Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 559: : New Horizons

"In fact, we think that our cooperation with Qicai Company and Mr. Liu Tianjun is not a simple game cooperation, but to improve the layout of our product market. They complement each other, and it is also our Nicesoft becoming the largest game company in Korea. One of the reasons."

Listening to Li Huandou, I think of the recent changes in the domestic game giants. Companies such as Shengshi Tiancheng are no longer satisfied with MMORPG games. They began to enter the markets such as training, sports, and shooting on a large scale. Su Qingyue realized that big companies are not just talking about a certain game, but a product layout.

As Li Huandou said: "They complement each other."

However, most domestic manufacturers have not yet seen this trend. Su Qingyue felt that the company's layout should not be confined to agency or R&D, domestic or foreign. In fact, it should be expanded within the capacity to form a larger closed loop of users. He believes that this is also the difference between giants and small companies.

The reporter found that Li Huandou had a more accurate grasp of the game industry.

So kept asking him questions.

He answered patiently.

The more Su Qing listened, the more he felt that there was a problem with his previous strategy. Recalling these few times and the team, every time they ran into the arena, panicked. Although the victory was finally won, you can ask yourself, can this kind of victory last? What if something goes wrong with a product?

At the next moment, Su Qingyue realized that a product has a long process from subject matter, research and development to distribution. As a result, the company has obvious project characteristics, high risks, fewer opportunities for trial and error by the market and operation teams, and a long time vacant for the issuance team, resulting in a waste of resources and increased risks for the company. It is very dangerous to maintain such a situation for a long time.

Realizing this, he felt that this was his biggest gain today.

Then everyone went on.

Some reporters didn't want to talk about the game, so they asked Liu Tianjun and his team's achievements and plans for the future. As soon as the latter heard this, he became very interested and said: "I love to hear you talk about football. Let me tell you, there is nothing great about the league championship. If we want to fight, we will fight for the championship of the AFC Champions League."

Everyone was shocked when he released such a rhetoric.

Then, he broke his fingers to show everyone the situation of each team and the comparison of strengths. He also said: "You will find that our team is very good when you compare them. And I will buy more people to build Asia's galaxy." He said, I forgot that today's theme is not football, but blocks. basketball.

After he finished speaking, the host soon announced free activities.

Everyone then gathered together three or five confidantes and chatted with each other.

Some media people who love football still surround Liu Tianjun and listen to him talking about football.

At this time, Cui Chengyou was holding a glass of red wine, and his chairman Li Huandou walked towards Su Qingyue and smiled: "Mr. Su, we had a goodbye in Pingjing last time. It's been a long time since I saw you. I don't know you started a business , Otherwise our cooperation can start sooner."

"It doesn't matter, there is a chance." Su Qingyue smiled back and nodded to Li Huandou.

What did the latter say to Choi Seung-woo? Cui Yushi translated: "Our president thinks that Mr. Su, you are young and promising. Such a person is rare today. He hopes that one day, he can cooperate with you."

"Of course." Su Qingyue nodded politely.

Cui Chengyou helped him translate and toasted with them.

Take a sip.

I have to say that Qicai is strong, and the wines selected for such a big reception are very high-end.

It can be seen that the cost is high.

At this time, Li Huandou said something to Choi Seungyou again.

The latter nodded, and then translated to Su Qingyue: "Mr. Su, our president is very interested in your game." He said, referring to "Little Devil", and said: "He thinks this The product is excellent from the initial packaging positioning, graphics rendering, video creativity, the value in the trial play, and the user's sense of purpose."

"Thank you for the compliment." Su Qingyue nodded and said thank you in English, which was regarded as a response to the other party.

Li Huandou nodded immediately.

He smiled, and his entire eyes were almost gone.

I think these compliments are too vain. At this time, after listening to what Li Huandou said, Cui Chengyou translated for him: "Our president wants me to talk to you about "Little Devil". He is very interested in this game. I don’t know if Mr. Su is interested in adding " The agency rights of "Little Demon Fairy" in South Korea are handed over to us."

As he spoke, Su Qing was startled.

Because of the current domestic online games, it is rare to see reverse landing operations in South Korea.

At this time, Cui Chengyou said again: "If Mr. Su thinks it's okay, then we can create a history together. Let "Little Devil" become the most popular overseas game in the history of your domestic games." He said, and said: "Just now You also understand our strength."

"Of course." Su Qingyue nodded.

At this time, Li Huandou and Cui Seungyou spoke for a while.

The latter translated: "Mr. Su, our president would like to ask you if you can reach a gentleman agreement with him. First give us the agency of "Little Devil", and when we go back, we will discuss the specific conditions and signing. Can you see the specific contract?"

Unexpectedly, "Little Devil" might become the first domestic online game to land in overseas markets.

Su Qingyue certainly hopes that it can operate well.

So shook hands with Li Huandou, and everyone only made a gentleman agreement.

Through the conversation with Li Huandou, Su Qing gradually saw why they were interested in "Little Demon Fairy". Realize that the product positioning, specific gameplay and technical performance of the "Little Devil Fairy" category have supplemented the vacancy of their big players in the female game market.

Su Qingyue said that he could understand this. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

The so-called praise of oneself, in fact, is not because of oneself at all, but because of the product.

Through the chat, Su Qingyue discovered that Nicesoft is implementing a matrix strategy. On the one hand, it is research and development, adopting a multi-product strategy; on the other hand, there are agents, working in many ways, and even looking for partners in multiple regions. "Little Magic Fairy" actually complements their company and has no shortcomings of feminine games.

I am very satisfied with my trip today.

After a while, the reception was over.

Amu walked to Su Qingyue's side and accompanied him.

Liu Hao started to greet people to go to Kabukicho together.

Originally, he was going to greet Su Qingyue, but looking at Amu, he didn't dare to do so. Just said: "Brother, it's really not that I don't help you. You say that you are a big reporter, we can't afford it. Then write us a little, we will be in trouble." He said, laughing: "You go back to the hotel. , Wash and sleep..."

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