Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 371: : What is the golden age


   Chen Feng speaks with heart and soul.

   I can hear that Chen Feng is earnestly persuading him.

   is not just for this project, but for his good.

   Su Qingyue was very moved, and listened to Chen Feng to continue.

"The golden age is not just gold. Just like the blue sea, it's not only romantic and beautiful." He said, "In fact, there are countless black holes and whirlpools, and countless beautiful illusions. Your front feet may still feel leisurely and contented. , It may usher in a devastating storm on the back foot."

   "I understand." Su Qingyue nodded.

   Chen Feng waved his hand and said, "No, you still don't understand."

He said.

   Su Qingyue nodded.

   Chen Feng continued: "Do you know the butterfly effect?"

"A South American butterfly, occasionally flapping its wings, can cause a tornado on another continent in the last two weeks." Su Qingyue said: "In a dynamic system, the initial small changes can drive the long-term hugeness of the entire system. Chain reaction."

"Yes, that's what I want to say." Chen Feng said: "No company in this world is an island. In fact, we all have close ties." He said: "When a company triples its salary , He will definitely affect another company and increase the labor cost of the entire industry in the long term..."

   I suddenly remembered the labor cost that everyone complained about today.

   Someone said that the back foot was poached by a high salary.

   Talents in any industry are rare.

   Not to mention the rapid expansion of the industry scale, the short-term supply of talents cannot keep up.

   instantly understood what Chen Feng meant.

Chen Feng went on to say: "A shopping mall is like a battlefield, where you play money, and your size determines your life and death." He said: "You may have enough money today, but it may not be enough tomorrow. Because someone turns your salary over. Some people have increased the unit price of advertising, while others have increased channel investment."

"I see."

   "In your eyes, the money is fixed, but the market is fluid." He said.

   Su Qingyue listened, triggering a thought.

   He felt that Chen Feng made sense.

   The company itself cannot be viewed in isolation.

   The changes in the surrounding environment must be considered.

Chen Feng said at this time: "After I have been in the investment field for a long time, I found that when the company was first founded, it was mainly based on the passion and charm of the founder. But in the later stage, only money. Because money can make you Only by living, can you develop at a high speed and not be eliminated by the industry. Only by making employees feel safe and without keeping the team structure in an unstable state..."


   He said so.

   Su Qingyue remembered the focus.

  If Jiao Kejun had money, would he still cooperate with himself?

   But if you don’t do things seriously, won’t the money you get will also be spent quickly?

   There is no problem with what Chen Feng said.

   But he still insisted that he should focus on finding people and developing products first.

   he thought.

   and Chen Feng talked about something else.

   He asked casually: "Boss, are you not going to jump in during the golden age?"


   Chen Feng was startled.

   thought for a while, and said, "I don't have this plan yet."

   He said, Su Qingyue felt that he must have a deeper set of ideas.

   He was waiting for the opportunity.

   Capital must not be Chen Feng's final destination.

   He is a captain, he will never be lonely.

   After a while, Chen Feng asked, "Qingyue, what do you want from us?"

"Boss, if you ask me," Su Qing thought for a while, and the decision was straightforward: "There can be no right gambling, otherwise all our plans will become eager for quick success and quick profit because of performance gambling, which is not good for the company's long-term development. He said, shook his head, and said: "And we really don't need money now."


   Chen Feng nodded.

After thinking about it, he said, "I still said, "Don't repair the house on rainy days. You can borrow money when it's sunny. You have to understand that giving charcoal in the snow has never happened." He said, "Zhan Bike Behind the attack must be adequate food and grass."

"I see."

   No need to say more.

   Chen Feng obviously already knew what Su Qingyue thought.

   Then they both returned to the state they had just arrived.

   No longer talk about investment matters.

   Instead, talk about industry trends.

   From overseas companies to expand investment in China, there are also colorful overseas sweeping goods, regardless of the price, for good products, most of them won.

   Chen Feng said: "Did you know? It is said that Nextgame's new products only cost tens of millions in the initial marketing fee."

   Su Qingyue nodded, of course he knew.

   The company that made Shengshi Tiancheng a fortune has been controlled by the latter.

   Since the birth of the free model, more than 500 companies have appeared on the market in just a few months.

   There are countless products.

   It’s no wonder that someone on the forum talked about himself and said: "The Three Kingdoms is just a fluke for Su Qingyue. Now the market is crowded together. It is impossible to rely on that little cleverness."

   Su Qingyue thinks this person makes sense.

   But Yuedao’s current problem is not capital.

   is the matter itself.

   Su Qingyue believes that products should still be focused.

   In this way, he chatted with Chen Feng again.

  Maojian tea changed a few bubbles.

   looked at his watch, it was almost five o'clock, and it was the traffic jam again.

   I remembered having an appointment with Brother Guang.

   He bid farewell to Chen Feng, who got up to see him off.

   asked again.

   also said: "Qingyue, I can apply for good conditions, but it is impossible to have no conditions."

   "I understand." Su Qingyue nodded.

   They shook hands finally.

   took a taxi.

   The East Third Ring Road at this time is already very congested.

   The flow of traffic kept making horns.

   is useless.

   This is not stopping and going, but not moving at all.

   He can only wait patiently.

   flipped through the phone in his hand.

   The schedule above shows that he still needs to contact Qiao Zhen recently, and both parties need to confirm the time and place of meeting with the author.

   In addition, he also needs to go to Dongshan specifically, he wants to see Yu Chenglong once.

   Although the conditions have been agreed between them.

   But just in case, Su Qingyue decided to go there in person.

   Sincerity is very important.

   He thought that the car finally moved forward.

   Look at the bus billboard is an advertisement for "Crazy Bomberman" on Dongfang.com.

   Su Qingyue thought of Ye Luo's friend Wang Rui.

   I don’t know what he thinks of this era.

   Will he jump out of Huixing and start his own goal?

  At this time, the driver said to him: "Dude, let's go around a little bit. I know a small road, easy to walk, but you have to go around to Baishiqiao. In fact, it's only a few hundred meters. You're a lot faster."

   "Yes!" Su Qingyue nodded.

   At this time, the car immediately drove down the third ring road.

   The driver drove the same way as Dongshan, flashing left and right.

   Soon I arrived at the Baishi Bridge, turned left after the zoo, and soon arrived at the legendary Moscow restaurant.

   Brother Guang is still in line.

   Su Qingyue walked over.


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