Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 514: : How to make money?

   Watching Ouyang walk into the office, he heard him call himself the boss.

   Su Qingyue nodded and asked him to sit down.

   Today, he is dressed extraordinarily.

When    sat down, he smiled, without the aura of anger in Hotan.

   faintly weird, I think Ouyang has some other changes, Su Qingyue didn't say much. He told himself that it was not a problem to work hard, spend money hard, and dress up.

   He thought, first tentatively asking about the plan behind the Three Kingdoms.

   In fact, I felt that Tanaka's arrangement was not in the right way.

   How do you convince Ouyang? He thought, listening to Ouyang talking about the plan.

"Basically, it is a stable update. The public beta has been around for a while, and our update rhythm and future plans have been released." He said: "Basically, it is a small version for two weeks, a large version a month, and a milestone version for three months. One expansion piece a year..."

   "Hmm." Su Qingyue nodded.

   He admitted that Ouyang's plan was fine.

   I decided to directly state the key plan, so I didn't have to debate with Ouyang about these or not, and fell into an unnecessary dilemma. "I am going to officially release "That Little Fairy Qi" at the Tokyo Game Show." He was straightforward, and then emphasized: "This is the main plan behind the company."

   "Huh?" Ouyang was startled, his face stiff.

   Obviously he didn't expect such a situation, so he asked again after a long while: "this year?"

   "Yes, Su Qingyue nodded."

   "Is this a few months left? Is there enough time?" he asked.

"This is the key point." Su Qingyue said: "Before we went online for the Three Kingdoms, most people came to assault the Three Kingdoms. At that time, the plan was to assault and train new recruits. After the public beta stabilizes and the newcomers are gradually familiarized, the work will be handed over." He said, Continued: "I'll let Teacher Tian arrange the details." He said, worried that Ouyang had an idea, and followed: "Mr. Tian is under a lot of pressure here. Although the project takes a long time, most of the time there is a shortage of manpower."

   After saying something else, you can clearly feel the change in Ouyang's attitude.

No longer as respectful as when he came in just now, he became a little reluctant, frowned and said, "Boss! Three Kingdoms is just on the right track!" He said, wanting to argue, but it's not the same as Tanzhong. , Obviously restrained his temper and asked: "Isn't it too early?"

   I wanted to say that Tanaka had enough people left for him.

   But then I remembered that they had already quarreled about it in the office.

   If you continue to argue, it will become an endless loop, and everyone has their own reasons.

   Su Qingyue changed the subject and asked: "How many of you are now?"

   "Huh?" Ouyang was asked startled.

  Su Qingyue nodded and said, "I mean you three countries project team."

   "Eighty-five people, not QA." Ouyang replied.

"Okay." Su Qingyue nodded, and said, "Then I will calculate for you now, including R&D costs, marketing costs, server bandwidth costs, and platform sharing costs. If all costs remain the same, the new If the project stagnates, or the opening of a new project requires additional costs, then the company will stop making money, and management will drain our energy."

   When he emphasized this, Ouyang was shocked and asked: "Can't make money?"

"Yes!" Su Qingyue said, but did not continue on this topic, and then said: "A project that does not make money, a project that has no profit, and a project that does not bring benefits to investors and shareholders is a total hooliganism!" Said, and emphasized: "And the most shameless thing is to take other people's money to play a hooligan!"

   He said so.

   Ouyang was silent, his whole body froze.

Su Qingyue added at this time: "Hundreds of people like you are all on it, and even if you include art, there are even more people. If local marketing, marketing, operation and maintenance, customer service, etc., all departments have Like you, can you make money if you figure it out for yourself?"

   He said, Ouyang still did not speak.

Regardless of these, Su Qingyue said: "When a project is stable, the maintenance personnel will definitely not be as many as the personnel during the project assault. The demand is so great, and other personnel are preparing for new projects. The company's projects are constantly innovating. There is no substantial increase in personnel. This is the so-called'marginal cost' reduction. When the marginal cost and the marginal revenue reach a critical point, it is the time when the company's profit is maximized." He said: "I hope you can understand..."

