Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 359: :very dangerous

Although not cooking for a while.

But Amou's cooking skills have improved, attracting unanimous praise from Su Qingyue and Guang Ge.

"Especially this steamed sea bass." Ge Guang said with a smile: "Better than what I ate at the restaurant." Then he took two more bites.

"And this green onion tofu." Su Qingyue said.

When they said, Amu couldn't help laughing.

He hurriedly explained: "Because the fish is alive, I asked them to handle it for me in the vegetable market, and I will come back to make it immediately..." Then he said, "I read an article on the Internet, saying that good fresh ingredients should make good taste. It must be completed within the golden time. Otherwise, the taste of the food itself will be lost, and only heavy condiments can be used to cover it."

"But this green onion tofu..."

"This is the only one in this vegetable farm that makes brined tofu. Unlike gypsum, the taste of brined tofu is more retro. More importantly, I ordered a few drops of oil to increase the flavor."

Unexpectedly, Amu is so professional.

Brother Guang couldn't help but admire: "Qingyue, you will have a good time in the future."

They chatted.

The three clink glasses again.

Take a sip.

Amu asked Brother Guang again: "Did Sister Xiaoxuan contact you recently?"

Brother Guang was startled by the question.

Look at Su Qingyue, and look at Amu.

After thinking for a moment, he suddenly said, "Someone told me the other day, I have seen Xiao Xuan?!"

"Huh?" Su Qingyue was startled.

Think of the trip to the Summer Palace.

Brother Guang said at this time: "I don't know the truth or not, but we haven't contacted for at least a month. I called and emailed... I tried various methods, but I couldn't get in touch." He sighed. Sigh, picking up the wine glass: "I have to work hard to make money, not only for the child but also for her."

Su Qingyue nodded.

He agreed with this.

He felt that men should be responsible.

Continue to grow in life, and continue to progress in gratitude.

Regardless of whether the prodigal son or the gifted son, the last thing that changed was the word responsibility.

For parents and lovers and children.

At this time, Brother Guang said again: "Now there is a problem, VtureCapital, which has been in contact with us: venture capital), has not made any progress." He said: "Investment recommends another VC, hoping to cooperate with me on this project. But they I don’t want to operate under the original structure. I hope we can set up a company independently..."

"What company?" Su Qing asked more surprised.

"It's also a VC. It's a newly established company. It has been very active in the Internet field recently." He said: "We have been in contact for several rounds. Because they have opened up the market, they have done their best to adjust quickly, and the conditions and valuations given are good. One-vote veto and other harsh terms, the only requirement is to establish a new company to operate independently. They have already sent a letter of intent to invest, and if there is no opinion, they will prepare a formal contract."

Listening to him, I don't know why, Su Qingyue always feels something is wrong.

After thinking for a moment, he said: "Although I am more optimistic about this direction, I also said that the acceptance and model of the industry still need to be explored. I still recommend small-scale research and experimentation. The so-called'extreme adventurous under extreme conservative', When the risk is controllable, we must move forward very quickly; but when the situation is opposite, we must be very careful in making decisions." He said: "Moreover, the current community’s upward momentum is very good. Word of mouth and credibility among players can be compared with new businesses. They complement each other. Why should they do the opposite?"

Su Qingyue thought that Brother Guang was too hasty.

But Ge Guang did not answer his question.

But he said: “Because the formal contract signing process and time may be relatively long, so in order to start the business early, they are willing to provide a bridge loan. It can be said that they are quite sincere.” Guangge said: “I think if it weren’t for their eagerness The market will not have such conditions."

"Brother Guang, it's not about a sum of money!" Su Qingyue was straightforward.

Brother Guang was startled.

Then he said: "Don't worry, you don't have to pay for the new company. The shares are still the same as before, and you won't lose money."


"I don't want to miss this opportunity, not to mention that you have said that there is no problem with the direction. As for difficulties, with funds we have trial and error capital and opportunities..."

Su Qing knew that Ge Guang misunderstood.

The misunderstanding itself is not that there is a problem with their feelings, but a manifestation of his excitement and aggressiveness.

Su Qingyue emphasized again: "Brother Guang, I don't usually care about the company's affairs and don't want to interfere with your decision, but I suggest you still be cautious!" He said, "It doesn't matter if I lose a little money, but the company is you. Hard work. Once something happens, you will lose more than this money!"

"But I think this is an opportunity."

At this point, it's a bit irrational.

Su Qingyue thought of Guan Pengpeng.

Thinking of his downfall in Lin'an.

Remembering what he said to himself: Game Academy is a good opportunity not to be missed.

Many people rushed up with him.

The result is crushed.

He couldn't let Brother Guang do this, and finally couldn't help it, and said: "I hope we calm down and find time to think about it..."

"But Qingyue, I really can't miss this opportunity."


Watching them talk more and more stiff.

Amou quickly interrupted and said, "By the way, have you seen Kangxi coming recently?"

"Look, I'm watching every issue now." Brother Guang said quickly.

Su Qingyue wanted to continue.

But Jiang Zhengshang's annoying appearance appeared.

He felt that he could not do this.

The farthest road in the world is to take the "shortcut."

The most embarrassing thing in the world is "good intentions do bad things".

Thinking of this, he also followed Amu's topic, and a few people chatted with the entertainment industry.

Because I have to work at night.

So Su Qing didn't drink too much.

After eating, finishing up.

Su Qingyue again urged Brother Guang, but this time he spoke a lot more and said: "Brother Guang, you are my best friend after coming to Pingjing." He said, "I really hope you can think clearly."

"I know." Brother Guang nodded finally.

Go back to the house.

Turn on the computer again and receive the mail.

Examine Zhou Ziyou's email.

This is a small publicity plan about the company's opening.

Look at the past one by one.

Su Qing realized that although Zhou Ziyou had improved.

But this does not apply to the company's opening.

And this news is also a bit too dry, a little bit meaningless.

The style is not high.

Call him directly on QQ and tell him: First ~www.ltnovel.com~ The manuscript itself has no news points; the second is a superstitious argument, Mr. Yue said, high-profile must die! Can’t do that; third, the company still has to focus on products. And too high-profile publicity, recruitment costs will rise.

As he said, Zhou Ziyou immediately returned a message: "Understood."

Su Qingyue then urged: "Ziyou, you should now consider the problem from the perspective of the company. It can no longer be a simple product idea." He said, and emphasized: "The pattern is not empty talk, you must grasp this aspect."

I want to advertise, [\\mi\\mi\\reading\\app\\\\] really good, it's worth installing, after all, you can cache books and read them offline!

"Understood." Zhou Ziyou responded again.

Wait until these are done.

Suddenly received a message from Guan Pengpeng: "I'm back, and I told everyone." He said: "When do you see when I start to work? Can't wait..." He said, sent a smiley face, and sent it again. Message: "We follow your arrangements at any time, and we can also do things like pre-company decoration and cleaning."

"You can find Zhou Ziyou." Su Qingyue replied: "Let him arrange you."

"Okay." Guan Pengpeng replied, and finally said: "It feels so good to return to Pingjing!"

In the evening, finish work.

go to bed.

Amou asked, "Did you say that it was Sister Xiaoxuan we saw that day?"

"Maybe it really is." Su Qingyue said.

"Actually, I think it makes sense for you to say Brother Guang," she said at this time, "but how can I persuade him?"

"Can't persuade." Su Qingyue shook his head.

Calm down now, he understands that there is a thorn in Brother Guang, and only he comes out.

I hope my worries are unnecessary.

He thought, his fatigue struck.

Then he said to Amou in a daze, "Go to sleep."

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