Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 387: : Wave 2

Pingjing is getting colder and colder.

The sky is gray.

The wind blew the dry branches with a rattling noise.

Su Qingyue looked out of the office, feeling the whole world like a white drawing.

Fortunately, there are cars stuck on the highway and the billboards of the buildings, which add a bit of color to the world.

Make it beautiful.

He took a sip of his tea and looked down at his watch again.

It's already eleven thirty.

Now there are only three hours before the media group visit.

At two thirty minutes, Yuedao Network will welcome the first batch of visiting media people.

Earlier he specifically emphasized to be more casual.

Zhou Ziyou proposed that the process is divided into three stages: the first stage is to visit the Yuedao office environment, the second stage is a group visit, and the third stage is a small chat. "It's a bit like a tea party, just chatting." Zhou Ziyou explained: "Boss, I think the third stage is the focus. Because both visits and group visits are more formal and it is not easy to say interesting things."

"I see."

Su Qingyue knew that in the first and second stages, like writing a novel, there must always be a beginning.

But it's meaningless.

The questions were all sent in advance, and their room for play was very small.

Reporters in the industry are not surprised.

This time they invited more than a dozen media.

Originally, the scale of group visits should not be too large.

However, Su Qingyue's first article couldn't stand, and it became popular in the industry.

The media reporters who knew the news kept asking questions, hoping to participate.

Many people hope that Su Qingyue will talk about the grand entertainment strategy in detail.

Even the financial media contacted the company, hoping to make in-depth reports.

For a time, the group visit of Yuedao Network has become an important event in recent days.

Industry forums are talking about what big news will be on the scene.

In the game industry index, Yuedao Internet search popularity quickly rose to the first place.

Someone commented on the forum: Su Qingyue is really a hot spot. As long as he makes a move, countless pairs of eyes will come over. Before looking at Jiang Zhengshang's innuendo, I guess he saw this too. After all, binding Su Qingyue can get a lot of attention for the company, which is too cost-effective.

"Then there is no bottom line?" Someone said so.

Someone also responded: "Is there any bottom line to put aside, anyway, through innuendo, swearing and cursing, the popularity of Zhengshang Internet has also risen. The social reality is hype, and you must learn to fight eyeballs. Jiang Zhengshang is really smart."

Then someone sighed: "The fight between two elites who came out of Hualuo finally made this winter not too cold, and Hualuo did not lose to the Whampoa Military Academy in the software industry."

Su Qingyue laughed when he saw this.

As for some trumpets ran up to insult themselves and Yuedao Network.

He doesn't care at all.

In Su Qingyue's view, there must be a reputation first, and then a reputation will have room and soil for development.

At noon he went to dinner with everyone.

Because the media came in the afternoon, all the staff had a lighter meal.

Guan Pengpeng asked him at the dinner table: "Boss, Zhengshang's network is too much, so he has found the navy. Should we also find a bunch of trumpets to attack them?" he said.

Su Qingyue waved his hand.

"Don't worry about them. Our three waves are to achieve specific strategic goals." He said: "The enemy is besieged by thousands of weights, and I am not moving. I can't mess up the rhythm for the sake of a moment..." He After thinking about it, he said: "Do your own thing."

After he spoke, several people continued to eat.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Su Qingyue and the marketing department waited for the media to arrive at the door of the company.

Ten minutes later, the first media person to arrive was He Cunxi.

He wore an Adidas down jacket, sports pants, and football shoes.

Wearing a baseball cap.

The style is very different from before.

As soon as he came in, Su Qingyue didn't even react.

When he got closer, Su Qingyue found out.

Shaking hands with him, he said jokingly: "Editor-in-Chief He, the style has changed a lot. Don't take the casual business style anymore?"

"No, it's mainly to go directly to play football after leaving you." He explained, writing his name on the sign-in book, and found that the book was empty, a little surprised, and asked Su Qingyue: "Am I the first? "

"You said it was a coincidence?" Guan Pengpeng interjected with a smile beside him.

