Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 556: :purpose

"Qingyue, I think the chaos in our industry requires legal restraint on the one hand, and on the other hand, it also requires influential people like you to come out and actively advocate. Standing on a moral high ground, the entire industry has a basic consensus. ." Zhou Yang said.

At this moment, he was sitting opposite Su Qingyue, his face looked excited, but his voice was still very flat. It's a bit like a robot that only learns facial expressions but not voices. It feels a bit fake. Following him, I used to say to Xiao Yuchang: "Our new industry needs most responsible young people like you."

He said, Xiao Yu was startled, although he didn't answer, he still kept smiling.

I remember a few hours ago, Xiao Yu said that Zhou Yang was a computer. When I need your help, I will face you and greet others with a smile. Su Qing understood that Zhou Yang believed that he needed himself in dealing with Jiang Zhengshang.

After thinking for a moment, Su Qingyue tactfully rebuffed: "The proposal cannot solve the problem, and fundamentally it depends on the law."

"So we sued Zhengshang.com. I told you about this." Zhou Yang smiled, pretending to not understand the subtext in front of Su Qingyue, and said: "This is not enough. I just said that we need an industry-recognized company. Responsible people, people recognized by everyone, put forward initiatives to oppose this kind of chaos in the industry."

Realizing that Zhou Yang wouldn't let it go if he didn't pull himself into the water. Su Qingyue understood that he wanted to use himself as a gun, and cooperated with him to attack Zhengshang Network on the basis of reputation. Thus occupying the height of morality, industry and law.

But in this case, Jiang Zhengshang will hate himself even more.

Their conflicts will be out of control.

And this is not what Su Qingyue wants to see.

He is not afraid of Zhengshang Network. Because even if the Zhengshang network goes down, Yuedao cannot be achieved.

Of course, if your company's interests are harmed, that's another matter.

A company still has to rely on its own products to speak.

As for Zhou Yang, according to Xiao Yu, he would not care about the consequences.

Thinking of this, he said to Zhou Yang: “The chaos in the industry is the chaos in the industry. Moral condemnation should be based on solid evidence. And after the law has been affirmed, a meaningful proposal should be made. To supervise and urge the progress of the entire industry."

"But I think the two can be done at the same time." Zhou Yang said, looking at Su Qingyue, and then said: "For such people and companies, there is no need to have any pity. Who in the industry does not know the situation of "Fengshen World" back then, If it weren't for you, could he have today? What did he do to you in the end?"

See him complaining about himself, his tone of indignation.

Su Qingyue was a little tired, and decided to reject it bluntly, saying: "Dong Zhou, you and Jiang Zhengshang, I really don't know the reason, and it is not suitable to participate in it." He said, "As for me and his personal affairs. The grievances are actually rendered by the media."

He said, raising his glass.

Zhou Yang was startled, his face a little stiff.

Su Qingyue said again: "Thank you, Jay Chou, for the hospitality."

As he spoke, Zhou Yang came back to his senses.

Looking at Su Qingyue, he smiled and said, "It's okay. No matter what, we are all familiar with it." He said, "We will be brothers in the future. You can come out for a drink if you have nothing to do. You don't have to talk about business." He said and laughed. He raised the cup and clinked with Su Qingyue: "It's nice to meet brothers."

"Me too." Su Qingyue replied politely.

They talked and continued. During this period, the female boss never came up again. Zhou Yang looked at his watch midway and said about himself and Fujiwara, and then took the latter to leave. Su Qingyue and Xiao Yu were left behind, and they were in the private room. Xiao Yu was a little drunk after drinking a glass of whiskey, and his face turned red.

Wait until Zhou Yang leaves.

Xiao Yu and Su Qingyue whispered: "Brother Yue, I don't think Jay Chou will finish the calculation. He will definitely think of a solution."

Su Qingyue nodded and replied: "It's okay..." He said, then looked at Xiao Yu, and said: "Actually, I know Zhou Yang's thoughts very well, and he won't just forget it. Like you said, he calculated it. Very clear. First of all, Jiang Zhengshang and I are very clear about the conflicts and struggles; secondly, my industry influence is not bad, especially the recent channel operations and media reports.

He said that after taking a bite, he said: "Again, the previous health game statement and anti-malicious competition initiative are more recognized from the official to the terminal. Zhou Yang thinks I have a skill pack and methodology for handling such topics; Also, even if I came out, there would be more talk and talk. What's more, with Jiang’s temper, once something happens, it will inevitably turn the contradiction to Yue Dao. After all, commercial wars sometimes need to be "famous as a teacher"..." He said: "Thinking really well, but I can't do this."

He said, Xiao Yu also picked up the cup: "Brother Yue, don't worry. In any case, as long as Jiang Zhengshang has nothing to do, I will not spare him."

Without saying more, the two clinked their glasses and drank them in one fell swoop.

Putting down the glass, the remaining aroma of the whiskey is still in the mouth. I remembered that Xiao Yu had hinted that she had evidence of Jiang Zhengshang. Su Qingyue felt that there was a flame in her heart that could not be suppressed. There seems to be an urge to sacrifice oneself to prove something. I don't want the situation to develop to that point.

In the end, he told: "Xiaoyu, life is to ask for life, not to ask for death. To lose both sides is an injustice to himself and his family..."

"Well, I know." Xiao Yu nodded seriously.

They chatted for a while about the arrangements for the past few days.

When the phone rang, Su Qing looked over and found that it was Ah Mou's number.

He picked up, and Ah Mu's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Mr. Su, do you have a place for me to live? If not, I'm going to squeeze with them. In fact, the environment is okay, but it's a bit small ." She said, with a sense of ridicule.

Knowing that she had landed safely, Su Qingyue was relieved and told her the address.

I spoke to her again and hung up.

When I left, I said hello to the female boss, who smiled and nodded and sent them out the door. Then asked Xiao Yu: "I'm too busy, I don't have time to accompany you, so sorry." She said, and suddenly asked: "I was busy just now, and I didn't see Yang Yang. He left with that Fujiwara, right? ?"

Xiao Yu nodded.

For a moment, the woman's eyes sank, but she returned to normal in an instant.

He said to Xiao Yu again: "Thanks."

Leaving with Xiao Yu and back to the hotel.

They are separated on their respective floors.

Ah Mou arrived at half past ten and asked her as soon as she entered the room, "Brother Su, thank you for inviting the media to Tokyo in advance, otherwise Jiang Zhengshang will act." She said, and said, "He invited a lot of young people this time. The media came to Tokyo and wanted to build momentum. Who knows what will happen next."

"That's his own business. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" Su Qing smiled and looked at Amou.

I talked about seeing Zhou Yang tonight, and said that he didn't want to mix it up, but just wanted to make "Little Devil Xian" a good one.

A Mou nodded and turned back: "But I have interviewed Zhou Yang, and I think he is a person who can't stop until he reaches his goal." He said, "Brother Su, you still have to be more careful."

"It's okay, can he force me to do what?" Su Qing laughed more, and actually said a dialect that didn't belong to Nandu. But suddenly I felt that it was really dangerous, so he added: "Be careful, too."

As they said, they opened a bottle of Japanese whiskey in the room.

Ami opened his eyes and asked, "Brother Su, where do you think this Hepingjing is hot?"

Su Qingyue smiled and said, "The temperature here is still higher."

They talked and put down their wine glasses.

The neon lights outside the window flickered, and the night was pleasant.

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