Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 545: : Shi Shuai

   Chapter 546

  I want to see the coach in the afternoon.

  I don’t know how he is now. Some people say that he and Wang Xi had a child and that he was still a boy.

  Before, the coach had returned to Pingjing several times, but because both sides had their own affairs, they did not see it.

  Good sister never mentioned him again.

  But it is said that if the teacher drinks too much, he will be called the wrong person.

  This will definitely embarrass Wang Xi.

  But what else could happen, Su Qingyue sighed helplessly at this point.

  There are not too many people in the restaurant at this time.

  He and Dongfang Jun walked in.

  Not so crowded.

  It’s just that the dishes are exquisite. After getting used to Pingjing, I feel a little uncomfortable coming here again.

   Ordered a Pianerchuan, a shredded radish terminal, and a green pepper egg, and sat down.

  Talk to Dongfang Jun while eating.

  Su Qingyue thought of meeting the coach, so he should be called Dongfangjun.

  Firstly, everyone is from Hualuo; secondly, they are all in Lin'an after all, so if something happens in the future, they can take care of each other. The recent version changes are coming to an end, the black box test has also been completed, there should not be many things about Snake Lord. Thinking of this, he asked Dongfang Jundao: "Is there anything going on this afternoon?"

  "What?" Dongfang Jun was startled.

Su Qingyue explained: "I have tea with the teacher in the afternoon, let's go together?" He said, "They are all old colleagues. I haven't seen each other for a long time, so they just got together." He laughed, took some dishes, and took a look. Outside the window, he sighed: "If you say it changes this day, it will change. It was still cloudy in the morning, but now the sky is clear."

   "Master?" Dongfang Jun asked again, followed by: "Hualuo brand marketing department?"

   "Yes, you two are not familiar, are you?" Su Qingyue said, "He is now in charge of public relations at Zhima Open. I heard them say that your colleagues in Hengqin used to give him the nickname "Kong Yiji"."

   "Oh...you said that, I know who it is, what good sister's boyfriend?" Dongfang Jun suddenly realized.

  Dongfang Jun is not good at communication, it is indeed impossible to remember so many names.

  Su Qingyue expressed understanding.

   But then he said: "It's not all right now, it's a girl named Wang Xi in our marketing department."

  Dongfang Jun nodded, and did not continue on this gossip topic.

After thinking for a moment, he said, "I don't want to go anymore, right?" He said, "I don't have much contact with people in the marketing department of Pingjing, and I don't know much. I haven't seen a few people with the coach..." He shook his head. : "I have forgotten what he looks like."

  Su Qing understands that programmers have a natural instinct to avoid unnecessary social interactions.

   Or fear of socializing.

  Su Qingyue fully understood, so he asked: "There is no contradiction between the two of you?"

   "Of course not, we don't know each other at all." Dongfang Jun replied.

Su Qingyue nodded at this time: "If you have no contradictions, let me just say one thing." He said, "I think you should go. You are all in Lin'an, and you are one of the founders of Yuedao. With the development of the company There will be more and more people here in Lin'an, and your work must not be limited to product development. Although most of the work is handled by administrative personnel, you still need to attend many important occasions. I agree not to participate in some A mess of useless social activities, but it can’t be completely rejected..."

  He said, Dongfang Jun was startled.

  Su Qingyue continued: "What did we see from Dong Xiaohua? What did we learn? Aside from your feelings, do you have any inspiration and awareness from work?"

  Dongfang Jun stopped talking, thoughtful.

Su Qingyue continued: "In fact, you are very clear in your heart that what Dong Xiaohua brings to the team is an understanding of human nature and an understanding of consumer psychology. Her experience and experience are necessary inspirations and supplements for pure R&D personnel. Many. People joked that you tolerate Dong Xiaohua's nonsense because of love, but I know what you think? Now that you realize it, why not do it? We need more than just Dong Xiaohua. There are other plans including you Personnel, we should also appropriately let them get in touch with the society, with more knowledge and experience, as long as it is controlled to a reasonable level."

