Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 542: : Cause

"Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave (!

This bar is good.

Surrounded by mountains and rivers, overlooking the West Lake reflecting the night lights.

Su Qingyue felt that in the areas he walked through, only a few cities such as Hengqin could achieve such a beautiful scenery, and there were man-made projects that did not violate peace. There is a place for leisure in the mountains, but it does not affect the brilliance of the historic sites. The more important thing is to take the downtown and the quiet overflow, both.

Clink glasses with Huayang.

Su Qingyue only drank beer this time. Recently, he likes the smell of malt, and occasionally orders some high-end beer. I only feel that the foam is rich and long after one mouthful, and the taste is indeed different from ordinary beer. He thought about it and sighed with emotion Dong Dongjun and Dong Xiaohua: "Master Snake has finally settled down."

Hua Yang also sighed with emotion: "It's not easy, it's not easy to get a wife." Then he said: "The key is that people like him stare at the computer every day, and the door is not going out. It's no different from a big girl. Sometimes. You can blush when you talk to a woman."

He said, lighting a cigarette.

He also said: "I complained to me for several months, saying that I have social phobia and can't speak when I see a girl." He said: "Unexpectedly a few months, I was not ashamed and shameless. Give it back to me. Called to tell their story. It's really a thing to lose one thing..."

He finished speaking and laughed.

He said a **** in his hometown, expressing his feelings for the great changes of Dongfang Jun, and also sincerely blessed him.

Su Qing laughed and clinked glasses with him.

After drinking a glass of Chinese wine, he said, "Brother, Xiao Yu, how about sister, how are you doing, do you have many contacts?"

"It's okay." Su Qingyue said: "I also left Hualuo well. I think she can indeed move with her ability." He said, looking at the sign on the bottle, he found that it was a bottle of Belgian beer. , Then said: "But it's a pity, she and the coach, everyone was very optimistic at that time."

"It's you guys, I don't like the boy, the handsome teacher." Hua Yang said at this time, with a sense of irritation in his tone, and then said: "This boy before I saw him, I thought he was not a good person. Well, I shouldn't believe her. Now it’s hard to find if you put yourself down."

At this point, Huayang sighed helplessly.

Su Qing faintly felt that something was wrong.

But he didn't interrupt.

He thinks that there must be a problem with the teacher and the commander.

It is difficult for outsiders to evaluate.

At this time, Hua Yang said: "Sometimes people are really inaccurate. It may be that you fall in love with someone because of a certain sentence of someone. Or if you collapse in one sentence, you just agree with your body." He said : "Guess why Dong Xiaohua likes Dongfang Jun so much?"

"It's definitely not because of the money."

Su Qingyue half hesitated to say.

Hua Yang laughed instantly and said: "How could it be because of the money. It is estimated that Dong Xiao's money from the family will not be spent in a few lifetimes." He said, and then: "The main styles of Dong Xiaohua and Dong Xiaohua's father are very similar. That's it. A purely technical man, pure and dreamy, and dare to realize it."

"Then what type do you like?" Su Qingyue asked.

Unexpectedly, Hua Yang hesitated for a moment, and then said for a long time: "Fazhen, I don't like Dong Xiaohua's type. It's too noisy." He said, shook his head: "I still like ladies, quieter. Like a good sister. That way, it’s actually pretty good."

As he said, Su Qing laughed more.

It was discovered that Huayang had some changes, and it was no longer like a prodigal son like before.

It seems that he has become more calm now.

The two continued to drink again, and did not return to the hotel until a little earlier.

Originally thinking of sending a message to Amu, he went to sleep. But when the message was sent, and just about to close his eyes, Amu called and asked, "How is your progress now?"

"The progress is getting faster and faster." He said, adding: "Now call Hua Yang over and reorganize the music. This time I think the overall style will be better." Su Qingyue said, stretching out on the bed. Waist, asked Amu about the situation these days.

"What else can I do? The car has arrived. It's either Dongshan or Sister Xiaoxuan who taught me these days." Amu said, "I am making super fast now." She laughed on the phone and said, "But this It's secondary. I want to tell you that I want to stay in Lin'an for a few days. Do you agree?"

"Lin'an?" Su Qingyue was startled.

"Yeah, can't it?" Amu paused on the phone, obviously drinking.

"You are gone, put Auntie aside, okay?" Su Qing laughed and sent a kind reminder: "Her old man is Pingjing who went to accompany you specially."

"It's okay. Dad is here too, and they stay there." Amu said.

Hearing what she said, Su Qingyue immediately agreed.

Then they talked about other things.

Su Qing faintly felt that there was something else about Amu's arrival in Lin'an.

She sometimes hid it deliberately, playing with herself.

Couples sometimes need something like this.

During this period in Lin'an, Su Qingyue's telephone bills soared. Because he reports his thoughts in addition to his work every day. Sometimes when talking about Dong Xiaohua and Dongfang Jun, A Mou will say that the heroine of "Little Devil" may be Dong Xiaohua herself.

Finally finalized the time.

The sooner Su Qing fell asleep.

There was no dream all night, and when he woke up at more than seven o'clock, he found himself full of energy.

Unlike in Pingjing, I feel heavy when I wake up.

I took a hot bath and ate breakfast.

The first thing you do when you arrive at the unit is to make tea.

Su Qingyue now drinks tea more and more frequently, as if he can't live without tea. Sitting on the seat, sipping the tea that Dongfang Jun brought him. Turn on the computer and start to see recent industry changes, the focus of the media. Although Zhou Ziyou had daily reports, he still felt that he had to read it himself.

He discovered that the Tokyo Game Show was approaching.

People's focus is returning to the product itself.

Some people said: "Now the products of various companies are stable, only Yuedao. I don't know if they can catch up after they have said so much. If they can't, who else can replace Yuedao. Forum for a while There was a lot of discussion.

Su Qing watched, always feeling that behind this wave of attacks against Yue Dao, someone was manipulating it.

But who it was, he couldn't say for sure.

I continued to look at the forum and found that the reaction here was significantly stronger. Someone even said: "What are these numbers, and Yuedao hasn't finished yet? Is it okay? If it doesn't work, I'll show you a way out and don't be embarrassed by going out. It's better to give more opportunities to new companies."

There are some similar comments in the following posts, U U Reading www. uukanshu.com made Su Qingyue very helpless.

It has been so long, and the controversy has not disappeared.

He thought, look at the product version schedule outlined on the calendar.

Su Qingyue feels that as long as Huayang's music effects keep up, the texture of the entire game will definitely be improved again.

Thinking of this, he stretched.

He drew a tick on the calendar, and he waited...

More than ten days later, "Little Demon Fairy" ushered in a major update of the version.

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