Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 381: : 1 potion

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There are trees on both sides of the school forest road.

One hundred and thirty-nine is a small yard with a few police cars parked in it.

There are private cars outside the red brick wall.

Some people in uniform come in and out.

When Su Qingyue and Teacher Tian came here, it was already 7:15.

Several people got out of the car.

But he didn't go in, and stood waiting for him outside the courtyard.

The cold wind blew them, looking up at the small building on the opposite side, the white cold light lamp was on.

The more Su Qing couldn't believe that Ouyang was caught in a gambling, and he got so deep.

In the past, Su Qingyue just thought that he was just playing with friends.

Or when you are bored, play online to kill time.

After all, the boring feeling brought about by long-term repetitive work is incomprehensible to ordinary people.

I didn't expect him to develop into an underground casino.

He sighed helplessly.

He took a cigarette from Tian Zhong and lit it, and took a deep breath.

Swallowing clouds and fog, watching the white smoke disappear in the moonlight.

Tanaka sighed on the side: "He's pretty upright. He didn't do anything as soon as he got in, otherwise he wouldn't be able to figure it out."

"But what should come will definitely come again, sooner or later..." Su Qingyue replied.

Tian Zhong and Wang Xinjie froze instantly.

Su Qingyue shook his head helplessly, he found that his mood was complicated.

Not only is there anger, but there is actually a little bit of luck.

Fortunately, Ouyang did not have an accident.

Angrily, I have repeatedly emphasized the dangers of gambling.

But even Tanaka didn't realize the seriousness of the problem.

Everyone's consciousness is still in the play among friends.

I want to say that success is easy, but it is not difficult to fall.

Some things are just a difference in thought.

Think of Ouyang who eats buns.

Think of him who has never been taken seriously after sending emails for half a year.

Can not help but feel sorry.

In the next moment, Su Qingyue said: "Once a person's greed is opened, it is difficult to stop. Many people start out because they are greedy and find gambling interesting. So they start to contact, until they can't extricate themselves." took a deep breath. Yan said again: "Ouyang finally had today, we are brothers, we can't watch him degenerate..." He said, and sighed again: "Do your best."

"I didn't expect it to be so serious, he actually went to the casino." Tanzhong cold sweat rolled down his forehead.

Wang Xinjie said: "Boss! Don't worry, we will definitely keep a watch on him in the future."

"You can't help it." Su Qingyue shook his head and said what he was thinking: "There must be another way."

"What way?" Tian Zhong asked.

Su Qingyue did not respond.

He knew in his heart that if gambling had to be so good, there wouldn't be so much trouble.

From ancient times to the present, countless losers have lost all while fantasizing about getting rich.

See Ouyang and his girlfriend walking out of the yard.

It's the same clover dress from before, which is a bit dirty.

It doesn't fit him anymore.

He seemed to be thinner, with blackened eyes and bloodshot whites.

The whole person looked in shock.

The hair is tousled.

His beard hadn't been shaved for two days and one night, and he looked very sloppy.

There was no such fighting spirit in his eyes.

For a moment, Su Qingyue suddenly thought of Chang Ming.

Thinking of the sales director of Tangtang Competition and Cooperation, he has fallen into a situation where he has a bruised nose and swollen eyes with blinking eyes, and a rat crossing the street.

A sense of desolation surged.

Once again, Su Qingyue told himself that he had a responsibility and an obligation to prevent Ouyang from falling.

Can't give up a brother.

But addiction is hard to get rid of, fantasy and greed always go hand in hand...

Just thinking about seeing Ouyang come over, his eyes dodged.

Her girlfriend was even more dull, obviously frightened by this scene.

Wang Xinjie called her twice before she reacted.

He replied: "I'm sorry, I disturbed everyone." Blushing, he bowed hurriedly.

"What's wrong about this?" Su Qingyue waved his hand and turned his eyes to Ouyang.

The latter quickly looked away at the moment he met his eyes.