It took a long time for Dongfang Jun to sigh with emotion and said: "At the time I started a business, Yang Jigang asked me this question." He laughed and said: "If Huayang had not introduced you to the truth, I was unwilling to talk to you at first. People from the marketing department deal with it."

  He said Su Qingyue was listening.

   "When I went to Pingjing before, I could avoid meeting, so I avoided meeting." Dongfang Jun said: "It's not disrespectful, I just don't think everyone can say together."

  These words he said, Su Qingyue thought it was normal.

  People who deal with machines every day will gradually form a natural coldness and will not adapt to talking to people.

   feels that everything is invalid.

  This habit is certainly possible as an ordinary employee.

  But as a project leader, the R&D center leader cannot.

  Thinking of this, he was about to speak.

   Dongfang Jun said again: “It’s mainly because I used to think that you are marketers who are always blunt.” He explained with a smile, “I’m not talking about you, I’m talking about my previous views.”

   "I understand." Su Qingyue nodded.

Dongfang Jun laughed and said: "But you mentioned this matter today, I think it should really be taken seriously." He said, looking very serious: "I will go with you this afternoon. I don't want to see any coach, yes. I think the reasoning behind it is right..."

   "OK." Su Qingyue returned.

  They continue to eat again.

  The noon sun, like a ball of fire, scorches the whole land.

  The sun has been shining through the windows, and the seats are so hot that the seats next to the windows are all empty.

  Not a little bit, Su Qingyue returned to the office.

  Drank some tea.

  Think about the teacher, I am very curious about his current state.

  Now, they are the Three Musketeers in Wenwen, and only the coach has left Pingjing.

  It is obvious that everyone gathers less frequently than before.

  At two o'clock in the afternoon, it was almost time to watch.

  He and Dongfang Jun set off and went to the place agreed with the coach.

  Driving a car on the road, enjoying the roadside scenery.

Dongfang Jun said to him: "You can also consider buying a house in Lin'an when you look back. Both here and Hengqin are very relaxing and comfortable. However, there are typhoons in Hengqin every year, and Lin'an is not so serious. The weather is relatively mild throughout the year. They are also more casual."

He says.

  Su Qingyue nodded.

  During the time he came, he also had a deep understanding.

  The car drove forward.

   Soon after driving into the West Lake Scenic Area, he went up the mountain.

  The place agreed with the coach is on the mountainside, a tea house overlooking the West Lake.

  Because the weather is too hot, no one sits on the tables and chairs outside.

  They walked into the house.

  I saw Ah Mou and Shi Shuai from a distance.

  Say hello immediately.

The coach said with a smile: "General Su, if it weren't your big reporter, I don't know you are in Lin'an, it's too interesting!" He said, laughed, and shook hands with Dongfang Jun: "Snake Lord, it's been a long time. How's it going? Are you busy lately?"

  "Closed development under the leadership of the leader, it is not busy or busy." Dongfang Jun smiled back.

   Facing strangers, UU reading www. uukanshu.com he seems a little stiff.

  But overall it's okay.

  At this time, the teacher said again: "To tell the truth, if it were not for media reports, I would never have thought how Qingyue bought you."

  He said with a smile.

  Su Qingyue noticed that the tea house was not big.

  The main teas are West Lake Longjing and Jiuqu Hongmei.

  Shishuai introduced it, and they knew that it was opened by a former colleague of his.

Shi Shuai said: "When you need it later, I'll express it to you. Now the logistics is very convenient." He said: "From Lin'an to you, it is estimated to arrive the next day. Their home also opened an online store with us, and sales It's pretty good now."

  He said, Ah Mou added a few more words and talked about what he had seen in the interview.

  Su Qingyue feels that there are some changes in the coaching commander.

   seems to be a little tired, eyes flicker when speaking.

  I don’t know what happened, and then they talked again.

  (End of this chapter)

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