   "I...I..." Ouyang stammered for a while, he looked very nervous and his face was very ugly. Obviously Su Qingyue was right, but he couldn't vomit himself, and added: "I'm just worried..."

   "Don't worry so much!" Su Qingyue interrupted him before he could finish.

"Boss, what you said is right." Ouyang sighed, still a little unconvinced: "But now this project is just on track. I just want to get on track and take a journey. Because the Three Kingdoms is fighting for the company. With so many benefits, I hope to protect it."

   found that Ouyang was very competitive.

   This is very rare, Su Qingyue was surprised. He frowned slightly, and asked in a cold voice, "How long is the protection?"

   "Boss! I didn't mean that!" Ouyang tried his best to argue: "I just think stability is the first thing."

   found it difficult to convince him.

   was surprised at this change in Ouyang.

Su Qingyue thought for a while, and finally couldn’t help saying: "Ouyang, you take your plan. All your previous plans and subsequent arrangements, I have studied them three times for the sake of caution. You know my character, I don’t have enough. I will not talk to you about the understanding and investigation of the company..." He said: "According to the current staffing, it will continue. Do you think everyone is full of work?"

   "But..." Ouyang still wanted to fight.

   "Ouyang," Su Qingyue interrupted him directly, and said: "What I said, do you not understand or do not want to listen?"

   After another word, Ouyang fell silent again.

   Su Qing thought, this is after all Ouyang's first leadership.

  It's normal to have minor problems, so education is still the main focus. The next moment, he eased his tone and said: "Ouyang, we are in management, we should not be **** when we encounter problems. We should not only consider the problem from our own perspective. We must have a big picture and think about the overall situation. ."

   Ouyang still didn't speak.

   The more Su Qing could understand, he was still somewhat unconvinced in his heart.

   or be said to be dumbfounded again.

Following Su Qingyue, he said: "Mr. Tian told you very clearly before. Gao Shixian and Ning Cheng should at least believe it? There is no problem with the staff." He said, finally bringing out the meaning of blame: "You want Cooperate with him and execute it as soon as possible."

"Ms. Tian's plan is your permission?" Ouyang was taken aback for a moment, his whole body suddenly realized, and then he followed: "He wants to dig someone from me, is it with your permission?" He said, and looked at him. Disappointment was brought out instantly.

   I didn't expect him to think so.

   In one sentence, he transferred what was originally reasonable to his personal relationship with Tian.

Su Qingyue finally got a little angry, and said: "It's all from the same company, what is digging?" His voice rose instantly, and said: "The company has its own arrangements and has not completely emptied your project team. No project loss was caused. If you go out to find out, art and QA are not counted. There are more than 30 staffing arrangements, most of which are elderly people, and some newcomers have been with the project for more than half a year. What's the problem? What's wrong with you? Can you speak human language? Can you understand human language?" His voice was loud.

   Ouyang is a bit dumbfounded now.

   For so long, except for the last time he gambled, Su Qingyue has never been so angry.


   Ouyang talks to the lips, UU reading www. Uukanshu.com obviously has a fire in my heart, but I can't vomit.

In the end he just sighed and said with emotion: "Boss, you insist on this. Of course I can't say anything, but I really reserve my opinion." He said, thinking about it and adding: "I'm not angry, I just On the matter."

   "It doesn't matter, you go out." He said, Su Qingyue waved his hand a little, and then said, "Teach teacher Tian Wang Xinjie to the conference room." He said, looking at Ouyang nodding, he could clearly feel that the other party was still very unconvinced.

   After a while, he went to the conference room and saw that Tian Zhong and Wang Xinjie had arrived.

   There are also several people in the project team.

   As soon as he came up, he took the lead in Wadazhong and said: "Teacher Tian, ​​Ouyang agreed, just follow your plan."

   The latter was startled, and he followed: "Agree?"

   "Yeah." Su Qingyue nodded.

   Then they did not continue on this topic.

   Wang Xinjie turned on the projector and said, "Boss, let's start?"

   "Okay." Su Qingyue nodded.

   Then a demonstration by Wang Xinjie, the projector projected a demo version of "That Little Immortality".


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