Cowering, it took a long time to explain: "Boss, I didn't bet, I just..."

"Just go and see?"

Before he finished speaking, Su Qingyue cut him off, unable to tell whether it was a rhetorical question or a sarcasm.

In short, he was cold and shocked Ouyang. Originally, he said: "I was smoking downstairs and met a big brother..." The words were not finished, and Su Qingyue's gaze forced him to swallow back.

"Let's go, go back and talk about it." Su Qingyue said finally.

Ouyang's Adam's apple shook, obviously nervous.

Look at Tian Zhong, and look at Wang Xinjie.

Finally followed everyone to leave.

In the car, he didn't say a word during the whole journey.

He didn't even dare to smoke.

Su Qingyue felt that he did not do well before.

I still dote on Ouyang too much.

Always think it is too difficult for him to come up from the bottom.

So he was unwilling to extinguish the flame of his hope.

As a result, Ouyang did not realize the seriousness of this problem, and his greed and speculation expanded infinitely.

He felt that this could no longer be the case.

Without the pain that goes deep into the bone marrow, one would not be able to reflect on it.

The car continued to go and stop.

It was almost half past eight when I arrived at the unit.

I noticed that the lights in Chen Ting's house were on, and the people in the HR department had not left yet.

Everyone walked into Su Qingyue's office.

As soon as the door closed, Ouyang explained in a panic: "Boss, it's not as serious as a short story. I didn't gamble at all." He said, with an understatement: "I just went in, I just wanted to watch it casually. Look, I hit the back when I clicked."

After speaking, he glanced at his girlfriend with a complaining look.

It seems to be saying, how big is the matter, you actually alarmed the boss.

Su Qing became more and more angry, and blurted out: "Ouyang, don't do it."

"Huh?" Ouyang was startled, obviously didn't understand, don't do it anymore.

Tian Zhong and Wang Xinjie were also taken aback.

Perceiving that Su Qingyue's mood was not right, his expression became tense.

Su Qingyue said: "Seeing Xiaoxian today should be said to be a very important thing since our establishment. What are you doing as a result?" He asked in a questioning tone again: "Don't tell me, you just just take a look. This Just take it back and lie to yourself."

"Boss! No...no...I really just went in and took a look."

He explained in a flustered manner.

I just want to use it and take a look to cover up the essence of wanting to gamble.

Ignore his words.

Su Qingyue directly said to Tian Zhong: "Teacher Tian, ​​I say something bad: we start a business with our heads on the waistband, and we can't relax at all." He said: "Our competitors, regardless of money or ability, No one is weaker than us, and even a lot stronger than us. In this case, we have to play with the spirit of twelve points."

"I know." Tian Zhong nodded.

"You must go all out to avoid accidents." Su Qingyue said: "Cut off all possible factors." Yuba looked at Ouyang, "If gambling today can be forgiven, will there be anything else tomorrow?" He finally said. : "Let me make a suggestion, Ouyang should stop following this project."

In an instant, Wang Xinjie let out a cry.

The whole person was stunned.

Girlfriend Ouyang, completely stupid, continued: "Brother Yue, don't, don't do this! Listen to me..."

Tian Zhong was also shocked and said: "Boss, give Ouyang a chance."

"I have already given it." Su Qingyue didn't hesitate. "We didn't persuade us before, nor did we fail to fulfill our responsibilities. Under this premise, he still had a problem, and it was more serious. This shows that he is no longer suitable. Be the master planner. Because he has great instability, it's not just about attending important meetings."

Probably I did not expect the consequences to be so serious.

Ouyang only said: "Boss! I..." The voice behind him didn't even come out.

His eyes were red, and he knelt on the ground with a plop.

He gave himself a mouth suddenly.

The voice came out, but it was already dumb: "Boss, I will never make such a mistake again, I won't bet again! I swear! I will gamble again, thunder and thunder! Please, give me a chance Right."

After speaking, he whispered again.

