Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 531: : Don't talk about it

"The reason why we named Yuedao is also the meaning of Joyful Tao. Joyful work promotes a simple and simple working atmosphere; pleasant products provide users with happy and relaxed experiences and feelings; cultural pleasure, in a happy and casual game Convey our culture and philosophy."

Introduced the original intention of Yuedao, but did not specifically mention the big entertainment.

He mainly expounded the core of culture.

Emphasizes the original intention of Yue Dao, not just a simple game.

Then briefly described the composition of the personnel.

Fu Sichang nodded from time to time as he listened, and communicated with the staff around him.

Although the distance was very close, Su Qingyue was fully engaged and did not hear what he said.

Continued: "We now have two R&D centers. Among them, the focus R&D studio has created a free model and changed the entire industry. At the same time, the total number of online users of "Three Kingdoms Heroes: Straw Boat Borrowing Arrow" has exceeded 300,000 people. To the first echelon."

"Qingyue..." Su Qingyue was about to introduce his recent achievements when Fu Sichang suddenly interrupted him.

"What's the matter?" Su Qingyue asked with a smile.

"You companies don't need to tell me about these all the time. I have known the historical results a long time ago. I think I am more dedicated. Before I go to a company, I will do a lot of homework..." Fu Sichang said with a smile: "I also know that you have launched the Allin local promotion action, which has expanded the depth of industry promotion."

Su Qing was stunned. He didn't expect his work to be so comprehensive, different from what he had imagined.

Then Fu Sichang said again: "Turn off the PPT, we will have a closed-door meeting to talk about grounding... I heard that because of the production of the Three Kingdoms, you have delayed the production of "That Little Immortal Qi". Almost all The R&D team rushed forward." He then asked, "Is it time to participate in the video game show? How far is "That Little Fairy Qi" now?"

Unexpectedly, Fu Sichang worked so meticulously and learned about the situation of "That Little Immortal Qi".

And look at the smile on his face.

There is no shelf at all.

Su Qingyue realized that Fu Sichang's work style is very pragmatic.

Such a leader does not require form, what he wants is dry goods, it is the truth.

Su Qingyue then decided to change the previous process.

The next moment, he said: "We are not going to bring "That Little Immortality" to the exhibition. In our plan, the Lin'an team is developing "Little Demon Fairy". This is a female-oriented game, and we have made it in it. Many innovations in technology and gameplay..."

Introduce "Little Demon Fairy".

Su Qingyue opened the fourth page of the slide.

Among them are the future of Yuedao, the origin of "Little Devil", the characteristics of the game, the specific situation of the R&D team, the rhythm of the game and the later arrangements.

He introduced, Fu Sichang listened carefully.

Nodding from time to time.

Then he asked: "Do you have relevant information now?"

"Yes." Su Qingyue replied. He immediately showed relevant information and said: "The current situation is that the technical details are still being perfected, and a lot of work is underway."

After speaking, Fu Sichang exchanged a few words with his colleagues.

Following Su Qingyue originally wanted to continue talking.

At this time, Fu Sichang interrupted him again: "No need to introduce it. In fact, we people have already done a thorough investigation of your Yuedao situation."

He said, Su Qingyue was startled.

He smiled and sighed: "Mr. Fu, I really didn't expect your work to be so meticulous."

"I can't talk about meticulousness, just like you, for such an important job for us, we must take it seriously." He said, and explained: "Because this is the first time for our domestic game manufacturers to go overseas collectively, from product to external The image is very important."

He said, Su Qingyue nodded.

Fu Sichang continued: "I know there are a lot of rumors outside, what is the inside story of the list. I have made a good opportunity to show the national culture and turned it into a feast for conspiracy theories." He complained and said: "In fact, from our industry From a departmental perspective, our principle is to support emerging companies and support national online games."

He said that there is no such thing as a leader.

He added: "The media hype the so-called fair competition, but this is actually one-sided. Does it depend on the temporary preparations of each company and the degree of attention? Do we want to score publicly? Publicly announce? In fact, what we want is not temporary intentions, but every time. The long-term performance of each subject. And this long-term performance is the contribution to the industry all the time. It is obvious to the media, manufacturers, and peers. This is our standard. We are not blind, we must do things really, not'fake fairness'... "

He said, listen, everyone.

Su Qingyue was surprised, but he didn't expect Fu Sichang to have such an idea.

He doesn't care about those metaphysical things, but actually analyzes and solves problems.

Fu Sichang continued: "Qingyue, from me, I really hope you can go. First, you are a young man, and your ideas and ideas are conducive to the development of the industry." He said, and said: " The second is your understanding of national culture, your previous views on the fantasy of emerging cultures, including your marketing campaigns, which are very good, and they are surprisingly upright."

He said that the venue became more relaxed and warm.

In comparison, the previous slide becomes a background.

Fu Sichang said: "Thirdly, we have a proportional match this time. Both the old company and the new company. The new company has a higher bonus, which puts a little pressure on the old company. The game industry is originally a rapid iteration. Yes, there can be no pressure."

He said, everyone is listening.

All nodded unceasingly.

Su Qingyue did not expect Fu Sichang to make this decision. Although there was some controversy in the industry for him before. However, there is no dispute about people who do nothing, and it is inevitable for people who do things to encounter disputes.

Su Qingyue remembered the evaluation of a big man before: No matter how many controversies there are, Fu Sichang is a leader who really pretends to be the industry and work in his heart. It is the blessing of the entire Internet industry to have such a competent leader, and the blessing of all companies in the industry.

He was very excited about this and said: "Don't worry, we will definitely do a good job of the product. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com uses product performance and performance to speak. With products as the core, it truly reflects the cultural characteristics of domestic games. "

As he said, Fu Sichang said again: "But we must respect the law."

Su Qingyue nodded.

Chat with them for a while.

Fu Sichang looked at his watch for a while, and Su Qing understood that the time was up.

He then got up.

When everyone walked out, when they reached the door, Fu Sichang suddenly looked back at the logo of Yuedao.com and said to the secretary: "Let's all take a photo here."

He said, stop.

Guan Pengpeng immediately brought the camera.

The crowd stood in line, and Fu Sichang stood in the middle.

Su Qingyue smiled brightly when the shutter sounded.

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