Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 552: :Tokyo

   They set off a week later.

   In addition to Zhou Ziyou, there are also several staff responsible for coordination. In terms of R&D, Dongfangjun and others set off separately from Jianghai. In addition, the relevant people thanked by the media, due to travel abroad, involving specific personnel, air tickets, hotels, passports, visas, time coordination of various media, etc., so the administrative unified organization and arrangement, and later to Tokyo to meet with them.

   On the highway to the airport, everyone is very excited. Zhou Ziyou smiled and said: "This is one of my dreams when I was young, and I didn't expect it to be realized." He said, "Let's go, and visit their animation company, right?"

   "Well, I'm going." Su Qingyue nodded. For him, animation is also an indispensable part of big entertainment.

Guan Pengpeng next to    said, "I finally got a chance to shoot in Tokyo Street. It's so handsome!"

   Listening to everyone's discussion, it seems that everyone has gone crazy these days. Last night, Amo told him that she was going to see the company of the Flower Fairy; Liu Hao even told him the day before that he could play Kabukicho at night. According to Hao Paopao, actors can be arranged for everyone.

   Japanese animation and related culture have always led the international trend. From production to how the market chain works, Su Qingyue reminded himself to look more and learn more, maybe he will open up new ideas.

   He thought, there was a traffic jam on the road.

   He looked at his watch, time is a little tight.

   In addition to Yuedao's own team this time, the Falcon will also set off with them. Previously, Zhou Yang specifically instructed Xiao Yu to contact Yue Dao, hoping to set off together. Since everyone is a key promotion project of the industry association, it is necessary to communicate in advance, so they booked the same flight and the same hotel.

   On the way to the airport, Su Qingyue looked out the window.

   When they arrived at the airport, it was already 2:30 in the afternoon. They went through the check-in and boarding procedures, and as soon as they left the customs, they saw Xiao Yu and Zhou Yang and his party.

   "Brother Yue." Xiao Yu smiled.

   She wore a capable female professional skirt today. With Zhou Yang, who is casual around him, his professional characteristics and relationships are very obvious. Su Qingyue greeted her with a smile, and shook hands with Zhou Yang. Zhou Yang nodded slightly, and said casually: "Long time no see."

   "Yes." Su Qing replied, don't know why, he always felt a sense of distance from Zhou Yang, which was very different from meeting other colleagues or bosses.

   "Let's get together in Tokyo this time." Zhou Yang said again, "I know a few places." When he said this, he didn't smile, just introduced it calmly. This is very different from Liu Hao, who is overwhelmed with joy.

  I think of Xiao Yu's saying that Zhou Yang's brain is like a computer, skilled in various calculations. Every word and every action he has has a unique purpose.

   Su Qingyue politely replied: "Okay."

   They talked and walked in.

   Zhou Yang wore an invisible grey plaid shirt and a pair of jeans. Low-key and unassuming.

   watches are Patek Philippe's super complication timepiece series. But wearing it on Zhou Yang's hand, there is no sense of violation. Ordinary is like a pen, a wallet...

  Walking to the VIP lounge, Su Qingyue and Zhou Yang entered. Xiao Yu and the others went to the waiting hall.

  Because they arrived late, they had just sat in the waiting room for more than ten minutes, and the waiter informed them that they could board the plane. The two got up, under the guidance of the service staff, boarded the plane and found their place to sit down. Su Qingyue noticed that he and Zhou Yang were separated by an aisle. There is a distance between the two, but it does not affect the conversation. This is also specially arranged by Xiao Yu.

   First-class seats are spacious and comfortable. Su Qingyue adjusted the angle slightly to allow himself to sit more casually.

An airline’s announcement came in my ears: "Ladies and gentlemen, you are welcome to take the Star Alliance member Air China flight to Tokyo. Thank you very much for your long-term support and trust in Air China. Thank you for your long-term support and trust in Air China. Invite more passengers to join Air China's frequent flyer program. The door is closed. Please turn off your mobile phones and other electronic devices..."

   looked out the window, the plane began to roar. Su Qingyue sent a message to Amu: You are on the plane, send me a message. Then he turned off the phone and looked out the window. The behemoth was driving up the runway little by little. Then it starts to accelerate, and then accelerates again. Sitting on the seat, Su Qingyue clearly felt the push-back sensation he brought.

   He watched the buildings on the ground gradually become smaller. The plane was heading up and rising continuously. The speed seemed to become very slow, and the more Su Qing unconsciously went to look at the engine. At this time, Zhou Yang shook his head a little, turned his gaze to him, and complained: "Why is this take off today?" When he said this, he was still calm and his tone of voice did not change much.

   "A bit." Su Qingyue looked at him.

"However, this pilot is also a bit fierce." He said, explaining to Su Qingyue: "Normal civil aviation pilots will rise for a while after taking off, then relax for a while and then continue upward. This guy is not, it means he wants to breathe a sigh of relief. Climb to the stratosphere."

   Hearing his complaint, Su Qing laughed.

Then Zhou Yang said, "When I buy a private jet, you can fly by me. In the past few years, I have driven a lot from the simulation to the real machine." He said, "Qingyue, you can do it now, too." Learn first."

   "Yeah." Su Qingyue nodded and said, "I have taken relevant courses."

   "Huh? What university can you study this kind of course?" Zhou Yang asked.

"I graduated from the University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, but I studied economics. In our school, no matter what department, there is a compulsory course "Introduction to Aerospace", and there are more related elective courses..." Su Qingyue smiled. The plane continued to rise. The ground gradually disappeared, and white clouds appeared, matched with the blue sky, looking like white hills in anime.

   When he said so, Zhou Yang suddenly realized and nodded. They talked about other things for a while.

   The plane finally stabilized. Zhou Yang asked the flight attendant for a glass of red wine, and then asked Su Qingyue: "Would you like a glass? The service they just launched. Although the wine is very ordinary, it is better than nothing." He said, Su Qingyue nodded and agreed to have a glass.

   Pour the wine~www.readwn.com~ They took a sip, and Su Qingyue admitted that the taste of this wine is indeed average.

   But there is really nothing else on the plane. Zhou Yang leaned over at this time and suddenly asked, "By the way, Qingyue, do you know? We have formally sued Zhengshang.com."

   "There are news reports, I read them." Su Qingyue replied.

"It's really too much. I have given enough face." He said: "The initiative you launched before against vulgar competition is too right. This time it's not just me and him, but it's also my help to my brothers. "He said, his tone still calm.

  Looking at Zhou Yang's appearance, he heard his name as brother.

   Su Qingyue always finds it strange.

But I still followed up: "Thank you for your kindness, but I think the most important thing about this is that if what the news says is true, then you are indeed understandable in order to protect your own interests." He said, again Remembering what Xiao Yu said, Zhou Yang is a computer. Raising the wine glass, smiled and said, "I wish you success."

   Zhou Yang's complexion remained the same, and he raised his glass and said, "Let's go out to Tokyo and have fun together."

   he said, and then they clinked glasses.

   The plane continued to fly, Su Qingyue looked out the window.

   Blue sky and white clouds.


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