Looking at him, Su Qingyue still did not speak.

Although he shamed his dignity, I felt sad.

But I still told myself not to be soft-hearted and not to help him up.

"Ouyang, there is a huge risk in starting a business." He explained: "I am taking my own career to take risks, and so many brothers follow me even more so. It is not for you to ignore everyone's future. And now it is In the golden age of gaming, if we did not seize the opportunity, it would be a betrayal of ourselves and a crime..."

"Boss! Please believe me!"

Ouyang sobbed.

Following Tanaka, his eyes were a little red.

He hurriedly stepped forward to persuade him: "Boss, Ouyang is at fault. Actually, I also have a problem. I didn't watch him." He said, "You can also hold me accountable, but there is really no need to expel him from the project team. Look at In the face of our brother for so long, please give him a chance."

Wang Xinjie followed and swears: "Boss, give Ouyang a chance! If he gambles again, I will kick him out of the project team first." He said, tugging Ouyang's sleeve, and the latter immediately thanked Dade and followed up. : "Boss, if I dare to gamble..."

Listen to them.

Su Qingyue shook his head, not moved.

Leng Leng said: "This is not over and over again," he said: "Ouyang, I am very sad to fire you, but this is for your own good. In order to let you understand that what you get can actually be lost at any time, gambling It’s such a thing, you have to leave the project team."

"Boss! Me!"

"Go out, don't persuade me anymore."

"Boss! I beg you!" Ouyang knelt to climb in front of Su Qingyue.

The more Su Qing could feel the anxiety in his heart.

Because without these, he will be beaten back to his original form of life immediately.

The importance of this job to him is obvious.

But Su Qingyue remained calm.

Sighed and said: "You go out, I'm in a bad mood, don't beg me anymore."

Behind him, Tian Zhong and Wang Xinjie saw that Su Qingyue had made up his mind.

Knowing that it was difficult to change, I had to persuade Ouyang and his girlfriend to go out.

Then he went back to the office.

Closing the door, Wang Xinjie asked in surprise: "Boss, are you really going to expel Ouyang?"

Tian Zhong shook his head and said, "Boss, Ouyang is at fault, isn't it?"

"You don't understand at all, Ouyang's greed has been opened up." Su Qingyue said: "If I don't take the strong medicine and use ruthless tricks, it is impossible to save him." He said, and explained: "The biggest gambling. The incentives are not simply greed, leisure, eagerness for quick success and so on. In fact, the culprit is speculation. It is not that people who are greedy for money will gamble, but those who are lucky to gamble will gamble, and it is difficult to get out..."

He said, Tian Zhong and Wang Xinjie listened.

Su Qingyue went on to say: "I did this to let him know that behind the fluke, there is something called destruction. It may be me destroying him, or you destroying. The important thing is to let him know that if you bet again, he will Lose the opportunity I dream of and leave my brothers..."

"I understand what you mean." Wang Xinjie said.

Tanaka sighed helplessly: "But he is our brother after all, and this project cannot be replaced temporarily."

"Don't worry, let him hang out for a few days. You cooperate with me, and this time you must let him learn from the pain." Su Qingyue said, sighing: "There is always no shortage of people who like fantasy in this society, but they often lose the most. It is them who are miserable."

"You mean not to fire him?"

"I said we don't abandon a brother," Su Qingyue said: "If we can save it, of course we will do our best."

"I will let him take the initiative to write an inspection." Wang Xinjie understood and laughed.

"I still didn't watch him. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" Tanaka sighed helplessly, "I am also responsible."

"The rest is up to him."

Su Qingyue finally said.

In fact, there is nothing in my heart.

This matter is indeed a bit beyond his imagination.

At this time, Chen Ting came from outside and knocked on the door.

Su Qingyue raised his head and looked over.

Said to Tian Zhong and Wang Xinjie: "Don't tell the other brothers in the project team about this matter."

"Understood." The two nodded.

Su Qingyue got up and let Chen Ting in.

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