Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 539: :The secret recipe of Xiaomoxian

   The mobilization will be very successful that day.

   People were originally childhood dreams because of the Tokyo Game Show, and because of "Little Demon Fairy" itself. They firmly believe that this is a different Q version of the game. Its story line is touching, and people can't help but explore forward. Many developers even feel that this is no longer a game, but a life experience.

   Snake was going to make an exception and drink with Su Qingyue.

   But before the glass was picked up, Dong Xiaohua stopped it. She snatched Dongfang Jun's wine glass, and said loudly: "The ancients clouded the day of harvesting, and sweat dripped down the soil. President Su, Uncle Snake can't drink. Today, let's get drunk and rest."

   She spoke, she didn't give Su Qingyue a chance to speak at all.

   dries up a large glass of red wine in one bite.

   Dongfang Jun looked at and hurriedly persuaded him, and said: "It's okay, don't drink anymore."

   But it was too late, the next moment Dong Xiaohua was already stepping on the chair with one foot and on the table with one foot.

She held the wine glass and said loudly: "Uncle Snake! I like you! I like Uncle! Uncle Uncle I love you! Just like a mouse loves rice!" She said, regardless of other people's eyes, she said: " Brothers! Come! To me, Uncle Dongfang, and our son Yuan Er, cheers!"

   "For Yuan Er!!!"

   Everyone was also excited, shouting: "For Uncle Dongfang! For Tokyo Game Show! For Little Demon Fairy!!"

   Then they drank all the wine.

   Su Qingyue discovered that the Lin'an Company and the Beijing headquarters are very different.

   The brothers from Lin'an Company, they did not smirk and compete, and cheers desperately.

   Although they are all sincere hesitations.

   But the style of spelling wine is quite different.

   Lin'an prefers to toast together. At the same time they are not very fond of liquor.

   Most people cannot adapt. In the end they all changed to beer.

   The beer in the entire restaurant was completely drunk that night.

   The atmosphere of the entire mobilization meeting was also urged by Dong Xiaohua.

   She originally said she was going to perform magic tricks, but Dongfang Jun was so frightened that she hurriedly stopped her.

   Yingzheng smiled and said, "Guess what magic Xiaohua can do?"

   "What magic?" Su Qingyue asked.

   Dongfang Jun couldn't help holding his forehead and said, "Stop talking."

   Everyone was silent for an instant.

   But Dong Xiaohua said loudly at this time: "Great changes to underwear!"

   Then she started laughing wildly.

   Everyone looked at each other, and they all felt distressed for Dongfang Jun.

   After that, I entered the lottery.

   In addition to the gifts brought by Yue Lindao, there are also bonuses from the company itself. Su Qingyue and Dong Xiaohua's were added afterwards. The winning rate of the night skyrocketed. Everyone said that this is the draw with the highest winning rate they have ever seen. It seems that the company is really willing.

   However, there is no Dongfang Jun in the list of awards.

   "You don't have such a high rate of awards, don't you think about your character?" Dong Xiaohua said with a smile.

   followed her onto the stage and took the microphone from other colleagues.

   I clicked on "Nunchaku" by Dong Chou

   "Hurry up and use the nunchaku, hum haha, remember the lucky draw, hum haha."

   Dong Xiaohua said, twisting her body.

   The final mobilization meeting ended in her nunchaku.

   Before leaving, they embraced each other and strengthened their beliefs and goals.

   In fact, Su Qing knew that the mobilization meeting itself was a mobilized person.

   These people really have such a dream in their hearts.

In the evening, we walked back with Dongfangjun. The latter supported Su Qingyue and said, "Little Hua, a child with a very kind heart. He just likes to fool around. But believe me, she is absolutely the key to the progress and quality of the entire project. Sexual."

   "Well, I believe you." Su Qingyue nodded.

   Back to the hotel, she and Amou called.

   Speaking of Dong Xiaohua, Ah Mou smiled and vowed to see her. I hope she can arrange herself in the story.

   Soon the drunkenness came, and he said goodnight to Amo, and Su Qingyue finally fell asleep.

   There is no dream all night.

   The next morning, the sun shone into the house.

   Su Qingyue opened his eyes, only to realize that the curtains were not tightly closed yesterday.

   Looking at the watch, it is still the biological clock developed by Pingjing, and he got up on time at about 7:30.

   ate a simple breakfast in the restaurant on the second floor and left the hotel.

   across the road shaded by trees.

  Think about the densely packed office buildings of Pingjing.

   Not only does it have a wide view, the air is humid, and it is relaxing. At the same time, there is a pure texture.

   is like the Dongfangjun team.

   arrived at the unit and soon co-chaired a meeting with Dongfang Jun.

   is mainly to list all the detailed time plans of the project. And put forward a small version a week, small steps and fast iterations of the general direction. Throughout the meeting, Su Qingyue discovered that, just as Dongfang Jun said, Dong Xiaohua really injected something different into Lin'an's research and development.

   "A sense of power!" Su Qingyue summed it up.

   This is something he has never seen in the Dongfangjun team.

  Because the latter team is very simple from social experience to the view of the world.

   Of course it’s okay to be friends.

   is a huge obstacle to the development of games. Because the game faces consumers. The production of games is more than just an engine. Of course, it also includes the understanding of human nature and the understanding of characters. Because of the complexity of Dong Xiaohua's early years and a girl living independently overseas, she injected a pure vicissitudes of life into the entire game.

   makes this Q version of the game very tense.

   Su Qingyue even thinks that if "Little Demon Fairy" is compared to a dish, then Dong Xiaohua is the secret recipe of this dish.

   No wonder the entire R&D center allows him to mess around.

  People say that she is both magic and fairy. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

   now seems to make sense.

   Slowly, the speed of "Little Magic Fairy" gradually accelerated, and they kept releasing new versions.

   Su Qingyue was playing, acknowledging the gameplay, and the story is okay.

   But I always feel that something is wrong.

When discussing with Dongfangjun, he asked: "Will it be a music issue. I always feel that the music coordination is not very good. If the music can be re-adjusted, the rhythm should be fine." He said, With emotion: "It would be great if Huayang was here."

"We want to be together." Dongfang Jun laughed: "I also found a problem with music. I think that if Huayang is there, Huayang will tune for us. Or simply remake it for him. This problem will definitely be solved. ."

   "Didn't he make a game music studio?" Su Qingyue asked.

   "Yes, my question is do you agree to outsource music?" Dongfang Jun asked.

   "I believe in Huayang's strength." Su Qingyue said: "Let's find him quickly, we have no time."

   Other words, Huayang arrived a few days later.

   Su Qingyue knew that "Little Demon Fairy" was finally on the right track.


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