Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 373: : Open and honest

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The dishes at Lao Mo Restaurant are exquisite and delicious.

In fact, the portion is okay.

A serving of braised beef in a pot, it looks small, but it is stuffed with beef.

In the mouth, I feel that the meat quality is really in line with the environment of ice and snow, simple and rough, there is toughness and chewiness.

Grilled fish with butter, A Mou likes it very much.

Su Qingyue prefers foie gras with a cup of dry white.

The hall is crowded but not cluttered, and there are many tables.

The sound hovered in the three-story zenith.

Seeing Yan Xipan raise a glass to herself from a distance.

Su Qingyue also followed.

The two toasted apart.

Eliminate the false courtesy you come and I talk to each other.

The depth of feelings is directly proportional to the degree of randomness.

Su Qingyue felt that it would be nice not to bother anyone in this way.

Continue to eat.

After a while, the creamy mushroom soup arrived.

Take a sip and add a little pepper.

And Guang Ge pushed the cup for another one.

A bottle of dry white was gone soon, and Brother Guang quickly asked for another bottle.

Su Qingyue originally wanted to stop.

But he stopped: "Qingyue, don't worry about it! Happy today!"

He didn't speak now.

The three drank wine talking and laughing.

Talking about the recent business again, one after another feels that now anyone can get money.

It seems that everyone has more money than him.

Amu said: "The new companies we are interviewing now are generally more than ten million or five million dollars..." She sighed: "Moreover, we will continue to increase capital and expand stocks, each with rich wealth, buying advertising space and buying cabbage. The same. I know good multimedia, and they all raise the price of advertising."

Listening to her, Su Qing realized that this wave of craze brought more than heat.

There are also general price increases.

Operating costs will definitely increase.

Slightly frowning, Brother Guang said again: "But now are cats and dogs all coming to join in the fun... This level of madness is even worse than the first Internet wave ten years ago!" He raised his cup and motioned to Su. Qingyue clink glasses.

He said again: "Brother, I wish you an early launch!"

"We also wish Guang Ge happiness." Su Qingyue said.

Smiled at Amu.

The three continued to eat.

Then they talked again, and Brother Guang asked curiously: "Qingyue, are you not going to increase capital?"

"There is no such plan at present." Su Qingyue said.

"Actually, I think that with your influence in the industry, there should be no problem at all." He said: "A lot of people now raise tens of millions in rounds of financing. The one that you focus on is called Gao, I listen to it. It sounds like an astronomical figure." He said, "You are much better than him."

"Yes!" Amu said unconvinced, looking at Su Qingyue: "Gao Yanhai has invested in it, so why?"

"It's not important." Su Qing waved his hand: "How much Gao Yanhaila is, that is his own business. If there is a problem in the future, it is also his own business."

He said that he knew that Amu was dissatisfied with him.

So he patiently explained: "When the Internet bubble was in, Buffett said: Everyone admits that the products and services of technology companies will change the world, but it is impossible to judge which technology companies can maintain a competitive advantage for a long time."

"But..." Amu was about to speak.

Su Qingyue stopped him, and said: "The company's final competition is still hard power. What's more, our money is enough to spend, there is no need to make the company's equity allocation so complicated, and the mentality of employees is so impetuous."

"I'm just not convinced."

"A car running on the road, of course, can increase the speed to the fastest, but what if it is the scene of a car accident?" Su Qingyue said: "We are now a research and development enterprise, and can't accept so many harsh conditions. We will see when the time comes. The money has come in, and shareholders have struggled too much, so stop working."

He said.

Brother Guang listened, the wine glass was always in his hand.

His face is slightly red.

"Qingyue, you are my best brother," he said, drunk with his words: "I say something, don't be angry."

"Don't be angry, you say." Su Qing smiled more and could guess what Brother Laiguang thought.

"Your ability is well-known in the industry. But when it comes to investment, you still have to think about it..." He said, "Obviously there are so many opportunities to make a fortune, you have to make yourself very hard..." He said, talking a little bit strong. A: "Your 30 million may be enough, but if it is not enough, you may not be able to find it again at that time."

