Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 508: : Full coverage

   Huaiwen is the hometown of Yu Ji.

   is an ancient city with thousands of years of history. It is located in the transition zone between the hills of southern Shandong and the Jianghuai Plain. It is also one of the birthplaces of wine culture. "Su Qingyue introduced Chen Feng.

   By the time they arrived in Huaiwen, it was already eleven o'clock at noon.

  Student Su Qingyue led a simple meal, and then inspected the Internet cafe in the center of the city.

   Chen Feng was surprised to find that the coverage rate of "The Three Kingdoms Heroes: The Straw Boat Borrowing Arrows" in local Internet cafes has reached about 30%. I couldn't help but became curious and asked Liu Xipeng, "Brother, if you have been an agent for a few days, can you achieve this level of marketability?"

"Haha..." Liu Xipeng smiled triumphantly, and said, "In fact, what you see is only part of it. You will be even more surprised when we go to the country later." He said, "My home has been an Internet café very early on. I’ve been thinking about this since I was a kid. Don’t think about going to school, I’m not as good as Qingyue, but I’m a spirit in thinking about this."

   He said, everyone laughed.

   Liu Xipeng led everyone around in other streets.

   They found that the restaurants, newsstands, small tobacco booths, barbecue booths, etc. around the Internet cafes were all occupied by the advertisements of "The Three Kingdoms Heroes: The Straw Boat Borrowing Arrows." Jiang Jiming couldn't help but nodded and said: "This laying strength is indeed very strong. Many of us only paid attention to the Internet cafe itself, and did not pay attention to the surroundings of the Internet cafe."

"Yes!" Liu Xipeng added: "Because many people think Internet cafes are expensive, they will buy them. In the evening, they will buy food and cigarettes nearby. Advertising in these places will achieve the effect of'déjà vu'. Wait until they When I sit in an Internet cafe and see others playing, I just go with the flow. In Qingyue’s words, it’s called “full coverage”..."

   he said with a smile.

  Jiming Jiang said: "In the future, our channel publicity will also achieve this intensity."

Chen Feng kept saying: "Qingyue, this time I came to Huaiwen, not for nothing. I saw the strength of your three countries here. More importantly, it gave me a new understanding of the sinking market." Said, turned around and nodded with Jiang Jiming.

Jiang Jiming also said: "In the past, our understanding of the market in third- and fourth-tier cities was still a little weak. Although we also thought about occupying the third and fourth-tier markets, the products did not keep up, and the action was naturally slow. Now looking at this space, The future must be the Red Sea War."

   She said, these people are going forward.

   Liu Xipeng tells everyone about the difference between urban and rural areas.

   In the afternoon, they drove to the country again.

Liu Xipeng introduced to them in the car: "It’s not that I’m bragging. When you get there, you will find that "The Three Kingdoms Heroes: The Straw Boat Borrowing Arrow" is simply our Huaiwen national game. If an Internet cafe has ten machines, then there are nine of them. While playing our game, the other one is empty."

   He said, Chen Feng did not speak.

   But it can be seen that he is not very convinced.

   In Chen Feng's view, the results just seen during the inspection are already very good. He and Su Qingyue even said: "A person like Liu Xipeng can be a local official in Xinjiang."

   Then their car stopped in an alley of a town.

   A few people walked into the intersection and saw an internet cafe guarding a small river.

   looks ugly on the outside, the red brick wall is outside, and the white font is painted: boys and girls are the same, and the three kingdoms gameplay is not the same. There is also the image of Guan Yu sprayed on. The text is not so catchy, but it must have been worked out by racking our brains.

   They talked and walked in.

   Internet cafes are not big, and the walls are full of posters of "The Straw Boat Borrowing Arrows of Three Kingdoms Heroes".

   They don't have many machines, there are only a dozen devices in total.

Two or three of them are empty, and the boss is directing a team battle with a cigarette in his mouth: "Dream, where are you sleeping? Go up quickly, this city gate will come down soon. You can't retreat at this time! Don't patronize yourself!" He shouted hoarsely. Yelled to the ground, it looked like a human, and he said hurriedly: "Take care of yourself, we can't take care of it."

   He said, Chen Feng was surprised to see that the entire Internet cafe was all "The Three Kingdoms Heroes Borrowing Arrows from the Straw Boat".

Liu Xipeng introduces to everyone: "Many Internet cafe owners bring their own promotional attributes and bring a group of little brothers to fight every day." He said: "In fact, many Internet cafes below are in this situation. Including myself, I have a guild called'Overlord. bow'."

   He smiled.

   Come out from inside in a while.

   They went to another Internet cafe in town.

   noticed that the wall was not a poster but a text slogan. From sleeping to earn money, it’s good to get rich from the Three Kingdoms promotion! Good Three Kingdoms! play games! Choose Three Kingdoms! All this made Chen Feng stunned, and said to Jiang Jiming: "Simple and rude, effective."

Jiang Jiming also sighed: “Many companies advertised well on it, but the result was that they couldn’t get off the ground.” She said: “For example, NextGame, they couldn’t even think of how they failed until they died. They thought it was a loss in online advertising. The war."

   Su Qingyue added: "This is the question of the last one hundred meters."

"I used to think that I know the channels very well, but now I have to say, I still have to learn." Jiang Jiming said: "Our team also needs to understand the markets below the third-tier cities and implement the channels. There is a lot of room for sinking the market. ."

   She was talking.

   Chen Feng came out of the bathroom after a while.

   widened his eyes and asked Liu Xipeng, "Have you even brushed the toilet?"

   "Yeah, as long as we can cover your eyes, we will all brush...all." Liu Xipeng said and laughed.

Chen Feng looked at Jiang Jiming and said: "Looking at it this way, our national Internet cafe survey plan is still not in-depth." He said, adding: "The future market will definitely be the first-tier cities as the brain to influence the third Fourth-tier cities. So how to influence and how to penetrate is a problem."

   They chatted.

   continues to turn.

   They did it all day.

   They only drank a little beer in the evening~www.ltnovel.com~ and waited for the next day before going to see others.

   The next day, Su Qingran, who had just had summer vacation, led them to see some Internet cafes that he thought was good.

   Until the third day they went to the tourist attractions and finally settled in the teahouse of Uncle Ye Luo in Yuji Park. Everyone rested, Su Qingyue smiled and said, "Boss, is it satisfactory this time?"

   "Very satisfied, learned a lot."

   "That's good." Su Qing laughed happily.

   From his heart, he felt that as long as Chen Feng could get what he needed, he would be content.

Then Chen Feng took a sip of tea and said: "I taught you before, and now you have grown up. To tell the truth and in terms of vision, I may not be better than you. Because people do things, not just people shaping things. In fact, things also shape people." He said: "It's like you are starting a business now, and your people have also changed. Many things are not something you can feel as a professional manager."

   He said, Su Qing laughed.

   Everyone talked about something else.

   Chen Feng's conversation turned suddenly and said: "But Qingyue, there are other things, you must also pay attention to business..."

   He said, Su Qingyue nodded immediately and said, "You said it."


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