Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 554: :be careful

Zhou Yang did not go to the video game exhibition site with him.

He said that he was too far away and had to return to Chiba County, so he only asked Xiao Yu to check his work on his behalf. Before leaving, he shook hands with Su Qingyue and invited him to drink at the izakaya next to the hotel in the evening. The tone was still flat, but this time Su Qingyue felt that Zhou Yang's calm was a feeling of overlooking sentient beings.

Without thinking about it, I agreed.

He and Xiao Yu got on the car and went to the exhibition site.

Xiao Yu in the car said, "Brother Yue, Jay Chou is a computer. He has his own purpose in everything he does, and his calculations are very clear..." She said, looking at Su Qingyue: "When I need your help, I ask you. I will face you and greet others with a smile; when I don’t need you, I will ignore you and turn my back to you."

Realizing that Xiao Yu was reminding himself, Su Qingyue nodded, remembering that he was on the plane, and tried to talk about Zhengshang. Su Qingyue smiled helplessly, talking to himself, and also said to Xiao Yu: "I didn't expect people like him to also like to socialize."

"Nor." Xiao Yu said: "He cares about everything related to his own interests." She said, thinking about it, and then said: "He said to me, "Falcons are used to overlooking ground prey at high altitude and launching surprise attacks at any time. . He said that the same is true for Falcons. It is necessary to learn to look at things from a high level. This is what Zhou Yang often said. "

She said so.

Su Qing realized that Zhou Yang was willing to do this because he must have seen some benefits.

Said a word of thanks to Xiao Yu.

Su Qingyue thought about how to deal with Zhou Yang. The car continued to move forward. They sat in the back seat and continued to talk about other things. Soon after leaving the city of Tokyo, and then out of the beautiful suburbs, gradually the houses on both sides became sparse.

After dozens of minutes, the car finally arrived in Chiba Prefecture. Thinking of the introduction in the manual, Su Qingyue told Xiao Yu: “There are also Disneyland and Mitsui Outlet Mall here. You can come here to stroll around during the gap of the exhibition.” He said, thinking that when the exhibition is over, you can do it yourself. Come with Amu.

They chatted, and before they knew it, the Makuhari Pavilion had arrived.

This is an exhibition center second only to the Tokyo Big Sight. According to the information that Su Qingyue saw before, the land of Makuhari did not exist in the 1980s. It was only after the land was reclaimed from the sea that there was an extension of Tokyo Bay in Chiba Prefecture.

It is not only responsible for the Tokyo Game Show, but also the venue of JumpFesta Animation Game Show. In addition, large-scale events including the Tokyo Motor Show are also held here.

After getting out of the car, the two walked inside.

Su Qingyue noticed the elevated sky corridors and exquisite pedestrian passages around him. The roads were wide, as if he had entered a brand-new two-dimensional science fiction world.

When approaching the entrance of the exhibition hall, I saw a huge tall figure standing on the square, overlooking all the surrounding buildings. A huge display board, and workers are putting up a game advertisement.

They showed their credentials to the security, and the two walked into the exhibition hall.

Although it is an exhibition second only to E3, it feels that the exhibition hall is not as big as Jianghai, and the scale is far less than Gameyoung's grand. However, Su Qingyue knows that because of their long history of exhibitions, they have held many sessions, so the various activities, performances, and media reports of the exhibition are very mature, influential, and highly internationalized.

Looking at the passing booths, they are basically covered with cloth. Su Qingyue knew that everyone was intensively preparing. He saw from the outside that the names of the booths were all international big names, from Ubisoft to EA, Blizzard, and local Sega, Nintendo and Sony.

A joint exhibition of Chinese national game boutiques, in another exhibition hall. They walked over, and Zhou Ziyou stepped forward to say hello when he saw him coming: "Boss, our game is here, I saw the position is OK." He pointed his finger behind him, and greeted Xiao Yu again: "Sister Yu. "

Following the direction of Zhou Ziyou's finger.

Su Qingyue noticed the location and display content of "Little Demon Fairy". It should be said that it still highlights the characteristics of the product, although it cannot be compared with the stand-alone booth of "The Great World of Martial Arts". However, because it is a joint exhibition, the comprehensive booth of the industry sector has such a good position and proportion.

Xiao Yu also checked the related demonstration of the Falcon at this time.

After confirming that there was no problem, and it was even more exciting, Xiao Yu nodded to Su Qingyue.

They were talking, Jiang Zhengshang and Chen Feng also walked in. The atmosphere on the entire platform was a bit awkward for an instant. Xiao Yu evaded instinctively, and wanted to leave, so he tentatively asked Su Qingyue: "Brother Yue, how about it? If possible, shall we go?"

Understand that she doesn't want to care about Jiang Zhengshang.

Su Qingyue had to agree, and chatted with Chen Feng for a while, and the two were about to go out.

Jiang Zhengshang was left frozen, looking at them, keeping silent, clenching his fists.

Several people came to meet them at this time. One of them made Su Qing more stunned and called out his name: "Mr. Choi Seung Woo?" He said, and immediately remembered that this was his Korean friend. They got acquainted with each other at Gameyoung, and they met in Pingjing for "Overlord Drunk".

They both recognized each other. Cui Chengyou remained unchanged, still wearing a suit and tie.

Everyone greeted each other and shook hands and greeted each other. Su Qingyue noticed that it was Liu Hao and their colorful employees who followed Cui Chengyou. Both of them were curious about the relationship between each other and Choi Seung-woo, so they briefly introduced each other. Only then did Su Qingyue learn that Liu Hao had acted for Cui Chengyou's game.

"Since you all know each other and are good friends." Cui Chengyou said, "Then Mr. Liu, can I invite Mr. Su to our reception tomorrow? Mr. Su is my earliest friend in the mainland. If he participates, I will very happy."

"Mr. Cui, don't worry about UU reading www.uukanshu.com. He promised me a long time ago." Liu Hao said with a smile.

"Have you talked to Mr. Su?" Cui Chengyou asked curiously.

"Yes, President Su has a better relationship with me than with you." Liu Hao explained with a smile.

Cui Chengyou suddenly realized that Liu Hao and Su Qingyue knew each other very well.

He was very happy about it, laughed, and even said a few good things. He also said that he expected Su Qingyue to come to the reception tomorrow.

Shaking hands again, Su Qingyue and Xiao Yu left.

After getting in the car, Dongfangjun sent a message saying that he had arrived. Only then did Su Qingyue relax, the team is all there, and the rest is to work step by step. He thought, and got into the car with Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu said that Zhou Yang asked them to go to the izakaya next to the hotel, and the specific address had already been sent.

Su Qingyue felt that since he had agreed, he would "just come, then settle for peace."

They then walked back and went to the izakaya Zhou Yang said.

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