Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 393: : End of the World

This is the first time the industry annual meeting has been held in Tianya.

Before each session, the city would be changed.

The purpose is to cooperate with different places to promote local Internet or game development.

Basically, they are held in well-known local five-star hotels, and some are even near local historical sites.

People in the industry joked that this is Fu Sichang's disguised form to create welfare for everyone.

It is now at the end of December, the highest temperature is still around 30 degrees, and the lowest temperature is also more than 20 degrees.

No wonder Yue Lindao said that he is going to buy a house here, and he will be here in winter.

Most of the people in the cabin go here on vacation.

They all bought houses there.

When the plane was about to land, Su Qingyue looked out the window.

I saw this city, backed by the mountains and next to the sea to the south.

It seems to be surrounded by a beautiful painting.

Guan Pengpeng couldn't help but took out the camera and took two photos.

The broadcast in the plane introduced the city: "The End of the World is also called Ya, a coastal city in our country. In ancient times, it was called Lucheng and Yazhou. It is an international tourist city with tropical coastal scenery and is also known as Oriental Hawaii. Famous. The scenic spots are: Tianya Bay, Tianya Haijiao, Nanshan, Big and Small Dongtian, Dadonghai, Luhuitou, it is an absolute good place to escape the cold..."

Su Qingyue changed his spring and summer singles in advance.

A gray polo shirt.

A pair of jeans.

Amou bought him a pair of casual sandals for him to wear on non-essential occasions.

He continued to look out the window.

Seeing the mountains below, the city further south.

The sea water and the coastline form a clear dividing line.

Su Qingyue put on sunglasses.

The city below is like a rapidly zoomed map.

The plane landed very smoothly.

When they walked out of the airport, they saw many people wearing tour group hats.

There are taxis everywhere.

The asking price is not low.

The road is clean and tidy, with trees on both sides.

It is composed of towering coconut trees and oil palm forests, and there are banyan trees in some sections.

Just like you can see in the photo, the blue sea and blue sky, the trees are shaded.

Occasionally there are women in bikinis on the side of the road, sitting behind the motorcycles riding wild men.

Guan Pengpeng couldn't help but sighed, and picked up the camera again.

Since joining Yuedao, his mental state has gradually recovered.

No longer think about anything green, or make three trips and fours.

I just like to use the camera to record beautiful moments.

After a while, he said to Zhou Ziyou in the car, "I suddenly had an idea..."

"What do you think?" Zhou Ziyou asked.

"I think I can write an article about what I saw in the game circle, put it on the forum, and make sure it looks good." He said, putting the window down, and then said: "Just start recording from the ground, and make a very relaxed record, and then Put in the bits and pieces of our pleasure..."

"It's okay, put the photos on it too, right?" Zhou Ziyou immediately understood what he meant.

"Yes!" Guan Pengpeng said: "The forum is too tense recently. It would be great if I had some relaxing articles."

Listening to him, Su Qingyue also thought that the idea was very good.

In addition to intense work, it’s good to relax and slow down the pace.

The hotel arranged by the organizing committee is close to the sea and there is a private beach belonging to the hotel.

It is a new five-star hotel named Tianya Bay.

From a distance, it is a white ship-like hotel, blending with the blue sky.

The environment here is obviously better.

Also quieter.

The car drove in, and a waiter opened the door for them at the door.

After getting off the bus, the well-dressed waiter asked them if they were attending the meeting?

The two nodded.

So he was led into the hotel lobby.

There is melodious music in the lobby.


Guide cards are placed in several places.

There are also several promotional boards for manufacturers' products.

These should be paid.

"It's there." The waiter pointed his hand and followed the guide card. Su Qingyue saw the sign-in desk of the industry annual meeting. Several people who had met on gameyoung were busy signing in and picking up the card. At this time, the waiter said again: "They will issue you a room card." He said, the person who signed in met the person who came downstairs, and they probably knew him well, and they laughed and exchanged greetings.

It can be seen that one of them is Gao Yanhai.

Wearing floral pants and a white t-shirt, with a straw hat.

Several people were chatting around him.

Think of it at the last gameyoung, they are almost like themselves.

Now they are all invested.

Say thank you to the waiter.

Su Qingyue and Yue Lindao walked over.

The check-in desk is composed of two courtesy ladies and a man from the organizing committee.

State your identity and place your business card in the tray.

Sign to get your own room card.

Su Qingyue and Yuelin Island are executive suites, 1350 each.

Others live in a standard room, 780 rooms.

All prices are negotiated by the organizing committee.

I didn't want to fight with them, but some of them noticed Su Qingyue.

Immediately greeted him warmly and shook hands with him: "President Su, just arrived?"

"Yes." Su Qingyue responded politely and wanted to leave.

But Gao Yanhai stretched out his hand at this time and smiled and said, "Manager Su, how many floors live?"

"Seventh floor."

"Huh?" Gao Yanhai was startled for an instant.

The people around immediately congratulated and said: "Mr. Su is worthy of the upstart in the industry. This floor is specially reserved for the guests of the summit forum." They laughed, looking envied, and asked one after another: "Mr. Su, I'll be waiting for you. Heavy news has been released."

"great, see you tomorrow."

Su Qingyue said.

Looking at Gao Yanhai's expression, he knew that he was probably just an ordinary standard room.

I understand very well, after all, the industry annual meeting is not entirely capital.

Too lazy to talk to him again.

About to leave.

Someone came to sign in and greeted him cordially.

This time it is his old colleague of Hualuo, the special assistant of the president: Hana City.

"Qingyue, just arrived?" Han Yacheng greeted him, and exchanged greetings with Yue Lindao: "Mr. Yue, how about? Isn't it a pleasure to cooperate with Qingyue?" He said, and said, "President Honda still wants Qingyue to return. Well, I didn't expect you to board first. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" He smiled and shook hands with Yue Lindao.

Then sign and get the room card.

Noting that everyone is on the seventh floor, the three of them walked in together.

The people behind him sighed: "It seems that Jiang Zhengshang is also on the seventh floor. This Hualuo system is too powerful."

Before taking two steps, when Jiang Zhengshang came out of the elevator, the two sides met.

Han Yacheng smiled and greeted him again.

The two shook hands.

Ask him which room he lives in.

Jiang Zhengshang replied: "737."

"Great, we all happen to be on the same floor." He said, and sighed with emotion: "You and Qingyue are both elites from our Hualuo. Mr. Tian always remembers you. Seeing that we have time to gather in the evening."

He laughed.

Su Qingyue and Jiang Zhengshang nodded.

Then he shook hands politely.

Poker face

Han Yacheng asked Jiang Zhengshang again: "Old Jiang, how is your b round?"

"No problem." Jiang Zhengshang replied, with a relaxed expression on his face, and said: "I originally said that I would send you the invitation in person, so I don't need to send it anymore. I will invite it directly. After the welcome dinner tonight, come to my reception. Everyone gathers together." He said with a smile.

"Okay." Han Yacheng agreed with a smile.

They exchanged greetings again, and then left separately.

When I arrived at the elevator, I ran into a few investors, who greeted Su Qingyue with a smile.

Su Qingyue also responded with a smile.

I finally got into the elevator, and after a while I reached the seventh floor.

Walking into the promenade, I ran into other people.

Among them was a Vice President of Shengshi Tiancheng, shaking hands with Su Qingyue.

Said: "We also have an investment plan in Shengshi Tiancheng, Mr. Su is interested, we can talk."

Greetings with everyone one by one.

Some are overwhelmed.

Separate from Hana City.

Yue Lindao smiled and said, "Qingyue, I now understand the importance of your first battle."

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