Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 396: : Kang Zhengshang's 3 combos

Tonight, Su Qingyue did not go out for a drink.

Also not with the team members.

He came out specially to accompany Ah Mu.

Because these days, he went out early and returned late. Sometimes when he went back, Amu was already asleep, and when he got up in the morning, Amu left again. The communication between the two was diminishing day by day, and Su Qingyue always wanted to find a travel opportunity to compensate her. It just so happened that their media team came, so they accompany her for a walk on the beach.

The moonlight is so beautiful tonight.

Although only ten degrees, there is no bone-piercing feeling.

Under the dark night, the sea breeze made a sound of washing the beach, and there were campers in the distance.

There are lights in the tent, and romantic laughter and laughter can be heard.

It's rippling.

The two of them walked on the beach for a while and found a deck chair on the shore to sit down.

Kan Moon is half-hanging on the other end of the sea.

Su Qingyue handed Amou a bottle of beverage, the latter drank a sip, and said with emotion: "If it's just like this every day, I don't have to be so tired. I like this kind of leisure time and the feeling of watching the sea the most. Empty the brain, everything I don't want to, it's too comfortable." She said, chuckling towards Su Qing, and then exhorted: "You must hurry up to make money and let me live like this."

"Don't worry, you must do it."

Su Qing laughed more.

He felt more and more that making money is more than just fulfilling his ideals.

It is also to fulfill the responsibility to the family.

It is a man's responsibility and obligation to let the other half live well.

The beloved one, recalling the past, "I did not misread you...", this is the greatest reward and comfort to a man, more than a thousand sweet words.

At least he felt so.

Talking, don't want to move on the recliner.

After a while, Amou thought of something, and said: "By the way, Brother Su, my colleague went to Jiang Zhengshang's reception tonight. It is said that the scale is quite large, and he invited a lot of people. Almost all the game circles have been invited. People in the field, this means more than a cocktail party, there should be other ideas."

"For example, announcing that he bought "Sword Mountain and River" from the Falcon?" Su Qingyue said, and then I felt that "Sword Mountain and River" would not be enough for such a big battle. There must be something else, I can't think of it, and said: "Maybe tonight or tomorrow, the forum and the media will have results."

"What do you think it would be?" Amu asked.

Su Qingyue shook his head, "It's hard to tell," he said, thinking about Jiang Zhengshang's next step.

Ah Mou said again: "I heard people say that Jiang Zhengshang already has mature products in his hands, and they are super big. This cocktail party is actually a press conference." She finished speaking, sighed, and worried again, and asked Su Qingyue: "How are you preparing?"

"All in the process."

Su Qingyue said.

He is thinking every day now.

The industry is changing too fast.

Must stay awake at all times.

Tremble, like walking on thin ice.

This may be the norm for entrepreneurs.

At this time, Amu sighed.

Then he said, "You said how good we were before, but now we are going to each other, and good friends have become enemies..." She couldn't help but sighed, shook her head helplessly, and said, "Su Qingyue, you must have this battle. I won’t be embarrassed if I win. Our colleagues in the unit are watching."

"Okay, okay." Su Qing smiled more.

I felt funny for my own answer.

They lay on the beach until more than ten, then got up and walked upstairs.

Going back to the room and discovering that it was an executive suite, A Mu instantly laughed happily.

Amu smiled and said, "I'll follow you and sleep in a five-star hotel. Although our hotel is not bad, it's too far behind yours." She laughed and said two people went upstairs. , Asked: "If it's not the negotiated price of the annual meeting, it should be very high in normal times?"

In addition, the reading app I am using recently, [\\mi\\mi\\reading\\app\\\\] There are many sources of books, all books!


Su Qingyue said, opening a gap in the balcony window.

The sea breeze caressed.

Amu finished washing, and then helped Su Qingyue fill the bathtub with water.

Su Qing lay in the bathtub, gradually getting emotional.

It's been a long time since I was so relaxed.

Su Qingyue walked to the room in a bathrobe.

Ami was lying on the bed halfway.

Wearing a newly bought silk semi-permeable nightdress.

She spread her body lazily, just like the "Siege" said, showing the local truth.

Charming and full of enthusiasm.

Four eyes face each other.

Outside the window, the sea breeze blew up, and the waves rushed to the ground.

The wind swelled the curtains and slapped them on the balcony glass from time to time.

Ah Mu snuggled Su Qingyue and lay on the bed.

Amu asked him, "I don't know what is going on with Jiang Zhengshang."

"Don't worry about him." Su Qing smiled more.

The two of them lay on the bed and talked about other things.

Unknowingly it has passed zero.

Su Qing gradually fell asleep.

Can't tell whether there is a dream or no dream overnight.

I just remember the darkness in front of me, and I can't recall any plot.

But I also feel that there is a dream, which seems to have appeared, just in my mind.

However, he couldn't remember it anymore.

I just feel tired, thinking about things all the time.

I don't know what I think.

When I opened my eyes, the sky outside the window was already bright.

Amu is still sleeping.

He got up and took a bath.

Back to the house, I lay down and took a mobile phone to check the time, only to find a lot of unread messages on QQ.

Just click on the leaf and find a link.

It's an industry forum.

Su Qingyue frowned slightly, then clicked on the others, they were all the same link.

Su Qingyue immediately realized that it should be related to Jiang Zhengshang.

Put the phone aside.

He chose to use the computer to watch, log in to the account password, and log in to the forum.

A popular post is in it.

The name is: "The three major plans for the cocktail party to be shocking when the time is not here yet."

Su Qingyue frowned slightly, and realized that this post had not yet been topped.

But it is already the hottest, just below the sticky posts.

There are dozens of pages~www.ltnovel.com~ Su Qingyue clicked in and read it.

There are pictures and texts of the reception.

The big screen in the background should be showing something.

There are also official demo photos.

Then Su Qingyue saw the text that read: Zhengshang Network tonight, issuing big moves at the cocktail party one after another. The company’s CEO Jiang Zhengshang personally announced: First, the company’s B round of financing has been completed, with a total amount of 25 million U.S. dollars, led by Fir Capital, followed by Equity Capital...

Seeing this, Su Qingyue was startled.

Unexpectedly, the action was so big.

No wonder Jiang Zhengshang is so confident.

Followed by the text picture, is a group photo of Jiang Zhengshang, Chen Feng, and the person in charge of Fir Capital.

Then they announced: the acquisition of a Chuanfu game company. This company currently has products, and it buys the works of the biggest martial arts novel author on Hong Kong Island except the old man.

The name is: "Seven Heroes of Tianshan Mountain".

Su Qingyue was shocked, he knew this company.

And understand their games.

Unexpectedly, it was changed from another master.

In this way, Jiang Zhengshang can launch products as soon as possible.

Su Qing fell into deep thought.

Then the text wrote: In addition, Jiang Zhengshanghai showed the products he developed. Although it is only a demo, the degree of completion is relatively high. He said that it was from the martial arts novel "Sword Mountain and River", and said that he was a real person and he couldn't make fun of his mouth, but it was okay to do real things...

He continued to criticize Sang Huai.

Su Qingyue is not surprised by his research and development capabilities.

He was just shocked, how could Jiang Zhengshang make the demo of "Excalibur Mountain and River" so quickly.

Then it turned down again.

I found that the picture is indeed exquisite.

At this time, the first news of Jinghe.com popped up: Zhengshang Network's "Excalibur Mountain and River" demo video was playing hotly.

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