He Cunxi greeted him warmly for a while when he saw him.

They are old friends, so they met very cordially.

At this time the elevator opened again.

It's Chen Yimian.

Since becoming the chief reporter of their media, Chen Yimian's clothes have become more casual.

She still wears a pair of black-rimmed glasses.

A loose-fitting casual outfit, carrying a cloth bag.

Looks a bit like a girl from a minority.

"President Su," she called, her face flushed instantly, probably because she felt embarrassed, she said again: "I am more comfortable calling you 47 brother." After she said, she laughed, and the atmosphere instantly became lively, and she shook hands with Su Qingyue. Then he said: "You opened, it's the first time I'm here, I'm so happy."

Sign the sign book.

Su Qingyue greeted her and let her inside.

Slowly everyone came.

Especially when Li Cheng came, he showed a signature smile when he saw Su Qingyue.

With a smirk, he asked, "President Su, what are you holding back? In your previous article about "The World of Conferred Gods", it is said that Lao Jiang was very annoyed. What will you say today? Let me know in advance. Ah." He looked like the excitement was not too big, and he wanted to add some fire.

Su Qing smiled more.

Everyone also asked.

Su Qingyue smiled vaguely and let everyone inside.

There are more and more people over time.

The media that has exceeded the expected invitations have already stood at the door of the large conference room.

In particular, some financial weekly magazines are very concerned about new Internet economy companies.

Even came here admiringly.

Zhou Ziyou said worriedly: "No, first visit, and then I will take some people to the island coffee."

But Su Qing waved his hand more and said, "There is no distinction between closeness and closeness. When they come, they are all guests and cannot be treated differently."

Chen Ting said: "In this way, I will order two luxury bags in the nearby Tongxinyuan, and you will go straight after the visit. The partition between the private rooms can be opened, which is very convenient. This will save you trouble even if you eat later."

Su Qingyue immediately agreed that Chen Ting's arrangement was indeed proper.

After this, the front desk said that some people did not look like the media.

Chen Ting said it should be the investor.

Su Qingyue asked her to entertain those people first.

Then Ziyou Zhou was the introducer and led everyone to visit Yuedao Network.

They first visited the marketing department, then went to the operation and maintenance department, as well as the customer service department and the channel department.

He introduces the origin of Yuedao Network.

Someone interjected: "Actually, Mr. Su has written about it. We need some fresh content~www.ltnovel.com~Zhou Ziyou responded with a smile: "Don’t worry, don’t worry. "

He then introduced Lin'an and Focus's studio.

Then everyone left the company and went to the Tongxinyuan restaurant.

Sit down and the service staff will pour everyone a drink.

Put some snacks on it.

It's time for the group visit.

As a courtesy, they first invited questions from financial media outside the industry.

The other party is a slightly older woman.

But he was obviously experienced, got up and said politely: "President Su, I have seen in many places, you mentioned the grand entertainment strategy. You still talked about his importance in your own article. I think this should be a way of entertainment. Integration, but how does the game industry enter?"

"I think whether it is games or other forms of entertainment, they are essentially serving users and serving fans. The diversity of fan needs and the loyalty and sense of substitution for unique cultures give us more room for imagination... "

Su Qingyue continued.

The group interview went well.

Many professional issues were discussed.

In the end, some reporters asked questions, saying: "Mr. Su has said so much, let’s talk about the dry stuff that everyone is interested in," a reporter said, feeling like a reporter from an entertainment media, and said: "You and Zhengshang Network Mr. Jiang, what is going on? There are various rumors in the industry."

He said that the atmosphere on the scene suddenly became awkward.

Some people looked at him and thought he was ignorant.

Zhou Ziyou was taken aback.

Just about to speak, Su Qingyue stopped him.

Speaking of the perception of the media.

Su Qing is more acquainted with this.

After several battles between Hualuo and Focus, it became more comfortable.

What's more, this battle is a battle of status, a battle of card positions.

After thinking about it for a while, he said, "Everyone, turn off the recording fun ÷ Pavilion."

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