and other relevant information they learned, perhaps in the future, they and their author Will become the mainstream of the market.

Continue to search, more and more to find the level of care of the website operators.

Model depends on innovation, operation depends on details...

After a while, the alarm clock rang: eight thirty-five.

Su Qingyue then left home and went to the focus.

Get on Dongshan's car.

Suddenly in a trance.

Thinking of the first day I went to the focus, I talked about the future with Jiao Kejun.

Both seemed to have infinite vision for that goal.

Unexpectedly, such a beauty disappeared without even half a year.

Su Qingyue felt that he was much calmer than in Beidaihe.

He has no love or hatred for the troika now, of course, and he has no feelings, and only regrets the "Su Family Army" he left behind.

Hope they will return soon.

Don't be divided into pieces.

But the so-called two-fold solution to the problem requires time.

At this time, Tian Zhong sent a text message and asked him: "Boss, when will it arrive?"

"Immediately." Su Qingyue returned.

"Well, we are waiting for you." Tanaka said.

Not knowing what they have prepared for themselves, Su Qingyue has actually emphasized countless times that there should be no ceremony.

Meeting goodbye is the best farewell.

Of course he actually knew that this group of brothers would not be like this.

At nine ten ten, Su Qingyue got out of the car.

Back to the familiar office area, the new front desk in the lobby rose.

Called Mr. Su.

Su Qingyue remembered her.

After He Lili focused on the market in the later period, Chen Ting recruited for an internship.

A lot of work was also done under He Lili's arrangement and account.

Su Qingyue gave her a smile back.

Smiled and said, "Thank you."

Then I walked inside and found that the brothers in the "death corner" had all gathered at the door of his office.

Behind him, some on-duty managers from the engine department, operations and maintenance, art department and even customer service also came over.

He saw Ning Cheng and Lian Xiaoxue wipe their tears.

I saw Ouyang red eyes again.

Tanaka turned his face away excitedly, not wanting people to see his fragility.

At this moment, Chen Ting came over and brought a cup of tea.

With a smile, she said, "Your favorite drink, Lu'an melon slices." Her eyes were red, and she said, "Your brothers, let me give it to you. They said, if you don't let them spend a lot of money, let them I will make you the last cup of tea..."

Su Qingyue took the tea and said, "Thank you sister Ting!"

Looking back at those brothers.

He took a sip of tea and said, "Good tea, don't worry if you need slow tasting." Then he said, "The luckiest thing in my life is to have you. I will cherish it for the rest of my life."

After speaking, Ouyang's eyes blushed and said: "Boss! We are waiting for you!"

Wang Xinjie actually laughed and said, "Boss, the corner of death is now history." He said, "If you come back again, you have to go to another station to see us." As he spoke, his voice suddenly changed.

Ning Cheng said, "Boss, let's not talk about anything else, we are waiting for you!"

Tian Zhong shook hands with Su Qingyue and said, "Today, everything is not in wine, it is in tea."

"Thank you, brother."


Su Qing Yue speaks, drink tea.

Say goodbye to the brothers temporarily, and follow Chen Ting to sign and get the resignation notice.

Because the mailboxes, computers, access control, etc. were resolved before leaving.

So the procedure is very neat.

In fact, Su Qingyue came here today for only three purposes: take a formal notice of resignation; promise to officially resign in one month, which must be honored; and finally, bid farewell to the brothers.

Chen Ting asked: "Is this gone?"

"Yeah." Su Qingyue nodded and signed.

It can be seen that Chen Ting tried her best to restrain herself and try to create a relaxed atmosphere.

Su Qingyue said: "Don't worry, we all have time to be together."

"Every farewell is for a better future."

Chen Ting hesitated, he didn't answer Su Qingyue's words.

Then Su Qingyue got up and walked out.

A group of brothers blocked outside, with red eyes.

Su Qingyue said again: "Thank you brothers, we will see you again. I know a lot of things that happened after I left. You have a lot of doubts and distress. I will deal with these things as soon as possible."

At this time Jiao Kejun came, the crowd moved away, and the two looked at each other.

Jiao Kejun was the first to show his signature smile.

Just like when they first met, it was refreshing.

Jiao Kejun said: "Qingyue, I hope we have the opportunity to cooperate again."

Su Qingyue also smiled and replied, "Well, thank you too."

The two shook hands.

Su Qingyue asked again with concern: "How is the situation now?"

"It's okay, it's just a bit of a decline, and the bonus period of the model has basically passed." He said, turning around and saying: "But we will think of a way later, there should be no problem."

Heard the news.

Su Qing sighed secretly.

Both Tian Zhong and Chen Ting talked about this issue before.

But now he can only talk about it.

After thinking about it, I said with Jiao Kejun: “I suggest that the main energy is to focus on the three countries, after all, it is the main source of income. For other projects, consider carefully before setting up the project, not too radical.” It is also the last time to do your best.

The latter said politely: "Well, there will be more opportunities to cooperate in the future."

"Have chance."

Su Qingyue said that thinking about the decentness of an adult lies in getting together and getting away.

Go out.

The narrow aisle was crowded with people.

Qin Shaofeng chose to hug him.

"Hug you first, otherwise there will be no chance later." He said.

Liu Yuming followed: "Boss, we are happy for you."

Finally, I walked to the elevator entrance and watched Su Qing Yue go up the elevator. Jiao Kejun finally said, "Just send it here. I have time to call."

At this time Tanaka kept up.

Ouyang also walked in, followed by Wang Xinjie.

Then there was a crowd of people until the elevator was overweight.

Ning Cheng ran towards the stairwell and said to the rest of them: "You are too lazy."

Qin Shaofeng also immediately followed.

Downstairs, Su Qingyue bid farewell to these brothers who were fighting together again.

He said to them: "Brothers, please believe me, I will not abandon you."

Tian Zhong laughed and said, "It sounds like we are like a jealous little old woman."

"Boss, don't worry, we are obedient!" Ouyang said, eyes red, tears streaming out, and then: "You are the boss of my life, I will not go anywhere, just wait here for you."


They finally said.

Su Qingyue finally left.

Even after leaving Hualuo, he found that he was not as melancholy as today.

Walking home, he didn't choose to take a taxi.

It's walking.

Passing by the waves and scouring the sand, think about those years.

At this time, the phone rang and it was discovered that it was Zheng three shots.

Not knowing why, an unknown pre-cold came out and he picked it up.

Zheng Sangun sighed from the receiver~www.ltnovel.com~ and said: "Brother, sorry, sorry..."

"Just say it, what do you mean?"

"Hey, my team is too unreliable, and their minds have changed." He said, "I don't know how to describe it, maybe I'm too approachable..."

"Is there not enough money?"

"Brother, I really tried my best to convince them."

"This is the second time."

"Brother!" Zheng Sanjiao started to be the same again.

"how much is it?"


"Okay, then I will discuss with my team again." Su Qingyue said coldly and hung up.

Understand that this line is completely broken.

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