Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 383: : 1 letter to you

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"Thanks and apologize..."

A few days later, Su Qingyue wrote such a letter to all employees in the attachment of the salary adjustment plan.

In the letter, he sincerely thanked everyone for their contributions.

Especially in the case of a general increase in salary levels in the entire industry, there are no complaints or dissatisfaction.

Still insist on doing everything well.

For this, he would like to express his most sincere thanks to everyone.

Then Su Qingyue, on behalf of the company, proposed a package of salary adjustment plans.

Ensure that the entire salary level reaches the mainstream level of the industry through adjustments and incentives.

Even platform departments such as administration have their own incentives.

At the same time, Su Qingyue put forward his thinking in recent days in the letter.

Ask a question worth pondering.

What caused the management for so long to fail to notice the change in the average salary level in the industry.

And it brings troubles to the company.

Here, he first thanked Zhou Ziyou and Yu Chenglong for their frankness.

Only the two of them have talked to themselves about the company's recruitment dilemma.

There is no feedback for the rest.

He believes that this is a problem of corporate culture, which puts everyone in a dilemma that they dare not say, are embarrassed to say, and do not want to say.

When he was writing this letter, he remembered the focus.

Everyone’s emotions are not given positive feedback. In the end, the conflict can only accumulate and deepen.

Can not help but sweat repeatedly.

The letter wrote: Regarding this, the first is my question. I am here to review my mistakes to everyone. The brothers who took it with me began to gradually "respect" me, just to say less things I was not happy about. This matter, I emphasize again, is my problem.

He said, thinking of Jiao Kejun again.

The leader of the troika, everyone must have looked at him as the leader.

Gradually, quantitative changes produce qualitative changes.

In the end, Jiao Kejun's self-righteous attitude ruined his company and his own future.

Su Qingyue felt that he could not follow his old path anyway.

He told all employees in the letter: If everyone in a company speaks of loyalty, this is certainly a good thing. But because of loyalty and maintaining this relationship, it eventually turned into not telling the truth, putting the cart before the horse.

He said: We must recognize our brothers, but we must also speak the truth seriously.

In the future, at any meeting, no matter who is there, no matter how bad the words are, we must tell the truth that we are a startup company. When every brother joins in, of course, he hopes that this company will have a future.

Finally, Su Qingyue released the company's corporate culture and slogan to the entire company.

The corporate culture is:

Tell the truth

Do practical things

Be brave

Slogan: Create a big scene together

He said that he hopes to implement this corporate culture in management, recruitment, and corporate publicity.

Then the company's salary adjustment plan was also presented.

This caused great repercussions within the company.

In the morning he heard two HR discussions.

"The perspective of President Su is really different from ours. We only see the recruitment dilemma brought about by salary issues, but President Su sees the company's management problems, which is really not what ordinary people want." An HR said: "As soon as the salary is adjusted, I also feel motivated."

The other also said: "Compared with Su, I now feel that I have learned all the human resource management in school for nothing. It seems that textbooks are really useless, and some things depend on talent."

Zhou Ziyou also said to Su Qingyue: "Boss, thinking about you, we really are..."

Knowing that he wants to praise himself later.

But Su Qing stopped him in time and said, "Ziyou, you have to praise me less in the future. Because this will give people the impression that you have a good relationship with me, and when you have opinions about the company, you dare not say it. He explained, and said: "Think about the focus, we must not learn the troika."

When he said so, Zhou Ziyou was startled.

After thinking for a moment, he nodded and said: "Understood."

Then they talked about work for a while.

Mainly about the game industry annual meeting.

Su Qingyue received an invitation from the organizing committee of the annual meeting today.

The other party said: Fu Sichang specially asked, I hope he can say a few words.

Su Qingyue happily agreed.

When thinking about Gameyoung, he was just a little brother following Chen Feng.

Listen to the big guys on the stage talking.

Now I actually want to be with everyone.

Although it was in the back position, it was on the table after all.

Su Qingyue thinks this is very important.

Because the people at the table get different resources and attention.

It will also play a vital role in the company's future development.

Especially since he has now given up the idea of ​​not financing.

Began to pay more attention to venture capital.

At this time, a sound channel is even more needed.

The industry annual meeting is undoubtedly the best stage, and it turned out to be free.

He is very happy.

Inquired about the progress of Dongfang Jun engine.

This time they have a lot of places to exert their strength, and they will strive for the initiative when negotiating with the management.

Just thinking that QQ rang, he opened it.

It was found that Ye Luo's head was shaking.

So I clicked it, and the latter asked him: "Did you see Jiang Zhengshang's press conference?"

"I glanced at the draft." Su Qingyue replied.

I felt that the draft was written quite well, so I didn't take it too seriously.

But at this moment Ye Luo said, "Then you don't know what happened next?"

"What?" "What?" Su Qingyue issued a text, followed by two question marks.

Ye Luo first returned an expression of surprise.

Then he reminded: "Jiang Zhengshang's press conference!"

"What's wrong?" Su Qingyue still didn't understand, what was the connection with him.

As a result, the next moment, Ye Luo sent a link, saying: "You can see what's wrong for yourself? When he was facing the reporter alone, he said a lot of things against you. He was put on the forum." Ye Luo wrote: "You What's the matter with the two? I don't understand, brother! Why is he so virtuous?"

Only then finally understood what was going on.

Su Qingyue clicked on the link.

Found that the industry forum has become a pot of porridge.

The most popular post is naturally about Jiang Zhengshang's press conference.

The title is: "Zhengshang Network Running Enters the Field, Jiang Zhengshang, Su Qingyue Brothers Against the Eyes"

Su Qingyue frowned slightly, and clicked in.

In the photo, Jiang Zhengshang has Erlang's legs upright, and next to him is Chen Feng, a partner of Heng Ping.

The text reads: I originally thought this was an ordinary press conference. It's nothing more than bragging, and I didn't expect Jiang Zhengshang to indulge Su Qingyue in an interview! There are pictures and the truth! The recording will be sorted out immediately...

It really seems that the excitement is not too big, Su Qing admires the sharp angle of the poster.

At this time, Zhou Ziyou knocked on the door from outside and walked in and said, "Boss, have you watched the forum?"

"Now." Su Qing pointed to the screen and continued to scroll down.

At this time, Zhou Ziyou said again: "Boss, can't let him attack us like this!"

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