Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 537: : Chief Moodist

   This is the second time that Su Qingyue has come to Lin'an branch.

   The last time I came was almost a year ago, when the Lin'an company was formally established. Chen Ting helped choose this office space. In a technology park. Not far from the opening of Sesame. The surrounding greenery is very good, and there are also necessary commercial facilities around, and the office environment is elegant and comfortable.

   Looking through the floor-to-ceiling windows, he has a wide view and a large green forest.

   Su Qingyue still remembers the last time he came.

The   Yuedao network logo has not been posted yet.

   This time I walked in with Dongfang Jun and saw that the logo of Yuedao at the door had been hung up.

Dongfangjun introduced him: "There are now more than 100 people here, 10 people on the server side, 25 people on the client side, and six platforms. There are 30 plans and 50 art. In addition, There are also some administrative staff."

  Su Qingyue nodded and walked in with him.

   noticed a beckoning cat at the front desk.

   is obviously different from the colored cats on the market. It is inlaid with white and orange, and there is an orange mustache on the mouth. Su Qingyue was startled, and immediately remembered the cat named Yuan Er just now, and smiled: "You cat is interesting, very cute."

   Dongfang Jun smiled awkwardly when he said that.

He also introduced: “Let’s free up some people to do reinforcement work, under the premise of ensuring the quality. The completion of the task will not be too problematic.” He said with a smile, and said: “By the way, everyone has a meal tonight, I think One is that everyone did not participate in Pingjing’s celebration party before, and the other is that I want to treat tonight as a mobilization party. Do you think it’s okay?”

"no problem!"

   The more Su Qing nodded, he felt that the sooner he entered the state, the better.

   Dongfang Jun’s arrangement is no problem.

   Then they walked into the office area and Dongfang Jun led him for a simple tour. Several founders of the center, from Zhang Fang in the art group to Hu Xiaomao, who gave the nickname to the health care brother, as well as Ying Zheng, Yang Jigang and others, stood up to greet him.

   Yingzheng said with a smile: "President Su! Have a drink at night, Yang Jigang refused you last time!"

   "When did I refuse? You are okay, don't make trouble!" Yang Jigang suddenly got up from the side.

   Everyone laughed.

   Dongfang Jun asked them to finish their work and go to their office.

   Then he and Su Qing went in.

   suddenly noticed that Dongfang Jun's office had undergone great changes.

   In the past, Snake's office was a bit messy, but the furnishings inside looked like a straight man. But now Su Qing walked in, and instantly felt like a little girl. Even the desk has a pink sticker. A pink hanger appeared on the background wall with many Q version images on it.

   Various actions, one of which has a big belly and braids.

   seems to be doing fitness on the ground.

   Su Qingyue suddenly felt a bit like Dongfang Jun, he almost laughed out loud.

   also noticed that there was a hand-painted place where Dongfang Jun was leaning on his back. Above is a big bear with a crooked smile, holding a puppy. Two cats followed at the same time. He immediately recognized one of them, which was the cat named Yuan Er he had just seen.

   realized once again that the girl is not an executive.

   Carefully recalled that she was very beautiful with a delicate face. Although wearing overalls, she can still see that her legs are very long and her body is very slim. If you dress up as a professional woman, it should be very beautiful.

   was thinking, Dongfang Jun took out a box of tea from under the desk.

   "Specially prepared for you, this year's new tea." He said, laughing: "You can drink this when you work overtime. This is from my grandfather, I am not willing to drink it myself."

   As he said, the others walked in.

   As soon as Yang Jigang entered the house and saw the Longjing tea in Dongfang Jun's hand, his eyes lit up.

Half-jokingly said, "Look, except for our CTO, I guess Mr. Su can enjoy such good tea." He said, sitting down beside Su Qingyue: "Mr. Su, let me tell you that our department My brother said, as long as there is good tea, it's easy to speed up."

   He said so.

   Everyone laughed and expressed their opinions that it is perfectly acceptable to suffer a bit for such a major exhibition as the Tokyo Game Show.

  Only Zhang Fang from the Art Department grinned and said nothing.

   Su Qingyue was originally surprised, what happened to him.

At this time, Xiaofang looked at everyone, and suddenly said: "Look at you all excited, do you count? Our chief sentimentist hasn't spoken yet. The CTO doesn't speak, and Dongfang always said it in vain." He laughed. : "The monkey looks anxious, it's not promising."

   "Don't talk nonsense." Dongfang Jun's face flushed when he said that.

   Su Qingyue asked subconsciously: "CTO? Chief sentimentalist?"

   He has never heard who Dongfang Jun appoints to do this.

   followed Ying Zheng and smiled: "And I'm still our chief plot designer, I'm convinced. I've rummaged through the game circle, and there are rare people like this. I can design the plot so well."

   "Who?" Su Qingyue was even more surprised.

   looked at Dongfang Jun.

   The latter was so shy, he scratched his head.

At this time, Xiaofang smiled and said: "Since Lord Snake fell in love, his whole person has changed. He has become very gentle. He listened to his wife at the company, and listened to his wife at home. He usually doesn't speak, anyway, he said something. It’s the same as nothing. The final interpretation rests with the wife."

   "Your wife?" Su Qingyue asked.

   I remembered the girl just now.

   At this time, Yang Jigang laughed and said, "It is estimated that she is the only one in this world who dares to challenge Lord Snake because of the plot."

   "Is it strong?" Su Qing asked in surprise.

   Thinking about the plot, Ying Zheng also mentioned just now that she is the chief plot designer.

   He said so, everyone was stunned.

   In the end, Ying Zheng said: "She is our core. The plot follows her. If she can determine the plot and follow up with various technical tasks, it will be very beautiful."

   "Is she the girl I saw just now? Picking me up?" Su Qingyue asked Dongfang Jun.

   "That's right." Dongfang Jun said, looking at Su Qingyue in surprise: "Don't you know?"

   "I know her?" Su Qingyue was even more surprised.

   "She is the original author of the Little Demon Immortal." Dongfang Jun said.

   "Huh? Guo Xiaohua?" Su Qingyue was taken aback for a moment. Because it is the legal affairs of the company who presides over the contract for this novel. He didn't care too much, he just glanced at the news one last time. I didn't pay attention to the girl, so I asked again: "But do I remember that she is not from Jiangsu and Zhejiang? How come she has a Sichuan-Shu accent. UU reading www.uukānshu.com"

   "You still have a good hand at Chuanma, and you have to fight with others to the end. Even people in the mathematics department like us can't be counted as her." Ying Zheng laughed and said: "I guess you will be finished!"

  Listen to everyone.

Dongfangjun couldn’t help holding her forehead and explained helplessly: “When she was in the United States, she didn’t go to school well. There were a few students from Sichuan and Shu in the class who called her to play mahjong every day. So she only learned mahjong and the Sichuan and Shu dialects. . Then just read novels..."

   As he said, Su Qingyue recalled the girl again.

   thinking that even Yingzheng and the others are very convinced by her plot.

   Amo is an absolute fan.

   I have seen it myself, it should be said that it is very immersive and absolutely fascinating.

   Thinking of this, he said: "Call her for dinner later, right?"

   Behind Xiaofang smiled and said, "Do you still want to call the chief sentimentalist? Can you still celebrate without the sentimentalist celebration party?"

   "Without a CTO mobilization meeting, can you still call a mobilization meeting?" Yang Jigang added.

   "Snake Lord who doesn't have a chief plotter, can he still live?" Ying Zheng added at the end.

   The whole meeting room burst into laughter instantly.


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