Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 356: :Meeting old friends in another country

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They drank a lot that day.

Cup after cup.

After the restaurant, I went to KTV.

Then I ate supper and drank again.

Ying Zheng told Su Qingyue: "Master Snake has never done this before. Don't talk about alcohol, but also pay attention to drinks now, except of course Coke..."

Yang Jigang also drank too much, his face flushed, and said: "From the attitude of Lord Snake, I know that you are the person we have been looking for." He emphasized to them: "We all waited for this day and waited a long time. Now Hopefully, what kind of alcohol is this, the important thing is to do things well later."

Su Qingyue was also very excited.

Unexpectedly, Dongfang Jun still remembered what he said when he met him in Pingjing.

He also said that he wanted to make a free mode, but Hualuo still couldn't pass it internally.

It was Su Qingyue's inscription that gave him faith.

He wants to start over and make a product that truly belongs to him.

Su Qingyue and him simply coincided.

They drank until almost two o'clock before leaving each.

On the second day, Yue Lindao and Su Qingyue went to the studio to finalize some specific tasks.

In the evening, Su Qingyue and Yuelindao had their own activities.

Su Qingyue went to the mall to buy some specialty products for Amu.

When I walked back, I passed by an alley, and there was a bathing center with a small face inside. Of course, there was no way to compare it with Paris Spring.

Suddenly a familiar figure walked out of it.

Su Qingyue was startled.

I saw the figure dangling, like drinking too much.

So follow two steps closely, look at the figure and head shape, and immediately confirm that it is the old knowledge.

Suddenly shouted: "Pengpeng?" Without waiting for the person to look back, he called the other party's full name: "Guan Pengpeng?"

The man also stopped and looked back at him.

Instantly frowned.

He also called out, "Su Qingyue?"

All of a sudden, they all uttered the vulgar words expressing surprise.

Shake hands with him.

Seeing that he is still in the casual suit a few years ago, the white shirt has an open neckline.

The eye circles are red, and I am drunk too much, so I am very haggard.

Su Qing asked in astonishment: "Why are you here." As soon as he spoke, he looked down and regretted saying this.

Think of the failure of their game school entrepreneurship.

The investment has been slopped and left a bad debt.

Since then Guan Pengpeng has disappeared, and sometimes people in the Ami group ask: Have you seen Guan Pengpeng recently?

Hearing a sigh, Su Qing understood that it was what he had guessed.

Then there was wind, and it looked like it was going to rain again.

Clouds were rolling, and the dense plantings blew loudly.

Except for a few small shops in the surrounding area, there is only one cafe after the traffic lights in the distance.

Su Qing pointed there and said, "A cup of coffee?"

Guan Pengpeng hesitated.

Looks a little nervous.

But in a moment, he still said: "Okay."

They walked over and reached the cafe after a traffic light.

sit down.

Guan Pengpeng ordered a cappuccino.

They sat down for the black tea that Su Qingyue wanted.

Before Su Qingyue could speak, Guan Pengpeng first said: "Brother, can I tell you something?"

"You said." Su Qingyue nodded.

Guan Pengpeng's eyes flickered, he sighed, and said, "Can you not tell others what I have seen me?"

"Don't worry, brother." Su Qingyue replied.

He was no longer nervous.

With a smile on his face, he asked: "I heard that you started a business?"

"Yes, the company has just been established, and everything is ready to go..." Su Qingyue said: "Lin'an to talk about something."

"Really good." Guan Pengpeng nodded and said.

Then he asked how other people were.

Su Qingyue felt that he was making a roundabout.

But in the end he walked around to Qingqing and asked, "Is she okay now?"

"I don't know, we haven't contacted." Su Qingyue replied, and said: "You two haven't contacted?"

"Brother, how can my virtue be worthy of Qingqing!" He suddenly sighed, and his mood fell again.

Think of him once.

The private shooter who no one knows in the industry.

First love cannot be profaned, and this sentence is still remembered.

Nowadays, not only the scenery is not there, but it is also so down.

Suddenly, I felt sad and didn't know what to say.

Guan Pengpeng said again at this time: "I owe a debt now. The teacher I used to hire is looking for me, sending several people to pay for half a year, and there are various expenses. I dare not stay in this circle anymore. I guess it will be difficult for me in the future. It's early." As he spoke, coffee was delivered, and he picked it up and took a sip.

When he said so, Su Qing was startled.

It seems to have an impression of this.

Before, Amu always said that someone had jumped to the game academy.

He asked: "Which teachers?"

"The marketing circle." He sighed, lit his cigarette, and said: "I don't blame others for looking around for me. I obviously took the lead." He said: "There are always good jobs. The backbone of each enterprise stayed well, and I forced them out. Now the game academy is no longer working, and they owe wages, social security, and provident funds. The boss is gone, and the normal way is not working. Who will they find me? If Lin'an doesn’t work, go to the smallest city."

Listening to him, Su Qingyue couldn't help but sigh secretly.

Knowing the difficulty of starting a business is a life of nine deaths.

No wonder Chen Feng asked himself to think about it, and said that luck would not always be on his side.

I don't know how to comfort him.

Originally thinking, just sitting with him like this would be regarded as a friend's affection.

Recall that Zhou Ziyou said a few days ago that the marketing department needs to hire people from other companies, and the cost is not low.

Look at Guan Pengpeng now.

Thinking of his writing style, he is also famous in the circle.

Now he is only in temporary difficulties.

People who have experienced such ups and downs will definitely cherish the opportunity if they can help themselves.

Moreover, his talent, after experiencing such dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction, once encountered an opportunity, it will burst out like a giant volcano.

The next moment, he asked: "How many brothers do you owe money to do before."

"I brought five people, some of them were from the media, from the marketing department of Party A, and one of my brothers was the TOP10 of Dongfang.com at that time..." Guan Pengpeng shook his head, "I am also a victim, not the boss. This matter can't be managed. But these brothers, my conscience can't get through. Besides, some of them got a job later, but they were not satisfied..." He said, sighed again, drank the coffee in one breath, and asked Su Qingyue: "I can still ask for more A cup?"

"No problem!" Su Qing stopped in Vietnamese, waved to the waiter, and ordered another cappuccino.

Then he sent a sincere invitation to Guan Pengpeng: "Brother, come back to Pingjing with me."

"How dare I go back!" Guan Pengpeng shook his head and smiled awkwardly.

Of course Su Qingyue knew that he didn't want to return, but he didn't dare.

Powerless to face this mess.

So he said: "I have paid you out of your previous debt."

"Hey..." Guan Pengpeng shook his head, waved his hand and said, "Brother, I appreciate the kindness. But I don't want to go back now, nor what you think. I have no face to face them..."

"I said that I'm out, that's including them." Su Qingyue categorically said, "How about you report to our company?" He asked, adding: "Of course the necessary interviews are certain."

"what did you say?"

With a word from Su Qing, Guan Pengpeng's eyes widened instantly.

I thought I heard it wrong.

Su Qingyue then added: "I have cleaned up all the things you guys have done~www.ltnovel.com~Those who are willing to stay, can follow me."

In an instant, Guan Pengpeng was silent.

The cappuccino I had just drunk was in my mouth.

His eyes are red.

Then he started sobbing.

He kept explaining: "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm not such a fragile person!" He said, and then: "But I really want to go home, I really want to return to Pingjing!" Yuba raised his head, his eyes filled with tears. With Su Qingyue, sincerely swear: "I will cherish this opportunity."

At that moment neither of them spoke.

Just clink glasses.

Then they talked about other people's stories.

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