Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 347: : Big party

Walk into the elegant room.

The dark velvet tablecloth and warm lighting create a sense of elegance.

There are three long tables in total.

Most people have not yet taken their seats, most of them are standing and chatting.

The topic is how everyone is going.

Sheng Tiancheng is chatting with a stranger. The man always sat, nodding his head from time to time, and smiled brightly.

Faintly felt that he felt a little Jiang Zhengshang.

But it seems to be more sincere than the latter.

Yu Chenglong also came.

The more people in this kind of gathering, the better, it is a group of old colleagues to meet.

Drink, reminisce about the past and exchange resources.

I think of Tian Lei’s words: In the future, no matter where you are, work or create your own business, you will find that this experience of Hualuo brings more than just a successful product-there are also a group of brothers, they are your best H.

Good sister wore a pair of jeans today.

A white jacket, carrying a limited edition bear bag.

When I saw Xiao Yu coming in, I greeted the past and said, "Xiaoyu, I haven't seen you for a long time, how are you doing?" She said, pulling her to sit down: "Why did you not come with you? Is it too busy? "She said, with a bright, kind smile.

A former colleague next to him said: "It's worth it, this time it's worth it." The person said: "The two goddesses in the market are here, and the specifications for this party are up all at once." The person was talking, and the person next to him Then laughed, chatting well with Xiaoyu and Xiaoyu from time to time.

Chen Feng did not come.

I don't know what happened to the old man's body?

Recently, the industry has often rumored that he is starting a business.

Rumor has it that he and Tian Lei’s anecdote is almost written in officialdom.

Su Qingyue has been too busy recently and didn't bother him too much

While greeting other people, Sheng Tiancheng saw him coming and hurriedly greeted him: "I started a business? I didn't say a word."

"I want to wait until I completely listen to it." Su Qingyue explained.

Not paying attention Xiao Yu looked at him, seeming a little lost.

Then he said: "How are you doing?"

"I'm OK." Sheng Tiancheng said with a smile: "I'm going to Dongfang.com now."

"When did it happen?" Su Qingyue was shocked, because he had never heard of the news.

"Just joined this morning." Sheng Tiancheng laughed.

Then I introduced Su Qingyue to the middle-aged man who was always sitting there.

"Liu Jin, do you know?" Sheng Tiancheng asked: "Our veteran manager of the marketing department is from the same age as Mr. Chen." He smiled and introduced: "I have been out to start a business for several years, doing video software, and a role model for my generation. ." Then introduced Su Qingyue to that person. The previous ones were useless, but when it came to the Three Kingdoms, Liu Jin suddenly got up and shook hands with Su Qingyue.

"I've heard the name for a long time, brother."

"Senior good." Su Qingyue said, not sure why Liu Jin attended this party.

"I heard that you started a business, right?"

"Yes, yes." Su Qingyue nodded: "The registration has just been completed these days, and the office is still being renovated. When everything is done, Mr. Liu is welcome to come and help us guide."

"Tired?" Liu Jin asked him with a smile.

"Tired than going to work."

"Oh, I discovered after I came out that part-time job is the best."

Liu Jin said with a smile.

Su Qingyue always feels like a Hong Kong and Taiwan star.

Maybe not as tall as that person, but there is a hint of recklessness in his eyes.

This is not something ordinary people have.

Even Su Qingyue had never seen him in Tian Lei.

After chatting with him for a while, Liu Jin asked the waiter to make his own tea.

Followed by Liu Jin, there was a man who was tall and lanky with a roll.

Su Qingyue looked familiar, and through Shengtiancheng's introduction, he remembered that this was Zhang Dongtian from the office business group.

He seems to have a good relationship with Liu Jin.

After a while, I greeted others again and noticed that Wang Siyuan from the brand marketing department was also here.

The two chatted for a while.

Su Qing remembered the scene when he rushed to Qin Yuanyuan.

Now he has matured, speaking and doing things are completely different from before.

People around him kept greeting Su Qingyue.

He is probably the hottest one in the whole field, except for Liu Jin.

Finally Jia Naixiang walked in.

Seeing him there, he walked in, shook hands with him, nodded, and said, "Boss!"

His words made Su Qing more startled.

Because Jia Naixiang never called him this, especially after the Guan Er incident, their relationship became even more distant.

"It's been a long time." Su Qingyue said with a smile.

"Yes, you..." He looked stumbling and said, "Have you started a business recently?"


Su Qing answered simply, feeling that Jia Naixiang had changed, and he was much more calm than before.

The voice is low.

The hair left is ready to be braided.

At this time, Zhang Dongtian said: "Everyone, are we almost here? Sit down?"

So everyone took their seats.

Su Qingyue was pushed by Sheng Tiancheng to sit on Liu Jin's left, and Zhang Dongdong sat on Liu Jin's right hand.

Xiao Yu sat slightly outside.

My sister sat with Sheng Tian all day long, and was amused by the latter from time to time.

Then the cold dishes came.

The improved Sichuan cuisine is exquisitely presented, which is very different from those I have seen before.

Wine is also good wine.

The white one is at 53 degrees Guojiao, and Liu Jin said: "There are no outsiders today, everyone is open to drink."

The red ones are also AOP-grade French wines.

Liu Jin asked Su Qingyue from time to time: "Qingyue, can you drink it?"

"Boss, you ask him if he can drink it?" Sheng Tiancheng laughed: "The brothers in our channel all obey him."

"I follow Big Brother's progress." Su Qingyue said.

Liu Jin laughed and said, "For the first three glasses, let's finish this wine dispenser in three mouthfuls, and everyone is free to follow."

"Yes!" everyone followed.

Liu Jin took good care of Xiao Yu and said: "Women are free."

But Xiao Yu didn’t expect that Xiao Yu raised her face, and said, “I don’t like to hear what you say. What do you mean by women being casual, so despise us?” She said, and poured herself a wine dispenser, “How do you drink today? , How do I drink it, I have nothing to say!"

I don't know what's going on, but I always feel that Xiao Yu is in a bad mood today.

But it hasn't had time to dissuade.

Then I heard Yu Chenglong from another table yelling: "Sister Yu! It's a man!"

Then Zhang Dongtian said, "Sisters~www.ltnovel.com~Zhangyi."

This time Su Qing heard that his Pingjing local dialect was extremely authentic.

It is estimated to be from Pingjing.

At this time, Liu Jin got up, took the first cup and said: "I said I wanted to get everyone together, but I haven't had a chance." He said: "This time I finally have time. First of all, I would like to thank Tiancheng for helping me gather everyone. Thank you so much. Many brothers come. Then we will respect Hualuo for the first cup!"

After he spoke, everyone repeated loudly: "Jinghua Network."

Everyone got up together.

Xiao Yu also refused to let her beard and took a big mouthful.

Then Liu Jin raised the second and third cups.

She also kept up.

I always felt that she had something on her mind, but Su Qing was too late to dissuade, and she was followed by another cup.

Everyone continued.

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