When he said so, Su Qing felt a bit like Chen Feng's words.

Then he continued.

"I think you should be brave and continue with the next round of financing." He said: "And you really need money. You buy a house and a car, which is not money. Now the house price grows so badly." He finally Emphasize, "Brother! Really, you have to change your mind! The society is too realistic, no matter what your previous achievements, as long as you have a little voice, you will be forgotten by the market..."

Listen to him.

Ah Mou remained silent on the side.

After a while, they switched the subject again.

Talking about Song Xiaoxuan.

Brother Guang said: "If the follow-up funds are in place, I would really dare to go to Xiaoxuan. This time I think about it, and I want to do a special job. It will be lively and lively so that everyone in the world will know that I love her. "He said: "Now we are waiting for their follow-up funds."

When he said this, Su Qing was startled.

Thinking of the trip to the Summer Palace, I asked: "Has she contacted you recently?"

"I only sent an e-mail, I don't know why my attitude turned cold." When he said this, Brother Guang was discouraged again: "It seems that he still didn't forgive me," he said, scratching his head, obviously a lot of anxiety, and asked Amu. : "You said what should I do to truly obtain her forgiveness."

"You work with peace of mind now." She said: "If you make money, go to her, and she will know how much effort you put in."

Listen to them.

Su Qingyue still felt that it was Song Xiaoxuan they saw at the Summer Palace.

It is estimated that I am afraid of revealing my whereabouts, so I chose to contact less or not.

As for whether or not to forgive, it's hard to say.

After a while, Yan Xipan and the girl finished their meal.

They said hello.

The latter hugged and hugged the girl and left.

Brother Guang said with envy from the bottom of his heart: "I want to be as cool as him."

Ami curled her lips and said, "Brother Guang, don't follow him." She said, "When there are too many scenes, I can't tell whether what I say is true or false. Over time, I am used to it. True love will become him. The luxury of life..." she said, groaning.

The name and curse are not dirty...

Su Qingyue heard the overtones.

After a while, they too had almost eaten.

Check out and leave.

It was getting colder and colder, and I was shivered by the cold wind as soon as I left the house.

Take a taxi and go home.

When they got home, they went back to their bedrooms.

Rinse slightly.

Lying down, Amu suddenly said seriously: "I think Brother Guang's words are reasonable, you should think about it." She said, obviously very tempted, and said: "And you can't pull it, as long as you In a word, so many people give money."

"Hey... it's not like that." Su Qingyue said: "You have been in the industry for so long, don't you understand? How can there be such a good thing, how much you get, it means how much responsibility. Other people's money, How can it be so easy to take." He said: "What's more, the company is very healthy now. What we should do now is to concentrate on the product."


Hearing what he said, Amu sighed.

After thinking for a moment, he said again: "Anyway, I told you. Mom chatted with me today and asked about the house again."

"I'll hurry up on this," Su Qingyue said, "As long as the product goes online..."

"Look at those entrepreneurs who drive Mercedes-Benz, BMW, and buy a house." She said, "Look at the two of us..."

Needless to say.

Su Qing naturally understood that Amu should make such a complaint.

"Give me some time, okay?" Su Qingyue asked.

"Huh!" Amu said.

He understood that Ah Mu suffered along with him.

He added: "I promise to buy you a big house."

"What do you mean by buying it for me?"

"Yes, yes, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is for both of us." Su Qingyue hurriedly changed his words.

Then Ah Mu laughed.

But he still asked him: "I think Brother Guang is right, you should really consider it."

Su Qingyue nodded.

Fortunately, Amu and him were open and honest.

Su Qingyue feels that the key to a good relationship is sincere communication.

I am very grateful to Ah Mou for his understanding.

I feel that the burden is heavy again, but the momentum is getting stronger and stronger.

The next moment, Su Qingyue secretly swore...

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